A cloud of terrifying mushrooms rises from the battlefield below,

Poor Otherworldly Visitor Falken didn’t last second after all.

The souls of otherworldly visitors are sacrificed, and the voice of the world resounds from above the battlefield.

[After confirmation, successfully obtain unique skills…[Survivors]]

Foulken’s dead soul triggered the Voice of the World, and new power attached to Shi Yu’s body.

This skill, which was supposed to be burst when Shogo killed Xixing, was now rewarded to Shiyu by the Voice of the World.

A unique skill [Survivor] that specializes in defense,

In addition to powerful power, it also has extended skills such as [Super Speed Regeneration] and [Invalidating Attributes],

And as long as it does not fall into the state of imminent death, it can regenerate indefinitely, and normally speaking, this force is invincible.

Moe King World Version Wolverine, even his self-healing ability is even more perverted than Wolverine.

Because it is said in the novel that even if you are beheaded, you can restore your original state in an instant, which is obviously not a matter of resilience, this skill should be the same as the regeneration magic of the peaceful world, and it belongs to the same time system as the recovery magic of the stick brave.

Shi Yu frowned, he had the God Generation Magic Regeneration Magic, to be honest, this survivor didn’t seem to be of any use to him.

Or the two unique skills seem to coincide.

[Inform that the unique skill [Survivor] and the unique skill [Regeneration Magic] can be fused, is it fused?YES/NO]

Suddenly the voice of the apostle sounded from Shi Yu’s mind,

Shi Yu was stunned when he heard this,

Skill fusion?

“yes。 ”

Shi Yu hesitated for less than a second, and immediately chose YES, the two repeated healing skills did not seem to have a big effect on themselves, it was better to simply melt their hearts.

Moreover, Shi Yu clearly knows that the essence of regeneration magic is the rules of time, but the time rules controlled by regeneration magic in the ordinary world can only be regarded as fur at most, and if you want to control time, Shi Yu can’t do it now.

With Shiyu’s YES,

The voice of the apostle sounded again,

[Tell you, unique skill [Regeneration magic] integrate [Survivor] to challenge evolution… Success, unique skill [Regeneration Magic] evolved into the ultimate skill [King of Time]]

[Inform to obtain the sub-skill [Time and Space Travel], travel back to the past, the current appearance can shuttle for up to 3 years]

[Inform the acquisition of the sub-skill [Time Pause], you can pause the time within the surrounding range, and the current appearance can be paused for up to 3 seconds]

[Inform the acquisition of the sub-skill [Memory Reproduction], which can reproduce past memories within the spatial range, and the current appearance can be reproduced for up to 30 years]

Shi Yu listened to the broadcast of the Voice of the World and opened his mouth,

Time…… The king of the king?!

I rub, isn’t this Chloe’s skill?

Although he has only watched the anime, Shi Yu has learned about the world view of Moe King on some commentary videos.

The animated version of the Moe King timeline is actually a world where Chloe begins to change the timeline in countless reincarnations.

In the original timeline, the declaration of war in the Kingdom of Falms did not go well, and King Moe was not blocked by Hinata.

The Demon Federation will go to war with the empire under the leadership of the Moe King, and the Moe King has not evolved into the Awakened Demon King.

Until the death of King Moe, the storm dragon Verdra went berserk, and Hinata, Chloyer and others went to war with it in order to prevent the destruction of the human world.

As a result, Hinata was brutally attacked, and Chloe awakened the Lord of Time to begin reincarnation with Hinata’s soul, and Cronoa’s brave personality was born.

Thus opening the story line of the Moe King.

It can be said that the timeline of the entire Moe King world revolves around Chloe, and Moe King Limulu only accounts for a small part of the timeline.

Now, the king of Croyer’s world has been snatched by himself by fusing the time-based power of the flat world with the survivors of the moe king world.

That long means that Chloe has lost the qualification to awaken the King of Time…

Shi Yudan looked painfully at the apostle’s introduction to the listed King of Time.

He found that he seemed to have completely collapsed the plot of the Moe King world…

At this time, King Farms desperately suppressed his fear,

He wants to hold on to the shelf that he should have as a king,

He looked around at the miserable battlefield,

From any point of view, the expedition had already failed.

The drop of space-based weapons completely wiped out the last trace of courage of the soldiers, (read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Everyone stood in place blankly, their eyes full of desperate grayness.

The undead did not stop moving in the slightest, and they mechanically brandished their magic swords to send a soldier to the space where Eris was.

When they were reborn in the Suqing world, they became followers of the Akusis Sect again.

Of course, there are still many soul residues that continue to pour into Shi Yu’s body under the action of rules,

If he hasn’t changed jobs yet, he can clearly perceive the level increase from the adventurer card.

Now Shi Yu only felt that with the influx of souls, his strength was constantly improving, and his attributes were also growing wildly.

This is an upgrade method different from the evolution route of the demon king,

Unlike all the souls required for the evolution of the Demon King, the level increase in the Suqing World will only absorb a small part of the pure souls left after human death into the body, and will not transform people into Demon Kings.

It can be said that this is the essence of no side effects, even if Shi Yu has become a god candidate, he can still continuously improve his attributes by killing enemies.

King Fallus trembled in the carriage and did not dare to show his head,

“What to do?Lazan?Foulken?~!”

He hugged the archbishop in panic and shivered.

The guards tried to go out to explore the way, but as soon as they showed their heads, they were set on fire by a skeleton sniper.

The king snorted, and a stench came from his crotch.

Shi Yu looked at Razan and the sporadic Flying Knights from a distance, and his eyes were full of disdain.

He stood up, and in the next second he instantly appeared in the mid-air of the battle.

Razan was overjoyed when he saw Shi Yu,

As long as you hold the other party’s master hostage, you will definitely be able to escape here!

He exclaimed excitedly:

“Don’t move, I have a powerful nuclear explosion magic set up in my body, once I die, your king will also be shattered!”

Standing up, Shatia and Yalbed stared at Razan with fierce faces:

“Dare to threaten the Great Supreme Supreme Lord!”

Xiao Di and the others also stared at Lazan with an unkind face,

Although they knew that the guy could not hurt Shi Yu, but this kind of disrespect was unforgivable to them, everyone stared at Lazan with a bad face, as long as Shi Yu gave an order, they would tear this 70-something waste to pieces.

However, Shi Yu waved his hand to stop everyone’s action,

I saw him stretch out his hand with interest and shouted:

“Smash Valudo!”.

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