Thea’s inherent magic is called Future Vision,

It is a perverted ability that can see the hypothetical future.

It’s like precognitive magic that treats your own behavior as a game option and produces different results depending on your behavior.

In Shi Yu’s opinion, this thing has already involved the skin of the time field.

And the reason why Shi Yu came here was also to calculate that Xia’s clan should almost be chased to the Grand Canyon during this time.

With her ability, if she appeared at this time, she would naturally know that befriending herself would save the rabbit family.

However, Thea’s future vision is not absolute, it will produce different predictable results due to different actions.

Sometimes there are directly fragments that are beneficial to their future, and Thea needs to find a way to achieve [Future Fragments] on her own.

And the most important thing is that Thea’s future vision is almost not much different from Megumi’s bursting magic, and it requires a huge amount of mana to urge.

With the magic power of the silly rabbit, if you want to actively trigger the future vision, it will inevitably consume the mana of the whole body.

Even if it is a passive prediction of danger, it can only be used three times at most.

Originally, Xia would have been blackened, but it was Nanyun who began to torture fiercely, and only then chose 23 to help Xia under the persuasion of Moon.

But this time it was Shi Yu who came,

He directly led the women to choose to help this poor silly rabbit.

In order to see Shi Yu’s hopeful future, she doesn’t know how much effort she has made, and she has experienced too many times every day to watch her own people being captured and killed in the future, and the pain that she has not yet been able to change.

Shi Yu still felt sorry for this poor silly rabbit.

As for the so-called empire and subhuman troubles behind Thea, he was completely dismissive of it.

In the entire “Ordinary Profession Makes the World’s Strongest”, the only thing Shi Yu feared was the crazy goddess.

The rest, whether it is humans, demons, subhumans, or even monsters, have not broken through the mortal realm.

And the 7 major rebels in the demigod realm were all burping again, and Shi Yu naturally had nothing to worry about.

No matter how strong it is, it is only at the level of old bones, and there is no threat to Shi Yu now.

To put it bluntly, the world of “Ordinary Profession Makes the World’s Strongest” is actually not much different from the Overlord world.

It’s just that the gods in the world of “Ordinary Profession Makes the World’s Strongest” can confirm that she is still alive.

And those GMs in the Overlord world don’t know if they are alive or dead.


With the Maglev Supercar, Shi Yu soon arrived at the rock where the Rabbit Terrans were hiding.

Unlike the bushes in anime,

This is still the entrance to the Leysen Grand Canyon.

A pair of cute rabbit ears are revealed in the crevices of the rocks in various locations.

It felt like a bunch of rabbits had grown under the rocks.

There is a monster like a dragon flying in the sky,

They are 3 or 5 meters long, have sharp claws, long tails and an iron ball similar to the tail of an ankylosaurus-like meteor hammer.

“Sea, sea beria?!”

Thea looked at Feilu flying in the sky in horror and lost her voice, this terrifying monster has a natural advantage in the Leysen Grand Canyon with the forbidden demon field.

The wyvern came to look at the long ears that were pricked up below,

It flew down as if looking at the rabbit buffet.

The tail like a meteor hammer flicked violently, and the rock below suddenly exploded and shattered into countless pieces.

The rabbit Terrans hiding in it crawled out screaming,

The wyvern, on the other hand, roared excitedly, opened its mouth and bit towards the frightened rabbit Terrans.



Shi Yu slapped Megumi on the head, and at this time, she was excitedly drinking the spare divine water to restore her magic, ready to come to the world nuclear level again.

“You idiot, do you want to blast all the rabbits down there into slag?”


Megumi touched her nose awkwardly,

What can she do, she is just because she can only burst magic. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Shi Yu drank lowly, and his figure instantly disappeared from the place,

In the next second, he had already arrived in front of the flying dragon.

“Advanced-Power! (Higher Strength)”

A burst of light flickered, and Shi Yu’s power instantly increased by 5 times, reaching a terrifying 10,000 points.

You must know that although Shi Yu is now level 1, his strength value has reached 2180 points.

In the normal mortal realm, even the brave cannot exceed 1500 points.

At this time, with the blessing of Overlord’s skill, Shi Yu’s strength directly soared to more than 10,000.

He looked at Feilu who opened his blood basin and kicked out,

The terrifying power directly kicked him out.

Shi Yu twisted his shoulders and felt a shock and refreshment.

Although the use of magic is relatively labor-saving, sometimes it is very comfortable to move.

“Heavenly Steps! Mighty! ”

Shi Yu cast the Displacement Skill while shooting away Haibelia, and at the same time, the power that had skyrocketed to 10,000 was doubled again because of the Hao Wrist skill.


Shi Yu screamed, and his fist instantly smashed on the head of the flying dragon like a giant hammer in a thousand tons.


The huge flying dragon head was instantly exploded by Shi Yu’s hammer like a watermelon.

The rabbit people looked at Shi Yu with a shocked expression,

That’s Hyberia!

Was it so simple to be killed?

This is no different from slaying dragons in the rabbit race looking at 627.

At this time, the remaining sea belia in the sky seemed to be irritated by Shi Yu’s arrogant posture.

They roared madly, and at the same time flew towards Shi Yufei.


A huge roar accompanied by the fluttering of its wings set off a hurricane, and the fishy mouth wanted to crush Shi Yu completely.


Thea, who was still arriving in the rear, closed her eyes in fright, and the rabbit people also panicked and stuffed their heads back into the cracks in the rocks, revealing only their long ears.

Shi Yu sneered, and suddenly took out two handfuls of gold AK from his hand.

He laughed arrogantly at the wyverns:

“My lord, times have changed!”

Hyberia: “??? ”


With Shi Yu’s maniacal laughter, the endless superior magic CrimsonLaser (Crimson Laser) swung upwards as if it didn’t want money.

After the generation magic transformation AK, the release speed of the skill has been increased again,

The original single-shot level of ebony and white ivory Desert Eagle could no longer satisfy his love of firearms.

In order to pursue authenticity, he also specially designed the reloading link.

Each bullet fired is like a magic scroll,

The suppression from the fire allowed Haibelia to shoot directly into a sieve.

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