Lana’s face was like a saint’s,

Mirim and Akuya performed diametrically opposite.

Miriam’s brows furrowed, and under the dragon’s eyes, he clearly saw the demon heart that Lana was in.

Akuya, on the other hand, was delighted, because of Lana’s existence, the number of her followers was terrifying, and the power she held was far greater than before.

In the past, Barnier’s doppelganger could also forcibly pass through the divine enchantment at the cost of damaging itself,

Now it was completely impossible for him to pass through Akuya’s newly arranged divine enchantment.

The power of a Rijestij kingdom, most of whom were brainwashed into the Akusis Sect, was terrifying.

You must know that the royal capital alone has a population of 9 million.

Even if half of them become die-hard fans, it is far more than the number of Akuya believers in the Suqing world.

Shi Yu shook his head: “There is no need to put on this fake expression in front of me.” ”

Akuya was stunned: “Fake expression?”

She looked down,

The originally perfect Lana now had a morbid smile enjoying orgasm on her face, and her eyes were full of fever and excitement, as if she was extremely satisfied with her current situation. 36

Akuya’s scalp tingles:

Lana, what’s going on with you? Your expression looks so scary. ”

Lana put away her smile and nodded to Akuya with a smile:

“No, I’m just a little happy, thank Goddess Akuya and Lord Shiyu for giving me this opportunity. ”

Originally, she only raised a Clem, who had beautiful eyes, but now she raised countless Clems who wagged their tails and begged for pity on herself, and as long as she traveled, she was looking at her subjects feverishly everywhere.

The kind of adoration, gratitude, and fanatical eyes made her want to stop, which she had never dreamed of before.

Because the previous Kingdom of Rijestij attached too much importance to the high and low status of status.

Even if she is as smart as she can finally come up with a plan to support her second brother and send herself to a remote territory to raise dogs.

Now it’s different, the entire kingdom of Riestij is in his hands.

All the noble scum were brainwashed by themselves with the power of faith, which was something she didn’t dare to think about before.

Shi Yu spoke at this time:

“What is the situation in the kingdom now?”

Lana smiled coquettishly and respectfully knelt on the ground to report:

“With the help of Xiao Ai’s teacher, the food problem of the entire Riestij has been completely solved, with the cooperation of the nobles’ private soldiers, the spiritual construction has achieved remarkable results, and 70% of the residents in the country have joined the Akusis. ”

“The protection of Goddess Akuya is also very popular, and the life skills of the congregation are easier to learn, and the vitality has been greatly improved, which is why it has been promoted so quickly. ”

“Of course, the role of the eight fingers in the kingdom is indispensable, because the Akusis sect has received shelter, so they have to target those non-believers, and now the living space of these people is getting smaller and smaller, and some dogs jump off the wall. ”

“I’m thinking about whether to give them some bangs again or just destroy them, after all, the development of the church has become unstoppable, and this group of moths in the dark is already dispensable.” ”

“However, the Nazalik forces that my lord asked me to watch have taken action during this time, and I suspect that the eight fingers may have been received by them, and many people have disappeared from the royal capital during this time, even the little blacks do not seem to have found useful clues, it is obvious that the strength of the coming people may have exceeded the security of the kingdom.” ”

“The sacred enchantment in the palace has been touched before, it should be that something evil tried to invade, but it failed. ”

“The Empire side seems to be about to move, constantly sending troops to harass Yerantir, but all of them have been beaten by the idle sect members, but I don’t think they are dead, maybe there will be a big move during this time.” ”

Aeeg told all about the state of the kingdom at this stage,

Shi Yu fell into deep thought after listening to it,

There is a lot of good news, and there is also bad news,

Because of his strength, he always ignores a problem,

That is, although there are no demigod-level powerhouses in the Great Tomb of Nazalik, there are more powerhouses at level 100 than Shi Yu’s Dashu Village.

Although a lot of hellwolves and devil spiders have been filmed to assist Lana in defense,

But the royal capital is still infiltrated like a sieve.

It’s clear that there are Guardians involved.

If it weren’t for the divine enchantment set up by Akuya in the palace, maybe Dimigueus would have found Lana.

Shi Yu nodded:

“It’s time to clean up, there is no need to use those inferior means to enlist believers.” ”

Although Shi Yu does not like to take the initiative to provoke others, he is not the kind of Virgin of the good old character.

Lana must have kept eight fingers to expand the number of Akusis believers, (read violent novels, go on the Feilu Fiction Network!)

After all, their teachings and the madness displayed by their followers are enough to make an ordinary person retreat.

In the Suqing world, the Akuya are a group of people with sick brains, and this information is recognized.

Lana’s ability to bring 70% of the population of the entire Kingdom of Rijestij into neuropathy is also quite a cowhide.

Therefore, he had no intention of blaming Lana for using some subterfuge methods.

Anyway, the followers of the Acusis are relatively happy,

As for whether it will be seen as a sand sculpture by others, it does not matter at all,

In this dangerous world where you will be pulled to war and attacked by monsters at every turn, sand sculptures will have a higher sense of happiness.

Lana didn’t mean to refute when she heard Shi Yu’s reply,

“Okay, Lord Shi Yu, I’ll contact Cang Rose and solve the problem of the eight fingers. ”

Shi Yu nodded:

“Assign us a new adventurer identity, we will secretly follow along, if Nazalik can do it, you three-legged cats will not be able to stop it.” ”

“Okay, I’ll do it. ”

Lana retreated respectfully,

Miriam looked at Lana with admiration:

“Where did you find this funny guy?”

“I sent it myself. ”

Miriam pouted, and then an excited expression appeared on her face:

“What kind of eight-finger is that here this time?”

Shi Yu rolled his eyes:

“Fart, simply go along the way, make it lively, by the way, see if there are people standing behind now, don’t find a reason to start a war, I always feel that my conscience is not very good.” ”

Miriam glanced at Shi Yu with disdain:

“Bah, hypocrite. ”

ps. went to Spring City Square, just came back, I don’t know how many I can write today, sleepy.

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