“Where the hell is this?” said Rem with a frown.

“Are you awake?” Rem turned to see that Luna had also opened her eyes at this time, with a hint of sadness on her face.

“Rumacina. Rem exclaimed.

Rumacina shook her head, “I woke up and found myself here. ”

The two were tied to a wooden frame in a large font and could not move at all.

When Rem looked up, she found that the place was endless.

Lumacina explained next to her.

“It seems that this is underground, and it looks quite deep. ”

Rem nodded, all his eyes were deep caves, and the most was the swirling steps at the edge of the cave.

Lumacina’s face was solemn.

“Miss Reim, ask what those people are doing. -”

Rem looked at the place where Lucina was looking at this time, and her cheeks suddenly turned a little red.

Because there are many people below them at this time, but they are doing some evil things!

Rem was speechless for a moment, after all, how to explain this kind of thing.

She was actually a little curious, why didn’t Lumacina know about this situation?

“Are they supposed to be doing that kind of thing?”

His face turned red, and then he talked about that kind of thing.

Lumacina looked at Rem with some doubt, not knowing what kind of thing Rem was talking about.

“Is that the kind of thing?”

Rumacina frowned even more and shook her head.

“I don’t understand what you mean. ”

And just as Rem wanted to continue, there was Baduta’s voice in front of her.

Baduta’s voice smoothly looked Rem and Lumacina in their eyes.

Just listen to Baduta continue: “How do you feel at the altar where the ceremony is held?”

The other party said as he walked up to Raymond and Lumacina, with a grim smile on her face.

I saw that behind her was followed by a woman, who was the previous slave.

It’s just that at this time, she didn’t look like a servant at all, on the contrary, she was wearing an extremely revealing dress at this time, and she was still laughing, and she didn’t seem to feel that there was anything wrong with dressing like this.

“Baduta, what the hell are you doing, what do you want to do?”

0 ask for flowers

Rem yelled beside her, while Rumacina was a little dignified.

“It’s full of disgusting smells, such disgusting groups, you think. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Lumacina had surprise on her face.

Baduta sneered, “That’s exactly it, it’s betrayal here!”

“What do you want?” asked Lumacina with a frown.

I saw the servant come to Rumacina with a jar.

Following Baduta’s order, the servant opened the jar.

I saw a large amount of green, pustule fluid in it.

Baduta sneered.

“This is the original solution that causes the fatal disease. ”

Hearing this, the faces of the two changed.

“This original liquid is produced from evil arts, that is, the elements of evil, and how do you guess these evil arts are obtained?”

Baduta looked at Rumacina with a sly smile. He constantly scanned the past above the other person’s body, and then turned to look at everyone below.

“You see that they are all cattle, but they are all devout believers, and their faith is warm and full of a sense of justice. “。

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