Comprehension Heaven Defying, Creating High-End Great Primordial! Shocked Tongtian

Chapter 203 I, Chu Xuan, Am A Mythical Golden Immortal, How Can I Be Afraid Of Someone Like You!

"Ancient God Clan, hum! What a bunch of despicable and shameless trash!" the old man in blue robe snorted disdainfully.

"Third brother, let's put this matter aside for now. When you catch them, kill them yourself to avoid long nights and nightmares." The old man in gray robe said coldly, his eyes filled with cold murderous intent.

The old man in red robe said respectfully: "Second brother, leave this matter to me."

"Yes." The gray-robed old man nodded slightly, then closed his eyes and continued to heal his wounds.

The old man in blue robe also sat cross-legged to practice and recover from his injuries.

At the same time, Henry Chu was still resisting the attacks of those golden lights. He still didn’t know who was attacking him.


Henry Chu kept taking action to repel the golden light and scatter them, but he was still unable to capture the specific location of the golden light.

The speed of golden light is too fast, and it is unpredictable. If you are not careful, you will fall into a place of eternal disaster.

"How can this thing be so terrifying? If you are hit by it, you will definitely die." Henry Chu frowned and thought to himself, he was already in a state of embarrassment.

While Chu Xuan dodged the golden light, he was thinking about how to get rid of this weird weapon.

However, what makes Henry Chu depressed is that no matter where he goes, he will always encounter a golden light chasing him.

As if it recognizes him, no matter where Henry Chu runs, it can catch up instantly and cannot get rid of him no matter what.

"What is this? Why is it always locked on my breath?" Henry Chu's face became more and more solemn, and his heart was even more shocked.

Henry Chu tried to use the power of his soul to sense the location of the golden light, but to no avail.

"What on earth is this? How can it be so weird?" Chu frowned deeply. He had lived for hundreds of years, and this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"call out!"

Just when Chu Xuan was distressed, another golden light flew towards him.

"Get out of my way!" Henry Chu shouted angrily, and immediately waved his iron fist and struck forward, hitting the golden light.


Chu Xuan's punch hit the golden light, and there was an explosion. The golden light collapsed on the spot, turning into wisps of white smoke and disappearing.

However, just when Henry Chu thought the golden light was shattered, his expression suddenly changed and he exclaimed: "Oops!"

Because Chu Xuan suddenly saw that the golden light that had previously dispersed gathered again, forming a golden spear in the blink of an eye.

"call out!"

The golden light penetrated the air and struck very fast, and Chu Xuan's expression suddenly changed.

He hurriedly used the Dragon Step to dodge. Although he barely managed to dodge, his clothes were still torn, exposing his shoulders and chest.

"call out!"

The golden light penetrated the void again and arrived in an instant. At this moment, Chu Xuan's face became completely ferocious, he roared and punched the golden light with all his strength, extremely fierce.


Along with an explosion, the golden light burst on the spot, but the next moment, several more golden lights burst out, blocking Henry Chu's way.

"I want to see how long you can hold on!" Henry Chu roared angrily, his eyes filled with anger. He wouldn't believe this unless it was true.


Henry Chu punched wildly, each punch carrying the power of thunder, scattering golden lights.

However, after a while, the golden light will regroup again, coming in a steady stream, endless and endless.

Chu Xuan became more courageous as he fought, but he knew very well that Jin Guang's offensive was too intensive. With his current strength, he would be exhausted and defeated if he could hold on for half a stick of incense at most.

"Boy, you can't escape."

A joking laughter sounded in vain, the voice was very hoarse, it sounded like wind and sand blowing into the ears, giving people a weird feeling.

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene around Henry Chu suddenly changed. The surrounding scene suddenly disappeared, replaced by a barren prairie, vast and empty.

Chu Xuan looked around blankly, his heart was filled with waves of shock, and he was extremely shocked.

"Is illusion?" Henry Chu's eyes widened, his face was full of disbelief, his head was buzzing, and he looked confused.

Just when Chu Xuan was stunned, a vague shadow suddenly appeared in front of him out of thin air [and then ten palms slapped his chest.


Chu Xuan vomited blood, and his body flew out like a cannonball, collapsing several low mountains.

Henry Chu struggled to get up and was about to investigate the surrounding situation. However, as soon as he raised his head, he saw an old and unfamiliar face.

This unfamiliar face was covered with wrinkles, the skin was dark and rough, the eye sockets were sunken, the corners of the mouth were slightly raised, and there was a faint sarcastic smile, and it was watching him with interest.

"Who are you!?" Henry Chu gritted his teeth and asked.

He was full of vigilance. The old man who suddenly appeared had unfathomable cultivation, and he didn't even notice it at all.


Who is this old man?

"Haha..." The old man smiled slightly, caressed his white beard and said, "My name is Li Qing, and I am the elder of the Martial Pavilion!"

As he spoke, Tu Qing's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Elder of Wuge?"

Hearing this, Chu Xuan's pupils shrank slightly, and a strong look of fear appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that this old man actually came from Wuge.

It seems that Wuge is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers and should not be provoked.

"Boy, you are lucky to be able to let me come out to deal with you and take away your good fortune." Li Qing said proudly.

Hearing this, the fear on Henry Chu's face instantly faded, replaced by an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "Since you are here, then stop talking nonsense.'


Although Chu Xuan only came from the lower realm of the Great Primordial, he dared to challenge a martial arts elder, which shows his extraordinary courage.

"You have some backbone, I hope you can still maintain this courage later!" Li Qingsen smiled coldly, waved his right arm suddenly, and in an instant, a surging sword intent swept across.

"Sword Intent!" Chu Xuan's eyes darkened, and a huge danger surged in his heart.


Li Qing flexed his palm and grabbed it in the air, and an ancient long sword appeared out of thin air, with the tip pointing directly at Chu Xuan.

Seeing this, Henry Chu immediately mobilized his whole body to become weak, clenched the sword with both hands, and made a defensive posture.


The next second, Li Qing's figure shook, and with strange steps, he turned into an afterimage and hit him.

Li Qing's movement is extremely mysterious and exquisite, with flowing clouds and flowing water, free and elegant, just like an immortal descended into the world, giving people an ethereal feeling.

"This old guy's movement skills are so powerful." Chu Xuan thought to himself, his eyes filled with fear.

Li Qing's body technique was so weird and unpredictable that Chu Xuan couldn't catch any trace at all. It was as if his whole body had disappeared into the void, making it difficult to guard against.


The two figures clashed quickly, fierce sparks flashed, and the harsh sound of metal collision sounded, causing Henry Chu’s eardrums to sting.

"Hmph, you dare to show off your trivial skills!" Henry Chu shouted lowly, swinging his sword hard with his wrist, and the bright light of the sword tore through the sky and slashed towards Li Qing.


The Tyrant Saber struck the long sword, making a clanging sound, and Li Qing's figure appeared. He couldn't help but take three steps back, and a look of solemnity appeared on his face.

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