Su Xuan looked at a large ball of X-23 metal in front of him, and there was some curiosity in his eyes.

This metal is produced in very small quantities, but it has many magical features.

In Xu Shiqing's research, this metal has strong guiding properties, which can cause benign evolutionary mutations in animals, and not only that, but also has a strong correlation with brain mutations.

In Xu Shiqing's research on the giantization and intelligence of pythons, this metal has been mentioned many times. "

"Although I optimized it into a wise python cultivation method, X-23 metal is inescapable. "

"Not only that, but the metal played a big role in the fact that those inhuman monsters were able to be created before. "

Su Xuan recalled the scene of the previous attack on the destroyer.

He slew a hundred inhuman monsters.

There are all kinds of strange shapes in it, such as wolf heads, dog noses, leopard tails, etc., abound, especially the octopus people who occupy the most in it, and the familiar black liquid taste makes Su Xuan know that the small fish that find themselves are made by these octopus people.

These non-human monsters are able to transplant animal limbs and are still alive and well, thanks to the X-23 metal.

It plays the role of a bridge and makes all kinds of rejection reactions much smaller.

This is also the reason why after Su Xuan killed these inhuman monsters, the X-23 metal melted and appeared, because these metals were not actually consumed.

Su Xuan carefully sensed the metals.

I want to find some fluctuations of innate qi from the middle.

However, he was disappointed.

"It seems that it is just a strange metal, not a spiritual ore as I imagined. "

Su Xuan exhaled lightly.

If you want to find a spiritual object that contains innate qi in this era of the end of the law, it is indeed not that simple, and if you think about it, if the X-23 metal really contains innate qi, it will inevitably be discovered by the people of Sakura Country.

Although the Sakura Country is small, there should be a master comparable to Danjin in the ninja way.


Su Xuan was not particularly disappointed, after all, 17, these metals can be used to make intelligent pythons, and a rough estimate is that at least thousands of giant pythons can be made!

Think about it.

One by one, the intelligent pythons that are enough to match the dark power enter the human world, coupled with thousands of ordinary snakes, in Shang Su Xuan, the king of giant pythons who are not afraid of missiles, what a terrifying scene it should be.

Think of it this way.

Su Xuan was also slightly excited.

The efficiency of fighting alone is too low, and if he wants to get the treasured books of the Sakura Country, he already has an idea, the Sakura Country Capital!

Judging from Xu Shiqing's legacy.

There is the largest number of classics and unique books stored there, and there is definitely something for yourself.

Just be careful.

Take the python swarm through the nearby beach into the inland river, and when the time comes, as long as you enter the range of the cherry blossom country, you don't want to do whatever you want, you can use a nuclear bomb to bomb yourself!

As long as they are not afraid of ruining their own capital.

Su Xuan sneered in his heart.

Underwater world.

There are too many sea pythons, these are the best materials for him to catalyze the wisdom python, Xu Shiqing needs to be assisted by various instruments and personnel, but he doesn't need to, now that he has set foot in Danjin, he can use strength and X-23 metal to catalyze directly in the state of unity of heaven and man, he knows where there is an abandoned biological base, and the simple operating table is enough for him to use.

It's just that during the period, the pythons need to supplement a large amount of blood food to replace the energy intake.

However, at the bottom of the sea, the last thing that is lacking is food.

Thinking like this, he no longer hesitated.

Su Xuan opened the python's mouth, and the silent roar spread towards the surroundings, with strange fluctuations, only snakes can perceive, this is the technique of snake control.

Today's Su Xuan's snake control technique has been optimized several times.

Plus his current size.

The effect is not comparable to before.

Time passes.

Sea snakes and sea pythons swam from a distance, the small ones were only one or two meters, the big ones were seven or eight meters, and there were even one or two sea pythons that were more than ten meters long.

These snake pythons stayed in front of Su Xuan, instinctively fearing and worshipping.

In front of Su Xuan's huge size, these ordinary snake pythons were simply like small earthworms.

Ten Thousand Serpents Surrender!

The snake pythons floated on the bottom of the sea, as if they were worshipping the giant python in the center, and the scene looked a little weird and terrifying.

Su Xuan was not in a hurry.

At this time, sea pythons kept coming in the distance.

That's not enough.

If you want to make a smart python, it is natural that the better the foundation, the better.

