In the hall, there was silence.

Dimiurgus, their faces were livid, and they looked at the man standing on top of the spear.

Although the bone king couldn’t make any expression on his face, there was a smile in his tone,

“Fellow countryman, I haven’t seen you for a long time, why do you have time to come here today?”

Shi Yu’s exaggerated expression noticed that the bone king screamed,

“Don’t, I can’t afford to be your fellow, since you caught people for experiments in my kingdom of Riyestij, our relationship has faded. ”

The bone king was stunned when he heard this,

“Experiment? What experiment?”

Dimiurgos on the side whispered to the bone king: “About the experiment on the optimization of the proportion of the two-legged sheep for the successful production of magic scrolls.” ”

The Bone King looked at Shi Yu with a surprised expression: “What’s wrong with this?”

Shi Yu grinned: “Don’t you know that the two-legged sheep are talking about humans?”

The bone king was stunned,

“So what?”

Shi Yu grinned at this time,

“Akuya. ”

“Sacred Highness Exoricm!”

A terrifying divine light instantly enveloped the entire throne,


The Bone King’s face changed drastically, 337 He only felt that his soul was being frantically withdrawn by this white light.

Also suffering from this were Yalbed and Shatija,

The two races of vampires and succubus did not have the slightest resistance in front of Akuya, and the moment the divine light fell, the two fainted directly.

Dimiurgos’ face changed drastically:


The Spirit Magic was activated, and the fluctuations of Wu swept towards Akuya.

However, Akuya pouted and did not waver in the slightest.

The skill that could not be resisted within level 40 was simply a small sight in front of Akuya.

Not to mention that at this time, the power of Dimigus was suppressed to freezing by Akuya, and the power also passed madly with the divine light.

Seibas looked solemn and took an attack stance,

As a dragon race, he was naturally not restrained by Akuya’s divine light, with a justice value of 500.

“Faux pas. ”

Seibas let out a low sigh,

Punched Akuya,


A proud whisper suddenly came from above,

With a muffled bang,

Seibas felt like he had smashed into incomparably hard steel. (ajbc)

Miriam pressed his face against Sebas’s fist excitedly:

“It’s amazing, a tingling feeling after a long absence!”

Seibas looked at Loli in front of him with a shocked face, and when he really confronted her, he understood the horror of this guy.

“It’s my turn!”

Miriam exclaimed excitedly,

The skinny fist slammed towards Sebas,

Sebas’s face changed, and he crossed his hands in front of his chest,

In the next second, he instantly flew out upside down and smashed between the thrones.


The insect king let out a cold breath,

The giant axe in his hand slashed at Mirim with a swing.

And Miriam had no intention of dodging,

With his fists clenched in his hands, he slammed towards the axe.

With a clang, the sound of the axe shattering came.

The insect king let out a cold breath again and was shocked:

This is an artifact given to me by Lord Wuren Jianyulei!”

And at this time, Miriam’s eyes were shining,

“It’s so interesting!”

Her figure instantly disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the insect king,

“Eat me with a punch!”

The terrifying fist instantly smashed into the crystal shell of the insect king’s sacred weapon,

Pieces of fragmentation came out of the shell, and I flew out upside down with a muffled snort.

Shi Yu glanced at the Bug King and Sebas, and the breath of the two exploded, but there was not much damage to their bodies.

Shi Yu narrowed his eyes: “Is it digital?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the end, it is just a group of NPCs created by the Ainziurgong Guild, even if they are given souls when crossing, but they still can’t get rid of the fact that they NPCs.

In the final analysis, the Overlord Realm was originally the first batch of players to forcibly write the magic rules of YGGDRASIL into the Overlord Realm through the world-class prop Twenty Eternal Calamity Snake Ring or the Five Elements Phase.

Just as the otherworldly travelers of the Moe King world are endowed with various special abilities, NPCs such as Yalbed are also endowed with a higher degree of intelligence.


Shi Yu looked at the Ainziur Gong Staff in the Bone King’s hand and sneered,

The divine gun in his hand flashed with golden light and threw it violently!


A loud bang came out,

The staff of Ainzurgong shattered instantly,

Ma Lei and Yaura, who were still planning to act, instantly stood in place and turned into a neutral state.

Sebas and Cottses were stunned at first, then looked at Miriam and rushed forward again.

It is clear that the sustained damage triggered by Miriam’s attack activates the defensive counterattack of the neutral monster.

The Bone King looked at the slowly disappearing Ainziur Gong Staff in his hand with an angry look and roared:

“No!!Friends’ guild! Damn it! Ahh!”

Shi Yu looked at the bone king coldly and laughed:

“Don’t be disgusting, you are just an undead with the memory of a traverser, and even your original body may not be dead, and you are honestly working as a social animal in neon.” ”

Overlord said in the first chapter that the Bone King is not the traverser Suzuki Gou at all, he is just an undead with Suzuki Go’s memory.

What remnant soul influences, past life memories are.

Judging from the fact that the Bone King completely treats humans as maggots, we know that this guy is not a traverser at all.

The Moe King, who is also a soul crossing into a monster, also has the heart of a monster, and he still wants to build a harmonious world where monsters and humans coexist.

Even if the race changes, it is impossible to erase the fact that he was once a human so quickly, and it can be seen from the forced calmness of the bone king that this guy is actually just an NPC in the YGGDRASIL world.

And the real Suzuki Goku has probably withdrawn when the game is stopped, and all that remains is the memory of Suzuki Gou.

Shi Yu saw that the bone king had reached the bottom of his blood,

He unceremoniously walked directly in front of the Bone King and pressed his hand to his face:

“Great Sage, can you absorb evolution?”

[I see, analysis, evolution, fusion application to submit… Failure!】

[Analysis, evolution, integration application submitted again… Failure!】

[Analysis, evolution, integration application submitted again… Failure!】


[Analyze 718 magic forms, integrate the power of faith, apply for evolution… Success!】

[Great Sage Evolution… Acting for the gods!].

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