Alicia said that there were various incriminating evidences in it.

Looking at the long table that was several meters full of materials, everyone couldn’t help but exclaim.

“So much, how did you get it?”

Rem exclaimed in surprise next to her.

Even Shi Yu was a little surprised when he watched this scene.

Alicia sighed helplessly after hearing this.

It’s not how strong he is, but the other party seems to be “five-four-three” and doesn’t care about all this.

Even if they got the evidence of the crime, they were very indifferent, so they got it themselves.

And today’s Alicia, Shi Yu looked and found that the other party had changed her clothes and was different from yesterday’s princess dress, and now she was like a believer.

“I bought the white face of the church. ”

After hearing this, everyone was slightly stunned.

And Lumacina was even more surprised when she heard that it was a white face.

Several people looked at Lumacina suspiciously, waiting for the other party to explain.

“White Face is a strong believer who is allowed to enter the temple, can you really buy those people?”

Alicia explained directly.

“Unfortunately, when I told them to buy evidence of bribery, there were a lot of white face documents. ”

Bishas and his men kept most of the believers’ donations for themselves. ”

“This is too much!” Rem suddenly became angry after hearing this.

In this way, isn’t everyone’s money equivalent to being in their name?

Other Christians don’t get a penny.

It seems that Bishas has also caused the anger of some people, and is not a monopoly at all.

“It’s more than that. Alicia continued.

“The way Bishas killed Lord Rumacina has already given several people who are in his way…”

Although Alicia did not continue, everyone also understood what it meant.

There was sadness in Rumacina’s eyes.

Unexpectedly, the church has developed into this situation now, because she did not protect the entire church.

This great priest himself is also responsible.

“It’s also too cruel to be forgiven. ”

Shera trembled beside her, attracting Shi Yu’s attention.

And her face also showed an angry look for a long time.

Shi Yu nodded. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

“It is true that it cannot be forgiven, just for the sake of the position is to kill innocents, and even to kill those who hinder themselves, such people are deeply sinful and unworthy of being believers…”

“People who serve the gods take people’s lives without me knowing it. ”

Rumacina said at this moment.

Everyone’s gaze was also captured.

Lumacina’s eyes gradually became confused, and then tears appeared.

She was really sad.

“Rumacina. Rem looked at Lumacina’s appearance and showed sympathy.

Shi Yu also narrowed his eyes, his gaze indifferent.

There will always be such unscrupulous people for profit, even in the church.

Shi Yu instead remembered the history he had studied, is that what the Western non-0.2 is just that?

“I’m reluctant, I’m really, really unwilling. Rumacina said intermittently.

Alicia closed her eyes.

Humans are ugly, so some can only be saved by destroying them, and they really need a wave of Shiyu-sama’s blood to completely remove them. ”

“Alicia, give me quiet. “。

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