No one could believe what was happening in front of them, but it did happen.

Without urging any treasure art, without any magical blessings, it was an unpretentious punch of the flesh that directly burst the pure-blooded foxy head.

The Exploding Demon Ape and the Hell Bull Demon, who were running halfway, braked sharply, and then knelt directly.

If they can talk, they will definitely yell “monster”.

Who is the beast?

In their opinion, Shi Chen was clearly a humanoid ferocious beast, or a ferocious beast that was even more ferocious than the adult Taikoo royal clan.

“This fox has just died, there is no news about the power of runes in the true blood and treasure bones, you guys quickly bring it back to the village.”

Shi Chen clapped his hands and said with a flat face to everyone in the deserted village who were already frightened.

The moon-white feather coat he was wearing was a superb treasure, with the power of runes flowing on the surface, and there was no trace of blood, and the fierceness of the battle could not be seen at all.

Shi Dameng only reacted when he heard this, and immediately showed excitement, directing everyone to lift the foxy corpse.

Shi Chen turned his head to look at the Bursting Ape and the Hell Bull Demon, and ordered, “You two also return to the mountain, in a few days, there will be a great change in the mountain, and you will come to the deserted village to find me at that time.” ”

The Bursting Ape and the Hell Bull Demon understood Shi Chen’s meaning, saluted, and then ran back to the depths of the mountain forest without looking back.

In the following period, the deserted village became busier than ever.

After getting the pure-blooded blood, the last ingredients that Danfang needed were assembled, and soon it was time for the medicinal bath.

As the materials in dozens of clay pots were poured into the ding, the water in the ancient ding quickly became colorful, whether it was the power of surging runes, turning into various poisonous insects, strange little beasts, each very peculiar, such as golden snakes, flying silver spiders and so on.

Those little fart children brought by their respective parents turned pale with fright when they saw this scene, so many poisonous insects were densely packed, who dared to enter inside?

“Dismember the cunning and inject its blood into the ding!”

The old village chief saw that the great medicine in Ding was almost refined, and immediately gave an order and asked the villagers to bring the foxy corpse.

But what follows is the category of everyone.

Although the fox is dead, there is still a layer of runic power to protect the corpse, and the whole body is like gold watering, and ordinary iron axes cannot be cut at all.

Shi Dameng led everyone to busy for a long time, only cutting a small opening, and couldn’t help but look at each other, helpless.

Fortunately, at this time, Xiao Budian occupied 963, and the emerald green ribbon on his wrist flashed, turning into a small sword that he held in his hand, and dismembered the fox in three or two strokes along the crack.

Everyone learned that this emerald green ribbon was given by Shi Chen to Shi Hao, and they couldn’t help but be surprised.

Although the fox died, but the true blood still had the spirit charm, condensed but not dispersed, the old village chief immediately commanded everyone to use silver to pack the real blood, and then personally took out the heart of the foxy with a jade knife.

This heart was half the size of a house, pale gold, exuding unparalleled divinity, and when everyone moved, they trembled slightly, attracting a rain of golden light.

Where had the villagers seen such a miraculous sight, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes, and they really couldn’t believe that such a terrifying fox was killed by Shi Chen’s punch.

As all parts of the fox were thrown into the Gu Ding, a pure qi and blood power suddenly spread, and the beasts on the Ding wall seemed to be about to be resurrected, manifesting virtual shadows and emitting bursts of beast roars.

The water in the ding has turned golden, exuding a rich aroma.

Seeing this, the old village chief nodded slightly, and said seriously: “Continue to boil, boil into a big medicine, the children in the village are ready, ready to enter the ding.” ”

As a village in the wilderness, medicinal baths are commonplace, but it is the first time that such a terrifying medicinal bath has been seen, and all the children look at each other, and no one dares to be the first to stand up.

In the end, it was still the young Shi Hao who volunteered and directly plunged into Guding.

The fire boiled the medicine, and the water in the ding was boiling, and everyone showed an unbearable look, but Xiao Budian cried out happily.

His accumulation has long been to the extreme, and breaking through to the Blood Moving Realm requires consuming a lot of qi and blood, and the qi and blood in Guding at this time are just in the snow.

The rich power of qi and blood in that Guding also seemed to have found a catharsis, frantically pouring into Shi Hao’s body, making his qi and blood more and more prosperous.

“Primordial breathing!”

Shi Hao took the breathing method that Shi Chen had taught him to heart, and immediately ran the heart technique, re-polishing all the qi and blood into his own flesh and blood.

I don’t know how long it took, Shi Hao suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long whistle.

An extremely strong force burst out from him, and it was when he stepped into the Blood Moving Realm, his qi and blood increased several times.

“Another demon, the primeval era is gone, and the brothers are both demons.”

Liu Xian felt Xiao Budian’s qi and blood, and couldn’t help but secretly scream, this strength has far exceeded the cub of the pure-blooded primeval fierce beast.

