Holon was a little incredulous, what he had just thought was completely different.

She was just wondering if the church here was a little too simple, but now it seems that she thought wrong, how can people be simple?

Even people already have their own cities, and they are supported by the air, if they are compared, I am afraid that even the royal palace is a little inferior.

“It’s also shocking, it’s floating in the air. Holon continued.

Lumacina seemed to have already known about this and frowned and said, “Bishas and his men are in that sky, how can we go up so as not to arouse suspicion?”

Just as everyone was talking, a voice suddenly cut in 603.

“Faux pas, are you pilgrims?”

In front of them, a blond man suddenly appeared, looking like a child.

After the other party saw Shi Yu and several people, his face was gentle, and then his hands were folded.

“Let’s pray. ”

He naturally mistakenly thought that Shi Yu and the others were pilgrims, that is, people who prayed to the church.

“Sorry, we’re in a hurry to go up. Shi Yu directly refused.

The other party was shocked when he heard this.

“Do you refuse to pray?”

As soon as these words came out, the believers who were kneeling on the ground all looked at Shi Yu’s side with surprised expressions.

There was some hostility in the surprise.

Shi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the divine power on his body began to float.

The people around him were equally vigilant after feeling Shi Yu’s breath.

Rem stepped forward and smiled.

“Please forgive our rudeness, we have just come from the old royal capital district, and our mood is a little impatient. ”

Listening to Reim’s words, the other party did not show a puzzled expression, but looked very excited.

“Did you come from that far away? ”

Looking at the other party’s appearance, it seems that he has believed their words.

Everyone was stunned, and the believer turned around and shouted at everyone.

“All of you send blessings to the devout disciples who visit the old royal capital area, and we must also strengthen our faith together. ”

After these words came out, more people did not have hostility, but instead held ten in both hands, and kept chanting in their mouths.

Shi Yu stepped forward and was about to solve everyone, but Lumacina stepped forward to block Shi Yu with a smile on her face.

“Lord Shi Yu. ”

Shi Yu looked at each other and only listened to Lumacina continue: “For believers, prayer is as important as breathing. ”

I saw that the people around Shi Yu and the others gathered more and more, and then knelt down in front of them, as if they were really praying for them.

Shi Yu and the others could only stand here and watch, but if this was the case, it would be a little inconvenient to act. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

After all, in their opinion, Shi Yu’s people need to pray, and the time to pray must not be short.

There is not so much time to pray for them at this juncture.

Shi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and the divine power suddenly rushed out, and when the next invisible force secretly appeared beside Shi Yu.

Shi Yu’s eyes were cold, looking straight ahead, and at this moment, the door of the church suddenly opened.

I saw a group of people staying there extremely indifferent, and their expressions were a little different from the believers here.

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