The three monsters went directly towards the three of Rem.

Luo Ze snorted coldly.

“A few beasts, don’t give me too arrogance. ”

As soon as the words fell, the red light blade in her hand directly emerged, destroying the three monsters again.

Shi Yu watched this scene quietly, not worried at all that the other party could defeat the three of Luo Ze.

After all, even if Rem and Shera can’t resist, with Luo Ze’s existence, the other party can’t break it at all.

The paladin holding the magic book cut it, but he didn’t expect Luo Ze to be so strong.

On Shi Yu’s side, after Shi Yu shrouded the golden light on Heren, Heren’s wounds were also healing rapidly.

The green elf beside him also showed an excited smile when he saw this scene~.

“Great, yes – it’s going to be okay. ”

“Boss. Holon said two words with difficulty.

Shi Yu took a breath.

“It’s really nonsense, and did you actually bring this collar?”

Holon nodded.

“I know if the boss dies, I will die too. ”

Shi Yu sighed.

“It’s really intangible to increase my responsibility.” ”

Holon was slightly stunned and lowered his eyes.

“I just wanted to save everyone, and she had sadness on her face. ”

Shi Yu shook his head and touched the other party’s head.

And just as Shi Yu was about to comfort, the paladin holding the magic book sneered.

“You really didn’t use your brains, you did useless work, and in the end you caused confusion for everyone. ”

Shi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“You’re really noisy. ”

Just a glare from Shi Yu, the other party did not dare to say any more words.

Then Shi Yu looked at Holon gently.

Don’t listen to her, Horen, you really saved us.

She’s trash, what can she save you?”

The other party sneered and couldn’t help but mock.

The others looked at Shi Yu.

Even Holon himself didn’t know what Shi Yu meant. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Shi Yu took a deep breath and then spit it out.

“I’m really stupid, and I actually came to play the drama of forcing the palace stupidly!”

Then Shi Yu looked at Holun.

“Horen, what matters about your actions based on your own judgment is not the result, but that your actions have sobered me up, and now I admit that you are indeed my person, and your life is borne by me. ”

A look of surprise appeared on Heron’s face, she never expected Shi Yu to accept herself like this.

However, Holon also had resentment on her face, and she looked at Shi Yu excitedly, unable to speak.

And Shi Yu had already stood up and turned his head to look at the female paladin indifferently.

“Thanks to you for bringing me back to my senses, but the next moment I’ll give you a gift and let you experience the price of keeping me awake.” ”

The man did not feel any concern at all because Shi Yu said this.

Then he still held the magic book and looked at Shi Yu with a flat face.

“Then let’s see what my magic is. ”

After Shi Yu just fell, Shi Yu and the other party exchanged each other, but the other party obviously did not believe what Shi Yu said, and couldn’t help but sneer.

“Whoever still calls himself a god, see if I don’t solve you, come out, beast of Nu’er.” ”

With his drink, I saw that the entire magic book in his hand lit up.

Immediately after another chains were released at this moment.

The chains all converged upwards.

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