Rem couldn’t help but be surprised when she looked at this scene.

I wasn’t that good before.

On this side of Shera, three bows and arrows were fired, commonly known as triangular shooting.

Three bows and arrows form a triangle and directly petrify the three Warcraft.

The surviving soldiers looked at this scene, and their eyes also showed excitement.

The most terrifying thing belongs to Luo Ze, at this time, his eyes are cold to a bunch of monsters, and before she moves, a toad-like monster has wrapped Luo Ze’s entire body, wanting to use his tongue to swallow it.

But Rozee was furious.

The lowly taste of this demon race has been stained on the dress given to me by the master, I will not kill you all at once, but for the demon race with bad brains, I will teach you the real horror.

The next step behind her was the arm of a giant robot, which then slashed towards the demon.

“Give me death.”

As soon as Luo Ze’s words fell, in an instant, a large number of demons were cut into pieces again, and there was no breath.

In front of these demon races, who are regarded as very powerful, Luo Ze is a true god-like existence.

Of course, in addition to them, Rumacina and Hollen served as priests.

Especially Lumacina, a soldier who has struck a large number of people is directly restored.

Some of the demons above the sky knew Shi Yu’s strength, and directly rushed towards Shi Yu, holding machetes and slashing down at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu just made a sound, and in an instant, the few flying monsters closest to him were directly squeezed into pieces.

Shi Yu’s icy gaze looked at these demons, and before Shi Yu moved, Barnakenes’ gaze had already seen Shi Yu and showed a sneer.

“This person has the value of killing.”

Directly the next moment, his eyes turned red.

And with the support of Shi Yu and others, it became much easier here.

Shi Yu smiled lightly and came to Fanice.

“Yo, still alive, Lord of Gilta?”

After Shi Yu appeared, Fanis pointed to Shi Yu.

Because of the reason that he has been tensing his nerves, he has not come to his senses at this moment.

When she saw that it was actually Shi Yuzhi, she quickly put the magic gun down.

“It turned out to be you, Shi Yu.”

Shi Yu snorted, if you want to shoot next, you will also die here.

“I sincerely thank you for your help in purchasing.”

Although Fanice was slightly apologetic, she nodded her head with sincere thanks.

“Don’t get me wrong, I just want to kill these demon king troops, and saving you is just a convenient thing.”

Fanis laughed, then sighed. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But if this Barnaquenes is not defeated, this battle will continue forever.

Shi Yu squinted at the man who hugged left and right.

This Banaknes is not simple, and he looks very blessed (promised).

It’s just that this person is just too cheap, otherwise Shi Yu may be able to include the other party under his command to play a point, of course, everything depends on whether people are willing or not.

“It is said that he accepted the power of the Demon King and was a general of the enemy.”

“In addition to his strength, he also has powerful magicians, healers, and demons who can enter and exit from the shadows of people, all of them are very strong, and they can’t easily get close to him.”

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