At this time, there was also a change in Gu Dingzhong, and a large amount of qi and blood converged, forming a mini fox, and it flew towards Shi Hao with its teeth and claws.

The elder of the old village exclaimed: “It’s not good, this is the imprint fragment left in the true blood of the Foxy Ancestor, which has turned into the divine source of this relic in front of you, which is a great harm to Xiao Budian.” ”

Liu Xian, who was supervising on the side, also raised his spirit, and the only wicker flicked, and he was about to strike.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, the talisman hanging on Shi Hao’s neck suddenly burst out with brilliant divine light, directly shattering the foxy essence and turning it into pure source liquid.

“This kid is too against the sky.”

Liu Xian muttered in his heart, very speechless, where could not see that this was the means reserved by Shi Chen.

He really couldn’t imagine that a six-year-old child would have such a meticulous mind and messy means.

“I wonder what the imp is doing now?”

Liu Xian put away the willow branch boredly and looked towards the depths of the deserted village.

He could sense that Shi Chen was retreating there, and as time went on, his aura became stronger and stronger, so strong that she had a little heart palpitation.

When the old village chief saw that Shi Hao had directly broken through to the Blood Moving Realm, he couldn’t help but be ecstatic, and quickly called Shi Hao out and asked him to test his strength.

“These four Guding, in order, are five thousand catties, eight thousand catties, twenty thousand catties, and forty thousand catties, you try them one by one to see which one you can lift.”

Shi Dameng brought dozens of hunting team members to bring the four giant dings, and the villagers also hula and surrounded them.

Shi Hao had absorbed a pure-blooded creation, and everyone wanted to see how strong he was.

Shi Hao’s little face blushed, and he first walked towards the five-thousand-pound black gold ding, lifted it with one hand, and directly picked it up.

Next was the eight-thousand-pound four-grained bronze ding, which also took little effort, and the villagers had already changed color.

The most powerful stone in the village, it was very difficult to lift these four-striped copper dings.

“Little no, you go directly to the Qiwen Ding.” Shi Da pointed sharply at the largest black ding.

The surface of this ding was inscribed with a terrifying ferocious beast, green-faced fangs, fierce light, weighing 40,000 catties, and sixteen villagers worked together to carry it over.

Shi Hao strode forward, exerted strength with one hand, easily lifted the Ding Ding, and scratched his head with the other hand: “Is there a heavier Ding?” ”

Seeing his appearance, everyone was speechless, this is a 40,000-jin god, you can’t find the second one in a million miles, where can you find a heavier one?

Besides, which child can have so much strength, it is simply a pure-blood primeval relic cub.

It’s just that thinking of Shi Hao’s brother, everyone doesn’t feel strange, after all, Xiao Budian is that Shi Chen’s own brother.

Shi Dameng patted Shi Hao’s shoulder excitedly and said excitedly: “Good boy! Sure enough, he is as brave as your brother, and in the future, he will definitely be able to hunt the Taigu Relic like your brother, and when the time comes, don’t forget to hunt a fox for your uncle and come back. ”

Foxy is the strongest pure-blooded Taikoo relic like Foxy, one of the nine sons of the True Dragon, one of the Ten Fierce Taikoo Fierce, and his strength is comparable to that of the Taikoo royal family.

But everyone did not feel that Shi Dameng’s words were exaggerated, and they all had great expectations for Xiao Budian, thinking that he would be able to hunt pure-blooded foxes like Shi Chen in the future.

For the next month, children in the deserted village began lining up for medicinal baths.

Although Shi Hao’s medicinal bath consumed a large amount of ferocious beast materials, (BBCI) Shi Chen brought more, and there was still a lot of surplus, enough for the children in the whole village to take a medicinal bath once per person.

Just when the village was in full swing, the arrival of a group of uninvited guests disrupted everything.

Because of the abnormalities in the mountains, the major surrounding forces have also sent teams to check.

These forces are extraordinary, and the teams sent are amazing, rampant in the wilderness, and several of them pass through the deserted village and perceive the extraordinary nature of this village.

“Huh? This mountain village seems to be a little unusual, my spirit fox smells an extremely rich medicinal fragrance, could it be that someone has refined a peerless medicine here? ”

An old man sat on the back of a huge vulture and descended from the sky with a look of amazement.

In his arms, a white fox was dancing its teeth and claws to break free from the old man’s restraints.

“Something is really wrong here, there is a strong smell of blood, and it comes from more than one fierce beast, at least hundreds, terrible, what happened here?”

Another strong man came with the team, and the whole team was riding a huge unicorn rhino. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A young man behind him jumped down and took a fancy to Liu Xian at a glance, “The sacrificial spirit of this village is actually an old willow tree?” It looks like it’s about to die, but it gives people a powerful breath of life, which is really strange. ”

“Birth is born in destruction, this only remaining willow branch is definitely the most precious treasure, I want it.”

