Even if there is a defense of Celes here, I am afraid that it will not be able to really resist all the army for a while.

If it really gets closer, it’s really bad.

“No, it’s impossible, is it all transformed by the boy just now?” the young soldier’s eyes widened.

And it happened that at this time, Shera and Rem happened to be here, they heard the soldier’s incredible words, and quickly ran over.

“What did you just say?” asked Reim.

The soldier looked at Rem with a blank look in his eyes.

“What happened?” Rem shook the other again, only to wake him up a little.

The young soldier said in shock: “Just now, a person actually teleported us all here after snapping his fingers, how is this possible, who can do this?”

“Even Lord Cyrus shouldn’t be able to do it. ”

Rem and Shera were shocked to hear this, because there was really no one else here who could do it. Only Shiyu can do it.

“He, he really went’. ”

The outer city wall Rem was shocked beyond belief, that was the Demon Legion, Shi Yu rushed out like that?

As for Shi Yucai, he ignored these, he stood on the city wall at this time and quietly watched the scene in front of him.

It was too simple for him.

The army of demons below stared at Shi Yu above with red eyes.

Previously, they were also slightly stunned, because everyone disappeared in the blink of an eye in their field of vision, even if they were separated by a river.

But they could also clearly see the scene, some with shock on their faces, not knowing what happened to the white race.

But this happens to be an unnecessary trouble for them, after all, for them, they want to attack it.

And now in their opinion, since there is no one on the city wall, it is even easier for them to attack it.

Even if there is only one person guarding here on the city wall, it is completely negligible and vulnerable to them, but it is just a thin man.

Even a single person can easily hit it, the demon thought.

They marched straight and the large army began to move forward.

Except for the moat, no one here could stop them.

And now the moat has been bridged, and they can easily pass.

Shi Yu didn’t even block it, so he let them come to the city.

Edel Carter rode the Earth Dragon in the front and looked directly at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, the other party’s strength had reached about one hundred and fifty levels, and it was actually very good if you calculated it.

Compared with the Terrans, they are already more than a star and a half.

“Is it true that the Demon Race is more powerful?” muttered Shi Yu, after all, the strength of patience in this world is slightly inferior.

I saw several monsters roaring angrily.

Shi Yu looked at this scene indifferently, it was just the reason for a bridge, and the pressure released by Shi Yu turned out to make the opposite demon race dare not step forward in the blink of an eye.

“Is that enough?” sneered Shi Yu, his strength was completely impossible to divide by rank.

Here he is a god-like being.

Originally, he still felt that the strength of the demon race was strong, but now it seems that he thinks too much, and it is only compared with humans.

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