A natural white hair that is not fat, thin, tall, short, long or short. The white clothes with hair are neither luxurious nor shabby, and the face is not featureless, and on the whole, a man with an ordinary appearance appears on the road of the Earth Dragon Car.

Ku Erxiu snorted coldly and ordered loudly: “Run over!” ”

The coachman in front of the carriage answered, and the reins in his hand slammed into the body of the earth dragon.

The earth dragon roared and increased its speed, and the dragon rook shouted in order to run over its prey. Rush straight towards the standing figure, ready to knock the opponent ~ who has no dodging action.

The white hair in front looked at the Earth Dragon Car mockingly,

“Really, don’t bother. It’s really too much for me to crush me for nothing, not like a serious thing that people do. ”

The sound is so smooth that it’s like a leisurely walk in the park on an afternoon afternoon.

As a priest of strong desire, the power he holds is something that this group of garbage dragon cars can shake.

As long as the dragon car is close to his side, he can smash it to pieces with the help of static time.

“Lord Shi Yu!”

Rem stepped forward nervously, staring at Shi Yu with big eyes of Shui Lingling, his intuition telling her that she should leave the carriage quickly.

Shi Yu waved his hand, mockingly casting a layer of inherent enchantment of time standing still for his carriage.

The next second,

The white-haired priest who was pretending to be in place was directly knocked out by the dragon car.

Regrus Konyas: “??? ”

The White Hair Sijiao rolled on the ground in embarrassment, if it weren’t for his extremely high physical fitness, I am afraid that he would have been killed by the dragon car.


Regrus looked at the carriage that had stopped with a fierce face, and Shi Yu opened the curtain with a mocking look and walked out of it.

“Oops ~ Kuerxiu, there are thousands of roads, safety first, driving is not standardized, relatives have two lines of tears, how can you hit people casually, what should I do if I pretend to be stupid?”

“No, it’s stupid, who hit the dragon car by himself.”

Regrus Konias, the priest of lust in the Sect of Deadly Sin.

With strong desires and powers, the heart of the Lion King,

Being able to stand still in one’s “time” at a certain moment and separate it from the world.

Because it is static, although the body can move, it cannot cause damage or be interfered with by the laws of the world (including physical laws and magical attacks), and I am immortal because of this power. That is, external forces cannot change their physical state.

Anything thrown by Regrus during the ability period will also be in a “time standstill”,

The state of motion of these objects is not altered (i.e. the speed at which they were thrown is always maintained.

At the same time, when these objects touch other objects, they will tear the space apart, causing defenseless damage.

Regrus even used this trick to throw Rheinhallut to the sky, who knew that Leotiantian’s right time to be thrown to the moon, so he imitated Saitama and kicked back.

Just TM outrageous.

Although relying on the threat of Emilia, Regrus is the only person in the main plot of RE0 who successfully kills Rheinharut once, although in the end Leo Tian fraudulently protects the corpse in place through the undead bird, but it is enough to show the perversion of this guy’s power.

But such a powerful existence was actually hit and flown out by an ordinary earth dragon car, if it were not for his own body willfulness is also first-class, maybe he would have overturned directly.

Regruth stared at Shi Yu with a somewhat hideous face:

“How the hell did you do it?”

Shi Yu looked at Regruth with contempt,

“It’s just that time stands still, you pretend to be your mother.”

Regruth looked at Shi Yu, who looked at Shi Yu with a look of contempt, his eyes were full of madness,

“Are you flouting my rights, my little personal property?”

I saw him raise his originally hanging hand and set off a breeze.

Then, on the path of Regrus’s arm as a straight line———— earth, atmosphere, and world were separated.

The air that came out of his hand had been cut from this world,

All objects in the material world will be split in two when they touch a breeze independent of time.

Not only is the defense invincible, but even the attack power is unmatched.

However, this is when no one can reach the static world.

When people are also able to move in the static world,

All the advantages of the Priest of Desire will disappear completely, and he will become a waste wood that cannot even be sheathed by the dragon sword of Rheinharut.

And this breeze that raged in the material world turned into a breeze again in front of Shi Yu, and even the corners of Shi Yu’s clothes were not lifted.

Regrus’s eyes widened as he looked at Shi Yu in disbelief and exclaimed, “Impossible!! ”

No one has ever been able to block the crushing from the time dimension, he believes that even Rheinharut can’t, but this person in front of him can easily block it!

A look of panic flashed in Regrus’s eyes,

0 ask for flowers

The reason why he does whatever he wants is because of the strength and invincibility of his power.

When the shell of strength is taken off, his strength is not ranked in the RE0 world at all.

Ku Erxiu looked at the disappearing attack and sighed in relief, the slash just now looked too terrifying.

Shi Yu looked at Regruth and said with a smile:

“Stationary time has no concept of defense, and intermolecular forces such as gravity and repulsion of the planet do not work, and there is no binding force at all. There is neither inertia nor any external factors, so it will remain in its original form, and if attacked in this state, it will undoubtedly collapse instantly. ”

“Whether it’s reinforced concrete walls, solid rock, or steel blocks, because even the union between atoms doesn’t work, it’s defenseless. The conclusion is that there is nothing in this world that can withstand an attack. ”

“So in the static world, there is a dimensional wall between the active and the immovable person, but unfortunately to tell you, I happen to be the active person.”

Shi Yu said and clapped his palms:

“Smash Valudo!”

Invisible fluctuations came, and the world instantly turned into death-like silence. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Whether it was the roar of the earth dragon or the insect chirping of the field, everything stood still.


Regrus looked around in horror,

He looked at Shi Yu with a shocked expression, “This is… When time stands still? How can it be! How could anyone possibly stand still in time on such a large scale! ”

But before he could continue to be shocked,

He suddenly clenched his chest and fell to the ground in pain.

Shi Yu stepped forward and laughed:

“There is a price for mortals to touch the realm of God.”

The existence of the world of time standing still is not without touching in the world of the Moe King, and both Chloe and the archangel can do it.

But they all belong to pure spiritual bodies, there is no concept of physical body, naturally they will not cause death due to cardiac arrest, and Shi Yu is naturally the same as an evolved god race.

But Regrus can’t, he can keep time still for up to 5 seconds, otherwise his life will be in danger because his heart stops.

At this time, Shi Yu pulled the whole world into the static world,

For reasons of power, Regrus was forced to turn on the ability to stand still in time.

It had been more than 5 seconds, and he looked at Shi Yu who was yawning desperately.

This guy… It’s magic!.

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