A divine bird flew across the sky and flew down a young girl with a strange look.

“Obviously, I fancy it first.”

The boy glared angrily at the girl.

“Are you going to rob the treasure? Then add me one. ”

Another teenager rushed over, bringing up endless yellow sand, and actually ran all the way into the mountain, his muscles were stubborn, full of explosive power.

Soon, the teams of the four major forces gathered at the gate of the deserted village, all eyeing Liu Xian in the deserted village.

“Since you all have taken a fancy to this sacrificial spirit, let’s have a duel. However, you are all Tianjiao of all races, and you are not suitable for bloody battles, these few mouthfuls of Guding are very heavy, so you should compare your strength. ”

A strong man of one clan spoke, winning the collective identity of the young Tianjiao of the four races.

They are all in the Blood Moving Realm, and the strength of qi and blood is enough to prove their strength.

Soon, a young man from the Thunder Clan rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the heaviest Qiwen Ding, and everyone followed and pressed towards the village.

The children playing at the entrance of the village immediately became alarmed.

The snotty tiger girl said loudly: “Who are you, how can you enter people’s villages casually?” ”

The young man of the Thunder Clan glanced at the tiger girl proudly, and said coldly: “Sure enough, it is a barbarian child, with a stupid look, and if you don’t want to die, go away.” ”

The tiger girl is only four years old this year, and she was so fierce by him that her mouth suddenly deflated and she cried loudly.

Hearing this cry, the rest of the teenagers stopped and rushed towards the Thunder Clan teenager to make him apologize.

“Find death!”

The killing intent flashed in the eyes of the Thunder Clan boy, and he directly raised his hand to slash at the person in front, but he had a killing intent.

This person is Shi Zhu, the son of Shi Dameng, who has been cultivated by Shi Dameng since childhood, and after a medicinal bath, his qi and blood are extremely amazing, and he immediately punches back.


The two fists intersected, and the stone pillar took more than a dozen steps backwards, while the Thunder Clan boy was directly shocked and flew out, and took another four or five steps backwards before standing firm.

This scene shocked the four major forces that entered the deserted village.

They couldn’t believe that a child in this barbaric village could be as powerful as the Tianjiao carefully cultivated by these big forces.

“Little beasts are looking for death!”

The eyes of the experts of the Thunder Clan burst into flames, and he directly ran the treasure art, turning into a thunder light and slashing towards the stone pillar.

“Be careful!”

At the critical moment, Shi Hao’s voice sounded, rushed over, and seeing that there was no time to sacrifice the alchemy technique, he simply raised the Qiwen Ding and smashed it over.


The explosion sounded, and the Qiwen Ding was extremely strong, directly breaking the thunder and lightning treasure art, and continued to smash towards the Thunder Clan powerhouse.

Forcing the Thunder Clan powerhouse to have no choice, he could only drive the ferocious beast under him to take a few steps back.


Another explosion sounded, and the Qiwen Ding directly smashed a deep pit several meters deep on the ground.

The people of the four major forces are all numb, where is this bear child, the power of qi and blood is so strong.

You must know that picking up a 40,000-catty giant ding and using a 40,000-jin giant ding as a dark weapon are completely two concepts.

The latter may not be able to do it with 100,000 catties of divine power.

“Could it be that this bear child can break the 100,000-pound limit power that even pure-blooded primeval ferocious beast cubs can’t break?”

Everyone thought like this, looking at Shi Hao’s eyes as if they were looking at a monster.

“Who are you? Why trespassed into our deserted village, and also made the tiger girl cry, and injured Shizhu’s brother. ”

Shi Hao stood in front of the children and raised his eyebrows at the four major forces.

“Little brother, how old are you this year?”

A beautiful girl flew down from the divine bird, her beautiful eyes flowing, and she asked Shi Hao with a smile.

“I’m almost six years old this year.”

Shi Hao’s eyes were wide, very clear, and he answered seriously, he felt that this girl was not a bad person, but standing with a bad person made him not understand.

“Not even six years old?”

The elf girl covered her mouth, completely unable to believe it.

Just as he was about to ask something more, the Thunder Clan boy behind him was already angry and said loudly: “I want you to die!!” ”

As a great clan Tianjiao, where did he suffer such humiliation, he immediately wanted to take revenge, turned into a thunder claw, and fiercely grabbed Shi Hao.

“Why are you bullying me?”

Shi Hao’s big eyes are black and white, very pure and innocent, but his movements are not slow, and he subconsciously raises his hand to fight back and punches out.

Hundreds of thousands of pounds of qi and blood divine power erupted, as if a large ferocious beast in the Cangmang Mountain Range traveled, bringing a violent wind and smashing fiercely on the body of the Thunder Clan boy,


The right arm of the Thunder Clan boy directly exploded and turned into a large blood mist.


PS: There is a delay during the day, and there is another chapter before 12 o’clock tonight.

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