【Trigger the task: Steal eggs. This is the breeding season. The eggs of the Hankrilla Bird are extremely delicious. Go to the nest of the Hankrilla Bird and steal ten delicious eggs. Reward: Animal Taming Skill.】

"? ? ? Can this also trigger a mission?"Su Yu was stunned when he heard the prompt. He went there to steal eggs. You are making things difficult for me. There are at least dozens of Hanklila birds living in the area. It is basically impossible to get close to steal eggs without noticing. It's impossible.

You must face the Hankli La Bird, it just depends on your luck how many you will face at the same time.

After checking, look at the skill of this reward.

Animal Taming, this skill is very useful, it can understand the system The skills produced are definitely top-notch.

As you can tell from the Eagle Vision, the effect of this Eagle Vision is very good.

And these skills are basically skills that he cannot learn through learning now.

And the effects are obviously very good, and he can master them. This technique allows for diversified development

"You have to find a way to get the skill to get this reward."Su Yu squinted his eyes and thought about it after getting down from the tree.

He went to the side to cook something to eat. While eating, he used his eagle eye vision to observe the situation on the mountains over there in the distance.

Looking for a suitable gap, he would need to Taking advantage of this opportunity to set off, he could face the fewest Hankrilla birds and minimize the threat.

After three days of observation, he finally grasped the departure and return times of the Hankrilla birds.

The sun rose It will set off when it wakes up, and then return in about two or three hours. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to hunt in the deep sea.

And there will be at least three Hanklila birds every time they appear, and they will not leave the nest. It seems that The Hankrilla bird responsible for staying behind.

After three days of observation, he basically determined the appearance patterns of these Hankrilla birds.

"Ha, it's a bit difficult to face at least three Hankli La bird guards."Su Yu scratched his head, thinking about the plan, and turned over and came down from the tree canopy.

After a few days, he successfully upgraded his eagle vision to level three. The price was that he felt very tired these days. Fortunately, he had abundant food storage.

Take good care of it. It’s good to use up the stored ingredients for observation.

At least I’ve found a good opportunity. It won’t be too difficult to deal with three Hanklila birds.

It’s no big deal to deal with three of them with the newly made arrows. Question.

But the frontal close combat is still a bit uncertain. After all, the battle on the cliff is very unfavorable for him.

Try to shoot all three Hanklila birds by shooting. This effect is the smoothest situation.

And if you miss, you will have to engage in melee combat.

In order to ensure that you have an advantage in melee combat, it is better to upgrade your strength to level 4 first.

Thinking about going downstairs to stretch your muscles, I took the props and set off to hunt.

Stay here again No wild beasts have been found to disturb us for several days, so it is quite safe here.

However, for the sake of safety, we still need to put everything away in case of unexpected events.

This wooden house can have defensive props that can be used to avoid it. If it is besieged, it can Use it to hide.

After packing up, he left with the weapon and walked towards the distance. He approached the area where the Hankla bird was to look for prey.

After observing for the past few days, he discovered a problem. The Hankla bird was like a bird. No hunting on the island.

But there is no guarantee that some of the greedy guards left behind will fly out to hunt and eat.

After he killed two of them, these Hanklila birds will no longer come here to hunt.

So we have to find a way You have to call Hank Liao down.

If the plan is successful, you can go up in advance. If not, then wait until your strength is improved before going up.

Start looking for the target, and soon find a lonely one-horned bear, Su Yu When he approached directly, he immediately attracted the one-horned bear who was looking for prey.

"Roar!"Seeing Su Yu's horn, the bear immediately roared and stood upright to demonstrate towards Su Yu.

"Come on, little bear."Su Yu smiled and threw a stone at Yijiaoxiong.

There was a loud bang and the stone hit his head. Yijiaoxiong seemed even more angry. Although there was no harm, it was very insulting.

Yijiaoxiong received the provocation. He immediately chased after Su Yu.

Su Yu looked at the corner of his mouth rising and immediately ran towards the mountain wall where the Hankli la bird lived.

Behind him, the angry one-horned bear chased wildly.

Su Yu curled his lips, ran quickly, and then He discovered a very interesting thing.

That is, Ikkakuo couldn't catch up with him, which made it much easier to implement the plan.

Ikkakuo chased angrily for a while, but found that he couldn't catch up. Su Yu was about to leave, looking at Ikkaku The bear stopped chasing, and Su Yu threw a stone at him with his backhand.

"Roar!"The Yijiaoxiong, who was attacked again, turned to look at Su Yu, let out an angry roar, and accelerated towards him.

"Come on come on."Su Yu smiled and provoked the one-horned bear to continue running towards the mountain wall.

The sound of the one-horned bear running quickly attracted the attention of the Hanklila bird on the mountain wall, and something entered their territory.

"ah!"A Hankli bird flew up and looked at the movement below, and immediately swooped towards the place where the movement was heard.

"Roar!"Feeling the breath from the sky, Yijiao Xiong immediately stopped and looked at the sky.

A strong wind blew from the sky. Su Yu immediately stopped when he felt the strong wind, picked up the bone bow and pointed it at the sky.

Whoosh, a bone arrow It flew out and pierced the Hankrilla bird that was trying to capture the bear from the side.

The bone arrow pierced the Hankrilla bird, and the swooping Hankrilla bird lost its power and hit the ground.

"Not bad, not bad, kill one instantly, and there are two more."Su Yu looked at the Hank La Bird that fell to the ground and nodded with satisfaction. The

Yijiao Xiong on the other side was frightened by the movement and backed away. Looking at Su Yu on the opposite side, he roared and turned around in panic and ran away.

"Ran? Forget it, just run away."

"How can I take this Han Li La bird away?"Su Yu took one look at the Hankli La Bird and had no choice but to drag the Hankli La Bird aside and put it aside first.

After dragging the Hankli La Bird into the forest and hiding it, Su Yu immediately ran towards the mountain wall, taking advantage of the fact that there was still plenty of time. , complete the mission first.

Obtaining this animal taming technique will be of great benefit to becoming stronger in the future.

I thought about speeding up and approaching, but found that no Hanklila bird was aware of it when approaching the mountain wall. It may be that the human aura is too weak. That's why.

Climbing to the mountainside where the Hankrilla birds were nesting, he saw two Hankrilla birds lying in the huge nest.

Su Yu squinted at a Hankrilla bird that was looking around alertly. , immediately drew his bow and fired.

Poof, the Hanklila bird that was hit by the bone arrow fell down, and the other one, which was closing its eyes to rest, woke up when it heard the sound, and looked to the other side in confusion.

Su Yu picked up a bird's beak The arrow shot.

One hit penetrated the head of the Hankla Bird who had not yet recovered.

After dealing with the two Hankla Birds, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief and ran over to kill the Hankla Bird without any hesitation. With the arrow on his head, he waved his hand first.

Then he walked over to check the bird's nest behind the two big birds. He could see a large area of ​​unguarded bird's nests and huge eggs.

Seeing these eggs, Su Yu didn't care about Hank Laila. If you are a bird, go over and start collecting eggs first. Collect eggs quickly, and take some from each nest. This can be regarded as reducing the burden on these Hanklila birds, and you cannot catch and steal from one nest.

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