Shi Yu had even yawned, and the strength of the two sides was too suppressed.

Shi Yu didn’t even have the desire to challenge.

I originally thought that Garford’s strength would be a little stronger, but now it seems that it is indeed possible to be stronger than most people, but even if he encounters the demon king, I am afraid that Garford will only have the possibility of defeat.

The opponent’s strength is much lower than that of the Demon King.

And Garford did not speak, just blindly “three seven three” stabbed forward.

Even sometimes the spurt will turn into a horizontal slash and vertical chop, in order to hurt Shi Yu.

“Forget it, there will be nothing fun in the future.”

As soon as Shi Yu’s words fell, a terrifying wind blade appeared in front of him.

Seeing this, Garford quickly twisted his body to the side, but it was too late.

With a bang, Garford’s entire body was directly repelled by the wind blade.

Shi Yu stood in place and looked at each other.

“Your movements are too easy to judge Garford, even if your attack is too fierce, it is still very simple under your feet, and it is easy to be attacked, right?”

Garford listened to Shi Yu’s words, and the solemn look on his face became more obvious.

“That’s true.” He actually knew his drawbacks, but he originally thought that he planned to gamble, but now it seems that he has been seen through by Shi Yu.

Shi Yu’s previous attack did not exert power, otherwise he could feel that the previous blow would directly cut him into several segments.

Even if his level is high, he can’t block Shi Yu’s blow.

“Who are you?” Garford asked again.

Shi Yu was speechless.

“Didn’t I sue you? In your eyes I am God. ”

“Impossible.” Garford snorted coldly.

“Whatever you think.”

Shi Yu was also too lazy to reason with the other party.

“It’s been more than thirty years since I met someone who could hurt me, Shi Yu, you are really very strong, if there is you, then the whole world is not our world.”

Shi Yu looked at each other speechlessly.

“Do you think I care about these people? I’m sorry I only pursue peace, but if you want, I can solve it all, including your Terran city. ”

“The world is just a thought to me.”

After listening to Shi Yu’s words, Garford’s face froze slightly…………….

He felt that Shi Yu was not lying, and it seemed that Shi Yu had already experienced his indifference when he said this sentence.

Garford’s whole body trembled.

When facing the person in front of him, the pressure he felt increased exponentially, and this was the first time he had faced it.

Suddenly, Galford’s speed skyrocketed into aura, and a phantom appeared after it started above the ground, and his body was extremely close to Shi Yu.

Like a ghost, he kept approaching Shi Yu, and the speed of the other party was extremely fast, and he disappeared again in the eyes of outsiders, but he still showed some aura in front of Shi Yu.

“I really don’t know if I’m alive or dead, do you think this 3.2 alone can stop me?”

Shi Yu sneered, the previous stabbing was extremely fast, but in Shi Yu’s eyes it was like a snail, and if the other party wanted to solve it quickly, then he looked down on himself too much.

Shi Yu stood in place, not moving at all.

I saw that the next moment, the other party’s body was directly affected by the hurricane and stood in place, and the sudden appearance of the wind blade also stunned Garford.

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