Golden Princess,

Lanatiel Chardon Leer Van Seph!

Everyone looked blankly at this symbol of beauty and wisdom,

This perfect princess who proposed many cross-era policies and was not discouraged by the nobility although most of them were obstructed.

At this time, she stood in front of the sword in the stone with compassion and prayed with both hands, sobbing softly:

“Great goddess of water, Akuya, although nobles are guilty, but commoners are innocent, I would like to offer all my to ask the gods for forgiveness.”

The eldest prince and the second prince both sneered and looked at Lana,

Both of them knew the Devil’s Heart hidden beneath the girl’s beautiful exterior.

They didn’t think at all that Lana would be recognized by the sword in the stone.

They only knew that they might not live tomorrow, and by this time half of the entire kingdom had turned into the frozen realm.

At this time, Shi Yu used a far-end perspective mirror to look at the girl in the center of the city from Wang Bu.

He remembered Lana’s own plan before and shook his head,

“This guy really didn’t take himself personally, he was ruthless enough.”

As the words fell,

Lana in the perspective suddenly pulled out a ruler-long dagger.

I saw that she stabbed directly towards her heart without the slightest hesitation.

The eldest prince and the second prince were stunned suddenly,

This guy is crazy!?

Red blood instantly sprayed from her chest.

“Your Highness Lana!”

The people below howled,

This is the only princess of the royal family who speaks for their commoners.

Now, in order to pray for the forgiveness of the gods, he chose to move the gods with his own life.

The light in Lana’s eyes gradually disappeared, and the breath completely dissipated with the godless eyes.

The eldest prince and the second prince were stunned,

“Really dead?”

The two looked at Lana in disbelief, they thought Lana had some backhand.

They didn’t think that Lana would choose to sacrifice herself for the sake of civilians.

But the scene in front of them made them scratch their heads.

And what they don’t know at this time is,

At the moment of Lana’s death,

Shi Yu in the distance had already stood up from the temporary resting stronghold,

“Akuya, work~.!”

He slapped the sleeping Akuya’s ass behind him,

Akuya scratched her head reluctantly, rolled over and looked at Shi Yu a little blankly.

Shi Yu rolled his eyes,

If the Akusis cultists saw that their goddess was a family squat, they didn’t know how they would react.

“Get up! The time to cut leeks has come. ”

Shi Yu pulled Akuya’s back and forth twice,

At this time, Akuya came to her senses.

“Nasty! Don’t drag me, I’m a goddess! ”

Then she looked at the far perspective.

At this time, the square was all moved by Lana’s dedication and crying.

Blood also flowed into the sword in the stone along Lana’s chest.

In a flash

A terrifying white light erupted from the stone sword.

Like a giant pillar of light, it soars into the sky.

The Transcendent Magic Ice Age, which had been going on, was instantly washed away by this milky white light.

The blizzard, which lasted for 7 days, was instantly dispersed at this moment.

At the same time, a huge magic array flashing with golden light appeared in the sky.

The girls of Dashu Village, who were attached to the flight status, began to fall from the sky one by one again.

Flowers flew with the magic array, and a wide range of healing techniques began to shine in all directions.

It is clear that he has experienced the divine stick of Erantir … After the miracle, everyone grew a lot.

At the very least, there is no ambiguity in the flickering of people.

Annihilation angels, high elves, and the main angels of the light, all characters who look quite bluffing descend from the sky.

And Shi Yu also passed Akuya directly at this time and slowly landed from the sky.

Akuya holds a fairy wand and wears a pink feather ribbon with long flowing hair.

The experience of countless years of business elites in the neon region is enough to make her not timid in this high-profile scene.

“Lord God!”

“It’s really the goddess of water!”

“God~ save Princess Lana!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“We already know it’s wrong!”

Akuya’s expression did not change in the slightest in the face of the cries of many citizens.

“I have received the prayer of the Golden Princess, and I am gratified that she loves her people like a son.”


Akuya casually dropped a white light, the short knife on Lana’s chest slowly fell, and the wounds on her body gradually healed and disappeared.

The eyes that were already godless slowly opened,

It was as if she had not yet recovered from death.

And at this time, Eris of the celestial realm was in a hurry,

Although she had already passed the qi with Shi Yu in advance, no one could stand it with millions of souls at this moment.

Lana looked at Akuya in the sky with a shocked expression at this time.

Without hesitation, she knelt down on one knee and cried loudly:

“Lord Akuya, I am willing to trade my life for the lives of millions of citizens who have died!”

As soon as these words came out, the masses below sobbed in low voices.

Akuya looked at Lana with a cold look in her eyes and said:

“~Are you sure what you mean until you said it yourself?”

Lana looked at Akuya firmly and said:

“I am willing to mention that my people will pay any price!”

At this time, all the citizens were extremely shocked and moved when they saw this scene.

Not only has he summoned the goddess with his life, but he is also willing to exchange his life for a citizen he never knows.

Everyone in the other world is touched by Lana’s nobility.

“Don’t be like this, Your Highness Lana, we will be satisfied if you have this intention.”

“That’s enough, get out of here, it’s all the fault of that group of damned nobles, since Lord Goddess has resurrected you, don’t continue to fight against the gods.”

“If His Highness Lana were the king, he wouldn’t be able to get to this point, right?”

“For Her Highness Lana!”

For a while, Lana, who had countless fans, was instantly persuaded by everyone to leave this place of right and wrong.

There were even those who felt suicidal for Lana.

This is the backward medieval culture.

And at this time, Akuya saw that the time had come (Zhao’s),

She hurriedly held the scepter and smiled kindly at everyone:

“Congratulations on passing my test.”

“From today onwards, you will be the queen of the kingdom of Riestije! The sword in the stone will follow you and clear all obstacles for you! ”

“For this, I have prepared a great gift for you.”

“Sacred Highnessresurrection!”

A blinding white light once again enveloped the entire royal capital.

The ice sculptures that were already frozen all melted like melting snow.

The citizens who had lost their breath of life opened their eyes one after another.

In an instant, in addition to those nobles, even the soldiers who initially besieged Shi Yu and the others were all resurrected.

Lana held the sword in the stone and raised it sharply into the sky,

“From now on, my sword will be with you, and the fate of Ru will coexist with me, and here, the contract will be completed.”

“EX Curry Stick (Sword of Oath of Victory)!”.

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