[Great Sage: ……]

[Analysis failed…]

Shi Yu showed a disgusted expression on his face, analyzing what the hell the failure was, and it was rare to pretend to be forced by himself.

And at this time, the pig-headed emperor has recovered his body,

His magic essence also improved a lot with devouring his little brother,

Originally, this period of conquest should have collected enough 10,000 souls to advance to the Demon King Realm.

However, due to the Hungry’s subsidiary skill [Food Chain], he released a large part of his energy to the pig-headed people, which led to his delayed promotion.

Now the clansmen who have evolved into the pig-headed general took the initiative to die, which made the energy that originally belonged to the pig-headed emperor return to his body.

[It has been determined that the pig-headed emperor, whose individual name Krut’s magic element is rapidly increasing, began to evolve into a demon king species]

With a whirlwind of demon qi, the voice of the Great Sage came again.

[Successful, individual name Krut, evolved into the pig-headed devil]


With a roar, the pig-headed emperor completely regained his senses,

“I’m the Pig-headed Demon King, the one who is going to devour everything! His name is Krut, the Demon King Krut!”

The huge magic element swept the 31 battlefield in an instant,

The originally demoralized pig-headed tribe instantly let out an excited roar.

However, a golden light suddenly flashed,

With a bang, the head of the newly evolved Krut was directly shattered.

The pig-headed tribes on the battlefield were silent.

Shi Yu withdrew the magic gun in his hand and looked at Krut with an impatient expression,

“Hit and beat, how is there so much nonsense. ”

A strange flesh and blood squirmed on Krut’s neck, and the head that was smashed into ashes grew out quickly.

Shi Yu frowned,

The rules of the Moe King world are strange, even the mortal level more or less controls the power of the world rules.

Reaching the level of the demon king, the existence of some monsters is more inclined to the direction of pure spirit body evolution.

This also means that the Achilles heel above the flesh basically no longer exists, or that the magic element is their essence.

If you want to destroy them, you must first consume their magic element, otherwise unless it is an attack on the soul, simple physical damage will not cause much damage to them.

To put it bluntly, this group of guys are all existences similar to Lich Wiz in the Suqing world.

Lich Wiz … Lich…

Shi Yu was suddenly stunned,

He stretched out his finger to the Pig-headed Demon King who was still roaring,


A white holy light instantly erupted from his hand and shrouded the pig-headed emperor who had evolved into a demon king.


A painful scream suddenly came from the mouth of the pig-headed demon king,

One after another, the black mist of the soul of death was directly separated from the body of the demon king.

“Damn! What did you do!?”

The pig-headed demon king roared loudly towards Shi Yu in horror.

Just this small subordinate sacrificial magic directly caused irreversible damage to it.

Shi Yu: “…”

Shi Yu looked at the pig-headed demon king who had received a thousandfold critical attack with an ugly face.

“Great Sage?”

[It has been determined that the demon king species is essentially a rebirth ritual that uses the souls of the dead to carry out racial changes]

[It has been determined that the faith class doubles the damage caused to the demon king race, and the faith class power has greatly suppressed the race]

Shi Yu’s face became gloomy, and sure enough.

The use of souls to promote the demon king in the world of the moe king has a huge drawback, in the association with Wiz who was reborn by Barnier, the Duke of Hell.

The so-called evolutionary demon king is simply talking about forcibly blackening himself and regenerating into a demon king species.

If it is a single Moe King world, it is okay, the Demon King represents strength, and there is no such thing as belief skills in this world.

But the problem is that this is a world of travel!

There are countless professions and races to restrain evil races.

Not to mention others, if his own Akuya is against a full-level demon king, he does not say a second kill, but he can also directly cut off eighty percent of his combat power.

Suqing’s finale is that Akuya weakens the Demon King with divine power, and then asks the most wasted Kazuma to single him to death with the Demon King.

This is enough to show how high the damage of Akuya’s divine magic power is to the demon king.

And Shi Yu also tried to use the exorcism that Akuya learned to give a shot,

Now it seems that the effect is surprisingly good!

This also means that if you really call yourself a demon king in this way.

Then I’m afraid that a bunch of guys who restrain themselves will appear in this world.

This system task is a big pit!

Shi Yu’s face was livid and looked at his attribute panel.

This hanging hair system, which only pops up when entering a new otherworld, gives itself a hint of bad foreboding.

“Great Sage, can I obtain the attributes and skills of monsters without eating now. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

[Yes, the magic body can be directly analyzed by linking the demon body through the juxtaposition calculus, and the object that has been analyzed can be calculated by the magic element to obtain its attribute value and inherent skills. ] 】

Listening to the Great Sage’s explanation, Shi Yu was completely stunned.

He could be sure that this dog day system was definitely not a good thing.

With yourself currently receiving rewards from him,

In addition to the other world, the foodie Tian Gangzhi was passively encountered in the Suqing world, and directly gave a guild function.

There are only three worlds to actively travel to: Ordinary Professions, Overlo500rd, and Slime World.

And the rewards given by these three worlds are one is the demon body task to demonize the body, one is the demon king task to demonize the soul, and the other is the belief technique.

Looking at it like this, it always feels like this guy is pushing himself up to the villain,

And these kinds of rewards look awesome at first glance, but if you think about it, they have considerable hidden dangers.

Not to mention the demon body transforming its physical body into an inhuman, the demon king is directly reborn into a race, and the only belief technique seems to be very buggy, but it is very dependent on believers.

This kind of signs shows that the system has brought itself not a gold finger belonging to the original protagonist, but a big hole dug one by one!

The more Shi Yu thought about it, the darker his face became, and he looked at the Pig-headed Demon King who was about to degenerate, and directly released Akuya’s signature skill.


The white light attached to the divine power instantly shrouded the pig-headed demon king,

One after another, the unjust souls roared from the pig-headed demon king, purified into ordinary souls, and extradited to the heavenly realm.

The huge body of the pig-headed demon king also shrank back again with the disappearance of his soul.

By the time the purification was completed, he had already transformed back into an ordinary monster pig-headed emperor!


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