If Lumacina insists on going her own way like this, I am afraid that she will be abandoned by everyone in the faith.

And this church has nothing to do with Lumacina and becomes a tool of Bishas.

“What a disgusting trend. Rem muttered at this time, and then she saw Shi Yu, but found that Shi Yu’s eyes were cold at this time.

It’s just that Shi Yu didn’t say anything, and he gave all the right to speak to Lumacina, wanting to see how Lumacina wanted to deal with this matter.

I saw that Lu Maqina’s eyes became extremely firm, but even so, Shi Yu could see that the other party’s body was trembling.

In the end, Lumacina did not stop the mockery after all, and tears flowed unconsciously.

Shi Yu also sighed when he saw this.

When Bishas saw this scene, he took the opportunity to raise his scepter and said to Lumacina indifferently.

“Lumacina, please resign as the High Lord Priest to pay for the crime of giving up your heavy duties. ”

Before Lucina could speak, Bishas shouted at everyone.

Arrest this cracker and his people.

The paladins directly shot and rushed towards Shi Yu’s side.

Not only that, those believers had also directly blocked the path of Shi Yu and the others.

Seeing this look, Holon was a little anxious.

“With so many paladins, what should we do?”

Seeing Horen’s anxiety, Bishas couldn’t help but sneer.

“Dear believers, this is a great faith. Okay, get these people for me. ”

In addition to the original disciple, the others had already been manipulated into puppets at this moment as if they had lost their hearts, and went straight to Shi Yu’s people and finally grabbed them.

It was as if they had already recognized Bishas as a god in their hearts.

Of course, except for the golden-haired young man at the beginning, who just stood in place dumbfounded, and what he believed in the heart he served in his heart was completely different.

Looking at this look, Shi Yu is a kind of person, don’t do it, Shi Yu has his own plans.

“Are you ready to become enlightened?”

Shi Yu looked at Lumacina.

Although the eye mask is low, Lumacina quickly regains her firmness.

“Even so, I have to get the church back.” ”

“Hmph, good choice. ”

Shi Yu snorted coldly.

“In that case, I wish you a hand. ”

After speaking. Shi Yu stomped the ground.

I saw a dangerous arc light up above the entire ground.

At this moment, everyone began to tremble as if they had been shocked by electricity. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

“If you don’t want to die, open the way for me.” ”

Shi Yu’s voice was indifferent, even if it was those who trusted them, they were afraid of losing their lives, 040 compared to their own lives, what does this faith have to do with it?

Seeing that the road had been opened, Rumacina walked up first, and the others walked inside.

But this time Bishas didn’t stop it at all, he looked up at the Sky Church, and couldn’t help but show a sneer.

But in fact, their so-called forgiveness is a delay.

Shi Yu’s people were willingly locked up in order not to disrupt Lumacina’s actions.

Bishas sneered at this scene.

“I will not send the Great Lord Priest into the same confessional room as these people. Please spend your days in other comfortable rooms. “。

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