Yes, what just happened, apparently someone did it on purpose!

The shriveled cans were definitely thrown over.

The purpose is to use the poison island as bait!

But now is not the time to think about it.

As long as those monsters rush around the corner, they will definitely find the existence of the poison island Rinko.

In the face of so many monsters, even if it is a poison island Jizi, there is no chance of survival.

But along the way, most of the classroom doors were locked, and the hallway was endless, with no hiding place at all.

Just when Poison Island Junzi was full of despair in his heart and felt that he was going to die.

The door of the infirmary behind him suddenly opened.

Poison Island Junzi just wanted to draw a knife and cut back, but in the next second, a pair of hands pulled her into the house.


Pulling the poison island into the house, Shizuka Kumagawa quickly stretched out her hand to make a boo.

Seeing that it was a living person, Poison Island Junzi also let down his vigilance, and quickly closed his mouth without making any sound.

And at this time, the group of dead bodies also rushed around the corner.

But when they saw that the corridor was empty, they walked towards the other side of the corridor.

After a while, the messy footsteps were far away.

Both men in the infirmary breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Shizuka Jukawa, Poison Island Tsuko thanked her very sincerely.

"Thank you. "

And Shizuka Jukawa's eyes flashed with excitement.

"You're Poison Island-san, hello. "

"I'm Shizuka Kumagawa, the school's school doctor. "

"It turned out to be Juchuan School Doctor. "

Poison Island Junzi nodded, and the two of them were also considered to have a preliminary understanding.

And just when the two met.

The other side.

The door was carefully opened, and when he saw that the monsters that had just gathered at the door were all attracted away, Wisteria Koichi breathed a sigh of relief.

It was he who threw the can out of the classroom window in a vain attempt to use the noise to attract the monsters blocking the doorway.

And apparently, his strategy also succeeded.

Watching the monsters leave, Wisteria Koichi did not hesitate and immediately tiptoed out.

The current Wisteria Koichi does not understand the situation outside the school.

So he thought about leaving school and finding the government to protect him.

He is the son of a city councilor, the bedowner, and as long as he finds the government, then he is safe.

The two students also followed closely by Koichi Wisteria.

In today's situation, Wisteria Koichi has become their backbone.

However, the three had just walked out of the classroom and were about to sneak down the other side of the corridor to find an opportunity to leave the school.


Curry ——!

A screeching sound sounded.

One student was stunned, then lowered his head in disbelief.

Sure enough, under his feet, there was a piece of glass that had been trampled on!

The piercing sound immediately attracted the attention of those dead bodies who had not completely left.

I saw those dead bodies mechanically turn their heads, and immediately found the three of Wisteria Koichi.

Roar, roar, roar——!

Off the top of one's head!

The dead bodies let out a roar and rushed in the direction of the three.

And the student who stepped on the broken glass, whose legs were already frightened by this scene, trembled and sat down on the ground.

"Old... Teacher.. ..."

The student turned his head and looked at his teacher, his brain blank.

However, Wisteria Koichi had no intention of saving him, and scolded fiercely, "A guy who has more than enough success and failure." "

After that, Wisteria Hiroshi turned around and ran, ignoring the student at all.

The other student was also frightened and stupid, and did not dare to save him at all, so he could only turn around and follow behind Hoichi Wisteria!

The sudden movement also attracted the attention of the two people in the infirmary.

"It's like... Anyone?"

Shizuka Kumagawa was stunned, hurried to the window, and carefully opened the curtain again.

I saw the student who was sitting on the ground, and Koichi Wisteria, who had run away with another student.

"That's not... Wisteria sensei?"

Shizuka Kumagawa covered her mouth in surprise.

She couldn't have imagined that Koichi Wisteria, who had a good reputation on weekdays, would actually do such a thing.

Koichi Wisteria's escape did not go well.

The sound just now had already attracted the attention of the dead body. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

In the classrooms on both sides of the corridor, from time to time, scattered dead bodies came out and pounced on the two who fled.

Seeing that a dead body was about to pounce on his body, Wisteria Hiroshi cursed angrily, and then his face turned fierce.

Under the incredulous and confused gaze of his classmates, he was pushed in front of the dead body.

Before the classmate could react, he was overwhelmed by the dead body that surrounded him, and then opened his intestines!

And Wisteria Koichi, also attracted by this smell of blood through the dead body, successfully ran downstairs.

This scene made Shizuka Jukawa, who witnessed the whole process in the infirmary, widen her eyes.

At this time, the dead bodies on the other side of the corridor had rushed over.

The student who slumped on the ground and was frightened and stupid reacted.

Although his legs were as heavy as lead, he still burst out with a strong desire to survive, and his eyes looked nervously.

Soon, he saw Shizuka Jukawa and Poison Island Tsuko in front of the window of the infirmary.

A hopeful glint flashed on his face.

He crawled towards the infirmary with difficulty.

Shouting as he climbed back.

"Save me!"

The distance between the two was not far, and the students quickly touched the iron door of the infirmary.

Frightened, he began to pound the iron door desperately, making a shrill sound!

"Save... Save me!"

"Please... Please, let me in!"

The students cried out in misery.

His movement attracted the attention of more dead bodies.

The entire floor of dead bodies rushed towards him.

In the face of a tragic cry for help.

The soft-hearted Shizuka Kumagawa is about to open the door.

But Poison Island held her down and shook his head at her.

The meaning of Poison Island Tsuko is very clear, that is, do not save this student.

Shizuka Kumagawa didn't understand why Poison Island Tsuko wanted to stop herself, just by opening the door.

And it was at this interval.

Those dead bodies have rushed up.

The screams of the students echoed between the corridors, in front of the door of the infirmary.

Blazing blood splattered on the white and pure iron door of the infirmary.

The student's screams also slowly turned into nothingness from the beginning of the misery, which also represented that he lost his life.

Such an indifferent poison island made Shizuka Jukawa retreat in fear.

However, if you are not careful...

Knocked down the potted plant on the table.


The potted plant fell to the ground and fell apart.

At the same time, there was a sound.

Even with the door as a barrier, the dead bodies with sensitive hearing still felt the movement in the infirmary.

Suddenly, they who had just eaten the students began to stir again, banging the iron door of the infirmary like crazy!


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