Ignoring the snake pythons, he turned his mind and began to think about something else.

That's the octopus man before it.

This big war destroyer.

In the final analysis, it was because Su Xuan was discovered by a fish controlled by the octopus man, otherwise he would definitely continue to grow a wave, and then he would continue to look for X-23 metal.

"My lifeless breath technique is enough to make me like a cold stone, undetectable by sonar, heat induction, etc., but if it is seen by the naked eye, there is still nothing I can do. "

"Next time you want to avoid this kind of snooping again, you need to create a more suitable mimicry ability!"

Su Xuan wanted to take the initiative into his own hands.

He doesn't coward, but he doesn't want to be discovered by others at will, and he will only be discovered when he wants to be discovered.

Now the Yuehua Tuna Technique has only just achieved a slight effect, and the accumulated power is far from enough to transform the Void Pill into a real Dan.

Not to mention that there is demonic power flowing through the whole body, and you can use magical spells.


If you don't have magical illusions, it's okay to use biomimicry to get through it first.

In nature, chameleons and other animals have such mimicry abilities, and even some snakes have them, but Su Xuan wants to go further.

In Su Xuan's mind, Dao aura began to rise.

With the direction in place, the next step is when the anti-heaven understanding comes into play.

Under the state of the unity of heaven and man, Su Xuan's ability to control his body has reached its peak, flesh, scales, internal organs, and sacs, all of which can be controlled at will, combined with the strength of the Void Dan Qi and blood, now he is creating a snake secret technique, which is much simpler than before.

Wait until Su Xuan opens his eyes again.

It's done!


[You have regained the principle of animal mimicry in nature, combined it with your own Void Pill strength, and by adjusting your body, you have created the snake secret technique of all things mimicry!]


Su Xuan's eyes showed a look of joy.

Everything Mimicry!

To some extent, it can be regarded as a kind of beautiful expectation, like the seventy-two changes of the Monkey King in mythology, which can be changed in a thousand ways, that is the great supernatural power, and now these snake secret techniques are all transitional small techniques.

He always remembered his goal.

But even so, Su Xuan was quite satisfied.

The mimicry of all things is actually to change the state, color, and so on of his body to achieve a point where he blends in with his surroundings.

I saw that he was urging with strength and blood.

The next moment.

The original dark black blood-streaked scale armor instantly faded, gradually transforming into the same color as the surrounding seawater, and the entire python's body was completely integrated into the seawater!

Even if you look closely, it's hard to see clearly!

Even if Su Xuan moved, with his control power, it would be difficult to see through.

It's amazing.

Immediately afterwards, the color of Su Xuan's scale armor changed again, and he was wrapped around the submarine reef, instantly merging with the reef, and he couldn't see the slightest clue at all, it was even more like a reef than a reef.

Seawater, seagrass, reefs, corals, ......

Su Xuan tried them one by one and was extremely satisfied.

With this Mimicry of All Things, coupled with the Technique of Lifeless Breathing, it would be almost impossible for Sakura Country to find him again like before.

And that's not all.

This Ten Thousand Things Mimicry Technique can also make Su Xuan's attack more hidden.

Think about it.

Su Xuan rushed to the front before he suddenly burst out, and these people were scared.


Su Xuan quickly calmed down the joy in his heart.

He knew that although the snake secret techniques he had mastered now were also magical, they were still small compared to the real supernatural powers.

"When I get the classics, create the art of transforming dragons, and truly cultivate the demonic power of Tongtian, that will be the beginning of take-off!"

"When the time comes, these secret techniques will all be transformed into real supernatural powers!"

Su Xuan has ambitions.

He looked at the snake pythons that were gathering more and more in front of him.

As soon as the thought came to mind, the python hissed, and some sea snakes that did not meet the standards were dismissed, but those who stayed in the distance were at least more than eight meters long, and there were even huge sea pythons that were twelve meters long.

Of course, such a huge sea python is huge in the eyes of humans, and it is still small and pitiful in front of Su Xuan. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Su Xuan didn't care.

"There are about a hundred, yes, change places, continue!"

Snake pythons in an area are limited.

Su Xuan needed to make a thousand wisdom pythons, so naturally he needed as many sea pythons as possible.

He moved and made the way forward.


A slender sea python followed, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Of course.

While searching for sea pythons, Su Xuan will not forget to hunt.

