【Congratulations on obtaining the skill heat source induction and poison spray】

[Heat source sensing: inherent skill, can sense the surrounding heat source, making stealth skills ineffective]

[Poison spray: inherent technology, can spray violent corrosive poisonous gas, the effect range angle is 120 degrees, the total length is 7 meters. ] 】

Shi Yu’s eyes flashed,

Sure enough, as he expected, with the analysis of the Great Sage, the success rate of his skills obtained through the demon body directly reached 100%.

No, to be exact, it is more than 100%, the probability of acquiring a skill after devouring a monster before is quite low, and only one skill can be obtained.

And now devouring monsters can not only obtain 100% skills, but also obtain all the skills and talents of monsters.

However, it is a pity that after all, it is not a predator talent, and the skill applicable to demon body plunder is weaker than the original skill after the imitation.

But that’s enough.

In the past, Shi Yu learned to use magic to carve the magic array and then generate magic.

Moves such as poison spraying and Barnier’s killing ray, which are not suitable for human use, cannot be learned.

Now the rules of the Moe King world seem to break this shackle.

The skills here seem to have traces similar to the magic of the gods.

They can get rid of the limitations of the flesh and directly create or upgrade creatures, so 563 can allow Shi Yu to cast such outrageous things as poisonous spray with a human body.

If it was in the world of “Ordinary Profession Makes the World’s Strongest”, he could only get the bonus of poison resistance at most, and it was impossible to spew out poisonous mist.

Today, Shi Yu can create a poisonous mist through magic power and release it.

This was something he had tested with his hands in between eating barbecues.

In short, it is good that you don’t need to really spray with your mouth, otherwise it is estimated that a large number of people will dislike their bad breath.

Everyone finished eating the snake flesh,

It doesn’t stop until the snake meat no longer grows experience for them,

Everyone has a round belly, even if it is quiet.

Now that she has love and sees the hope of living, even she is willing to work hard to live.

[Do you expand the current map in your mind?yes/no]

The voice of the Great Sage sounded again,

Shi Yu raised his eyebrows, how did it feel more and more like a game after being loaded with the Great Sage function.

“yes。 ”

With the choice of Shiyu,

A magic force probes out all around,

A map similar to that in an RPG game comes to mind.

Shi Yu felt the feeling in his head and complained madly:

“Isn’t this TM Lao Tzu’s magic perception, add a record and real-time positioning function and directly change the name to map? ”

Its real-time universe also belongs to standing and talking without back pain,

Because if you turn on mana perception all the time, it will consume a considerable amount of mana.

The map function only needs to be detected once, and the Great Sage function can record and locate it.

It is only Shi Yu, a pervert with a full level of blue buff, that he feels that the map belongs to the skill of chicken ribs.

Shi Yu looked at the markings on the map and changed the tunnel and said:

“Going this way, there’s a dead end. ”

“How do you know?”

“You guess. ”

With the deepening of Shiyu,

Everyone encountered a variety of powerful monsters,

C+ Other social giant bats, B-level Chron, B-level dark spiders, and B+ other evil centipedes.

When these monsters, which were extremely powerful in the eyes of the stupid trio, all fell under Shi Yu’s casual shot,

The eyes of the three of them looking at Shi Yu were already full of adoration.

This is definitely an A-level adventurer! No! It’s A+ something else!

The three people looked at Shi Yu’s gaze as if they were looking at a legend, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If Shi Yu uses the Demon Body ability, he can obtain at least 6 (CGCG) skills from the four monsters.

[Paralysis Spray], [Sticky Wire], [Steel Wire], [Blood Suidy], [Ultrasound], and [Flesh Armor].

As a result, because Shi Yu really can’t talk about disgusting monsters such as centipedes and bats,

In the end, he only obtained the three skills [Sticky Wire], [Steel Wire], and [Flesh Armor].

As for why he can eat spiders, he really wants to experience the feeling of a failed man.

Maybe one day after becoming a god, he will cross into the Marvel world and be able to mix with Spider-Man.

So he endured nausea and gnawed a spider leg meat,

Here I have to thank Akuya’s purification divine technique,

No matter how unpalatable meat is, after purification, it will become pure and flawless and retain a trace of sweetness.

After obtaining the skill, Shi Yu experimented with the [Sticky Wire] skill,

Sure enough, as Tangyu thought, this thing is simply the same as Spider-Man’s spider silk.

After feeling a [failed man] version of Tarzan roared.

Everyone finally came to a place of abyss.

Suspended steps lead straight into the ground, making it feel creepy.

“Shi, Lord Shiyu, are you sure you want to continue going down? ”

Ellie has turned into Shi Yu’s fan sister at this time, holding Shi Yu’s smelly feet all the time, but her timid personality has not changed at all.

The intensity of the magic below seemed to make even the air much thicker.

Shi Yu stretched out his hand,

The magic in the abyss suddenly became furious.

A wave of magic came madly, pushing the trio of Jing and Stupid out.

Shi Yu, on the other hand, stood in place thoughtfully.

This is what the Storm Dragon said, no monster can get close to him?

He remembered that in the setting, the slime reincarnated by the Moe King was born from the magic gathered by the Storm Dragon King.

Therefore, in the entire lower cage, only King Moe himself frantically collected resources.

The rest of the monsters simply could not withstand the repulsion of the Storm Dragon’s magic.

However, this magic power wants to stop yourself, but it is a fool’s dream.

Shi Yu snorted coldly:

“You guys are waiting here. ”

Saying that, he stepped into the suspended stone slab,

Suddenly, a violent hurricane caused by a torrent of magic blew up in the entire abyss!

However, Shi Yu walked down step by step like a mountain.

Ellie and the others looked at Shi Yu at the center of the storm with a shocked expression.

The strength of this guy … Is there really an S-class?!。

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