Everyone turned their heads to look, and a butler-like toe walked over with a high spirit.

This is the one who recruited many adventurer squads, the steward of the Earl’s Mansion.

“Stop! they are all companions on a joint mission, there is no need to hurt everyone’s harmony for a few slaves. ”

Shi Yu’s brows frowned,

“Stop for a moment. ”

When the three elves looked at each other ~ Yu,

Although Tianwu seems to be seriously injured, he can recover as long as he uses healing magic.

This is a world where the dead can be resurrected, and the loss of limbs is not a serious injury at all.

If Tianwu is cured, what awaits them will be a torture even more terrifying than hell.

The butler had a satisfied expression on his face,

What steel-level adventurers, in the imperial capital, must do it according to their own ideas!

After all, this time it was the order of the adult above.

And although Tianwu is a little garbage, but this is also a person from the empire, how could he let the adventurers of the kingdom kill him.


But his words have not yet fallen,

Shi Yu hated iron and reminded the elves:

“Aren’t you dying if you don’t see it?

The elves’ eyes were completely gray,

However, Shi Yu continued in the next second:

“Cured and continue to fight, it’s too cheap to kill him directly. ”

The eyes of the three elves burst with light,

The elf in the middle was excited to use the previous slanderous healing to hang Tianwu’s life,

Immediately, the three began a new round of torture.

The housekeeper was furious at this time: “You are looking for death!


Suddenly a gunshot rang out.

The butler’s head exploded.

The headless corpse fell stiffly.

Everyone took a few steps back in shock, no one expected that Shi Yu would dare to attack the count’s men.

Shi Yu opened lightly:

“From now on, I don’t want to hear anyone say any superfluous nonsense, otherwise I’ll send you to God, well, maybe you don’t know who God is, then send you to the steward.” ”

Shi Yu likes peace, but it does not mean that he will compromise for this.

A good and evil value of 50 in the case of an upper limit of 500 means that Shi Yu is not a good person.

“How dare you…”


Another gunshot.

The guard’s forehead exploded like a butler.

This time, everyone looked at Shi Yu in horror,

If it was because of an accident before, everyone didn’t have time to react.

So this time it has been 12 points of vigilance, but still has not been able to have any chance to react.

This also means that the person in front of you… Unbeatable.

At this time, only the miserable howl of Tianwu remained in the entire square,

and the chant of healing magic by the elf sister.

Shi Yu looked at Tianwu, who was still shouting energetically, and frowned,

He suddenly felt that the execution grounds in Nazalik’s tomb might not be useless.

In troubled times, using heavy codes, arresting these scum and throwing them into public torture should be able to greatly curb this world where the rule of law is not perfect.

When I thought of this, Yu felt a lack of interest,

He waved his hand at the three elves: “You guys are too gentle, let me come.” ”

Then he did not hesitate to cut off Tianwu’s limbs, and then sent him back to the west with a relieved expression.

“Akuya, resurrection. ”

A burst of white light flashed,

Tianwu was horrified to find that he had come back to life.

Everyone looked at Shi Yu, who was walking towards Tianwu with a sinister smile, and their scalps were numb.

They glanced at Akuya, this is still a 5th-order faith system magic chanter!?

Resuscitation of the dead?

How did they know that Akuya’s resurrection technique had surpassed the setting of rank magic and belonged to a demigod-level skill.

Then in the horrified eyes of everyone,

Tianwu kept repeating death and resurrection, and finally his soul completely collapsed and he became a fool.

Shi Yu turned his head to look at Miriam, who was watching with relish,

“Do you want this thing?”

Mirim was not polite at all, and directly pulled out Tianwu’s soul and ate it in the frightened eyes of everyone. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This is even more terrifying for them than the previous torture,

At this point, a word came to their minds.

Demon God!

Except for the demon god who fought with the thirteen heroes at the beginning, they really couldn’t describe this terrifying scene in front of them.

The three elf girls showed the joy of revenge.

The three of them knelt respectfully under Shi Yu,

Even if Shi Yu was a demon god, they didn’t have the slightest regret, seeing this scum end up like this was enough for them to give everything completely.

Shi Yu casually opened the pitch-black portal,

“Go in by yourself. ”

The elves walked in without the slightest hesitation.

The adventurers trembled in their hearts when they looked at this high-level teleportation that emitted a ghostly light,

This is the gateway to hell?

And the elves on the opposite side originally thought so, knowing that they saw many high-level elves dressed in green happily collecting ripe vegetables, and the three of them immediately cried.

And at this time, a man in a dress walked out of the courtyard again.

He clapped his hands, not mentioning everything that had just happened:

“When the time comes, thank you all for accepting the commission of our count’s house, we will send two coachmen with us, and six adventurers in charge of guarding the carriage. ”

“The destination is a tomb within the kingdom for exploration and the shape of a tomb, and the duration of the investigation stay is three days, and the additional bonus will depend on what my director gets from taking care of it, so it will be arranged later, there is no problem in fighting, right?”

Shi Yu glanced at the new old man and laughed,

“It seems that the Blood Emperor is not too stupid. ”

The old man did not respond to Shi Yu’s mockery in the slightest, but bowed to Shi Yu with a respectful face:

“It is our bad greeting to provoke the honorable steel-level adventurer, this time your mission reward is doubled as compensation, and the master wants you to become the leader of the team, I don’t know what you think?”

Shi Yu casually burned Tianwu’s corpse:

“I have no opinion. ”

He originally came for the old bones this time.

The demon king Miriam, the goddess Akuya, plus his own demigod, has already given face to the bone king.

If it weren’t for the guild’s pile of world-class props, he wouldn’t even be too lazy to call Miriam over, he was worried that Miriam would kill Nazalik if he didn’t control it.

He made the guild his own.

As for the other three squads nodding one after another, they didn’t have the courage to resist Shi Yu’s brutality, and they didn’t want to end up like Tianwu.

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