But everything that stood in the way along the way basically turned into the energy of his growth.

Now he has not reached the biological limit.

Your own growth is equally important.

Searching for Monty Pythons and hunting, both at the same time.

Su Xuan will not put the cart before the horse, after all, the creation of the Wisdom Python is for his own growth, and it is to help him attack the Sakura Country to get those classics and unique books that he needs.

Time passes.

Su Xuan's days are beautiful.

While searching for the giant python, he hunted and grew his own body, and at night, he kept staring at the Void Pill, after all, no matter how small the mosquito meat was, it was also meat.

Two days later.

Behind Su Xuan, there are already more than a thousand sea pythons accompanying him, and he is already a giant-level force in the underwater world, and everywhere he passes can be said to be a single grass.

And Su Xuan was natural, and his body size swelled again. []

It's already sixty-two meters!

The strength has risen again.

In the late stages.

Every time the body size rises, the increase in strength is extremely considerable, let alone a full five meters of increase.

But today.

Su Xuan didn't plan to continue hunting.


The number of pythons behind him was sufficient.

Looking at the sea pythons that were overwhelming behind him, Su Xuan smiled with satisfaction.

After two days of careful searching, the sea pythons in this sea area have to be hollowed out, each of which is more than eight meters, and the longest one is even fifteen meters, which is very amazing.

"Good, enough of them, it's time to start making smart pythons!"

These sea pythons in front of him seem to be very scary, but they are all brainless and low-intelligence creatures, and their body strength is not enough, they are very vulnerable in the face of human fire, and they are of little help to Su Xuan.

It is even possible to drag it back.

But after transforming into a wise python, it's different.

Not only will it have a wisdom comparable to that of a human child, and it can understand Su Xuan's complex instructions, but the body 533 type will swell again.

When the time comes.

Each giant python is at least twenty meters long, covered in armor, and can spit poisonous mist, which can be comparable to the master of dark power at the most, just like armored vehicles and tanks, and that help is much greater.

Think of it this way.

Su Xuan was a little impatient.

"Let's go, go to that abandoned creature base!"

The information left by Xu Shiqing covers a wide range, this abandoned biological base is left in the last century, the equipment and instruments are relatively old, on an isolated island, it is the most suitable for Su Xuan to make a smart python.

After all, his optimized wisdom python cultivation method is much better than Xu Shiqing's broken version.

And it's not very demanding.

Su Xuan opened the way, and thousands of pythons followed him behind him, and the scene was extremely spectacular.


Su Xuan landed on the isolated island and found the abandoned biological base, he was very careful, knowing that the satellite might be monitoring this sea area, so the Everything Mimicry Technique was never put away, and he slipped into the biological base quietly.

Satellite monitoring is basically set a certain parameter, such as finding a creature that is highly similar to Su Xuan will cause an alarm, otherwise you can't always observe the world with the naked eye, that's unrealistic, ordinary sea pythons will naturally not cause an alarm.

However, Su Xuan was still very careful, and the other giant pythons entered the biological base first, and the rest waited in the sea near the island, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Gazing at the creature base in front of him.

Su Xuan soon restarted it.

Although it is a little dilapidated, many of the devices are still usable.

With his anti-natural understanding, it is not difficult to learn such biotechnology, and it is even easier to operate the instrument.

After some busy work, looking at the huge cabin in front of him, Su Xuan nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good, although a little rudimentary, but it works, and there are some materials. "

"Making a Wisdom Python is finally about to begin!"

He hissed, and an eight-meter-long sea python that had been waiting for a long time next to him burrowed into it.

In a flash.

The biological pod was covered in puffs of dark yellow liquid.

That is Su Xuan's special culture liquid, and the key to the evolution of the wisdom python is also here, which adds a lot of rare substances found on the bottom of the sea, of course, the most important thing is X-23 metal, Su Xuan has completely configured the obtained X-23 metal into a culture medium.

At this time.

The instinctive hissing of the sea python came from the capsule, and it seemed to be in some pain, and some unknown metamorphosis had occurred.

Su Xuan watched quietly, with some expectation in his eyes.

Time passes.

Actually, it didn't take long.

Su Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up.

The culture fluid in the chamber disappeared, and a new python was seen appearing in it.

Su Xuan couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

The first wisdom python was born!

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