Kiana's words fell, and she began to temporarily protect Yanqing, who was an ordinary citizen in her eyes, waiting for the drone dispatched by Himeko to come over.

In just a few seconds, a huge drone arrived.

In such a short time, Yan Qing had not yet had time to speak.

Kiana turned around.

"Okay, you follow the drone closely and you will be able to reach a safe place soon, got it?"

After that, Kiana bent her legs, ran out in the next second, and left the place.

As soon as Yanqing was about to open his mouth, Kiana's figure disappeared from his eyes.

Looking at the drone in front of him, Yanqing was not prepared to pay attention to it.

After all, his ultimate mission.

It was organized the Moonlight Throne to crash Canghai City.

Thinking of this, Yan Qing looked at the huge battleship shadow in the sky and rushed over.

Before the drone in place could react, the positioning information about Yanqing had disappeared within the radar range.

If it were ordinary, this matter would definitely be discovered by Himeko, who is the commander.

But it's a pity that now that she is busy dealing with those Honkai beasts, how can she have time to pay attention to such a small thing?

As for Tony, he doesn't know where to run at the moment, but it's clear that he's safe.

Originally, the battle between the Collapsed Beast Group and the Heavenly Mandate Force on the scene was evenly matched.

Until someone appeared and changed the situation.

Yan Qing's figure was like a shooting star, very dazzling, and the collapsed beasts everywhere he passed were all turned into two.

At first, it was inconspicuous, but as more and more broken beasts died under his hands.

Even Himeko, who was the commander of the fleet, could not help but notice this situation.

She immediately called up the real-time image, and saw the figure of Yanqing who stepped on the flying sword, a broken beast with a sword, and rushed towards the mysterious battleship.

"I'm going? Who is this guy?! "

Ji Zi looked at Yanqing, a teenager who looked to be more than half his teenage in surprise.

She really couldn't imagine that as a man, and not a Valkyrie Yanqing, where did this powerful force come from?


Kiana, who had just ascended the Moonlight Throne, and Bud Yi had just converged when they were attacked by a large group of Collapsed Beasts.

Compared with the number of Honkai beasts in the original plot, it is simply a world of difference.

Kiana and Nha Yi were blocked for a while, unable to advance for half a minute!

After all, the current Kiana and Nha Yi are not high-level Valkyries.

If it weren't for the existence of some special power in their bodies, they wouldn't have the ability to deal with the Broken Beast in front of them.

Seeing that they were blocked by hordes of Honkai Beasts, both of them were a little anxious in their hearts.

And yet, at this time.

A figure appeared, but it made their eyes widen!

I saw an emaciated figure, accompanied by six bright blue flying swords, slaughtering into the group of broken beasts in front of them!

And these broken beasts that blocked their progress, in the hands of this young man, but a combined enemy, was cut in half!

In the blink of an eye, the deck was full of broken limbs and broken arms of the Broken Beast!

"You... Are you..."

Kiana looked at the familiar figure, a little familiar.

Soon, she was nervous and recalled.

"Aren't you the one just now...!"

Yan Qing nodded towards the two.

After the shock, Kiana immediately asked curiously.

"Who the hell are you? So powerful? "

However, Yanqing just said slowly.

"You just need to know that I'm here to help you."


Hearing this, Kiana and Nha Yi looked at each other.

Soon, Nha Yi told Himeko in the Hyperion what happened here.

Himeko had long noticed Yanqing's existence.

But the current situation is urgent, and there is no time to find out the root of the matter.

So he said.

"Since he is here to help us, trust him for now."

"After gaining control of the mysterious battleship and preventing the crash, then inquire about his origins!"

"I see."

Bud Yi nodded.

Only then did Yan Qing speak.

"You need to enter the control room of the battleship, right?"

"Let's go, I'll escort you there."

Nha Yi is always wary of Yanqing's heart, but Kiana is useless.

Plainly getting such a powerful help for no reason, she was too late to be excited.

"Yay! Then let's go! "

Looking at Kiana, who had a big nerve, Bud Yi was a little supportive, but still chose to accept Yanqing's existence.

So, the three of them rushed towards the control room of the battleship together.

The Honkai beasts encountered along the way almost didn't wait for Nha Yi and Kiana to make a move.

It was solved very easily by Yanqing.

In the process, the three also got acquainted with each other and learned each other's names.

"Wow, Yanqing, you are so good!"

"These Honkai Beasts are not your opponents at all! ...... Of course, it's just a broken beast, and it's just me and Bud Yi! "

Looking at Kiana's appearance, Yanqing smiled helplessly.

"You're right."

Soon, the three arrived at the door of the control room.

Just as Bud Yi was about to enter the password to open the door.

A huge Avalanche Beast suddenly appeared in their eyes!

The body of this Broken Beast was unusually large, at least four or five meters tall, surrounded by suspended sharp armor.

The whole body also exudes a powerful momentum!

As soon as they saw this Honkai beast, Kiana and Bud Yi showed vigilance!

"Damn it, Emperor Honkai?"

"How could a Broken Beast of this level appear here?!"

In the face of the powerful Honkai Emperor, Bud Yi and Kiana, who are B-rank Valkyries, cannot be their opponents at all.

Seeing the appearance of the Collapsed Emperor, Jizi was also stunned in place.

There was no escape, she could only speak to the two.

"Nha Yi, Kiana, you hold on, I'll send the drone over now!"

"Keep yourself safe no matter what!"

"We understand, but..."

However, Bud Yi has not finished answering.

The so-called Collapse Emperor launched an attack on everyone!

Although it is huge, it is surprisingly fast!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the attack that fell fell smashed in front of Kiana!

Kiana and Nha Yi didn't even react!

Bud Yi could only widen his eyes.


Kiana stood in place dumbfounded, looking at the Collapsed Emperor who was close at hand, and had even forgotten her reaction!

By the time she reacted, it was too late....

Through the real-time video, Himeko also saw this scene.

The people on the Hyperion battleship all raised their hearts to their throats!

In front of the Collapse Emperor, if an ordinary Valkyrie was attacked by it, even if she was undead, she would be seriously injured!

However, just as the attack was about to descend on Kiana.

A figure was caught off guard in front of her!

Kiana looked at the back that suddenly appeared in front of her, and she was stunned in place for a while....


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