“Gee, I still didn’t call it in the end. ”

Shi Yu shook his head with some regret,

Jing covered her mouth and smiled on the side, she naturally understood that Shi Yu just wanted to take advantage of the superior tree.

Since Shi Yu is not familiar with those comics of Neon Country at all, he can only regret that he did not let Yushu recognize him as a master.

However, he still agreed to find a relationship and send him to the Freedom Academy to be a teacher with Jing.

And Yushu, who watched Yushu leave side by side with Jing, his face became solemn,

“What the hell are you going to do, the Flame Spirit on Teacher Jing’s body has disappeared, is this kind of thing something that the Storm Dragon can do?”

He didn’t care about a few failed summoners, he cared about this otherworldly traveler who suddenly appeared and didn’t know where to cross.

Online supermarket?

What hell is this talent,

If it was true, it would be too shocking to him, because it involved the return of the crosser.

Yushu has studied the world of Moe King,

Simply put, the world here is divided into three layers.

Travel through the pre-technological world, and there is no magic in the material world.

The spiritual world inhabited by pure spirit bodies such as elves, angels, and demons.

and the semi-material world formed by the intersection of the two, that is, the Moe King World, which he called the Chaos World. 603

The chaotic world has the characteristics of both the material world and the spiritual world, and it is an extremely special world.

The whole world has both supernatural products such as magic and scientific principles.

Spiritual beings such as elves, demons, and goblins can also be revealed.

Many reincarnated people die in the material world and travel to this world to be reborn.

So does it mean that if certain conditions are met, there may be a chance to teleport back?

Magic represents the power of law interference in this world,

In terms of the rules that Shi Yu interprets in various other worlds, it is the amount of power he has.

It can materialize magic that only appears in the spirit world through chanting spells similar to the voice of the world.

That means that if you can interpret and sort out the rules, you may have a chance to find a way to go back.

Because the traverser can not be found, even if the probability of success and CD of summoning magic is a few decades as the shortest period, Yuki can’t do a lot of research to get countries to start summoning children.

But Shi Yu is different here,

When Yushu learned that the food bought in the supermarket had special attributes, he immediately thought that this was the magical effect of bringing the magic of the spiritual world after the material world was crossed.

That also means that they can use the laws involved in online supermarkets to reverse and return to neon.

Yushu has been doing research in this area, and he feels that Shiyu is a breakthrough.

If you can return to neon, then with your current strength, conquering the world may not be impossible, and it is even easier than conquering this chaotic world.

So when Yushu heard that Shi Yu was going to the academy to become a teacher, he agreed without hesitation.

Over the next week,

Shi Yu and Jing moved into the dormitory of the college,

During this period, Shi Yu unceremoniously used the identity of the chief marshal of the Yushu Free Guild to fake Huwei, and asked for a set of independent houses with courtyards from the school.

Then live every day on top of ritual activities that must be prepared in order to solve students’ physical problems.

When Yuki found Shiyu, he was happily following Jing from the yard watering flowers and planting trees.

Shi Yu patted Youshu’s shoulder with a satisfied look and sighed:

“Good, very sensible, I know to come to see your master and me.” ”

Yuki’s face darkened, and he almost couldn’t resist revealing his strength and burning him to ashes with magic.

You Shukan laughed twice and said:

“No, you’re welcome. ”

At this time, he also knew that this guy’s skin was thick, and there was no way to take this guy except to turn his face and collapse his character.

As the part-time chairman of the Freedom Academy, Yuki personally brought Shiyu and Jing to the school.

The teaching director gave Shi Yu a brief explanation, as for Jing has long been familiar with these processes, and here is just worried that Shi Yu is not very comfortable (cibj).

Liberty Academy is not so much a school as a training institution for members of the Freedom Guild. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Except for general general knowledge courses, they are basically all practical courses such as magic, monsters, combat skills, and survival skills.

It’s just that the class Shi Yu wants to take over is a special class, because they are all some problem students.

There was a quiet suppression before, and this group of imps naturally went to class honestly,

And since Jing resigned and left, this class has been completely stocked.

The teaching director looked at Jing with an excited face:

“Great, you’re finally back. ”

The devil knows what the concept of these little ghosts even beating away B-level adventurers during this time is.

Although souls are not enough to control those huge magical powers, it is an established fact that they possess powerful magic elements and talents.

Ordinary B-level adventurers are really not their opponents,

You must know that Jing was only A+ in his heyday, so it was impossible for A masters to waste combat power to take care of a few mortal little children.

Jing looked at the director with some embarrassment:

“Are they hard to manage now?”

The teaching director nodded repeatedly,

“It’s hard to manage…”

Shi Yu shrugged his shoulders and walked directly in: “It’s hard to take a look and know.” ”

“Yo~ the imps don’t want to die, sit me down. ”

“Flame Excalibur!”

“Ah~Xiaojian, you’re so handsome~”

“Isn’t that a special move? You finally practiced it!”

“Hmph, it’s a pity that the endurance doesn’t seem to be enough, I didn’t hit it just now, right?”

A few little fart children looked at the empty skills not only not ashamed, but a proud provocateur Shi Yu.


A gunshot rang out,

There was an extra deep hole next to the head named Xiaojian.

Shi Yu slapped the ebony and white ivory on the table and sneered at the group of little fart children and said:

“If you don’t want to die, sit down for me.” ”


After a while, the five little ones sat nervously on the desk, unable to move at all.

A smile flashed in Shi Yu’s eyes,

Sure enough, guns are probably a greater deterrent to this group of little fart children from neon than superposition magic.

Shi Yu knocked on the lectern table:


Invisible fluctuations swept over this group of little fart children, and a huge mass of magic power appeared in his perception.

Shi Yu looked at the gradually dispersing demonic energy and raised his eyebrows,

It felt like the storm dragon when it was sealed, constantly sending magic clusters around.

Their bodies could no longer withstand their demons, and they began to be gradually assimilated into spiritual bodies.

Shi Yu touched his chin and pondered:

“How do you feel so much like yourself…”.

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