The princess didn’t mean to lie at all, and when she looked at Shi Yu, her cheeks had turned red.

Then solemnly looked at the king again.

“I want to marry Lord Shiyu, Father. ”

Shi Yu looked at the other party’s little princess in amazement, how could he suddenly say such words.

However, looking at the appearance of the other party, it seems that he is many years younger than himself.

Except for Shi Yu, the others didn’t have any shocked expressions.

And the king and queen looked at the princess equally solemnly.

“Can I hear your reasons then?” the king asked directly after nodding.

The princess lowered her head embarrassed~ with shyness on her face.

“Lord Shi Yu can always make the people around him very happy. And I also like his character. ”

After speaking, she directly covered her face, and the embarrassed words came out of her mouth directly.

“For the first time, I wanted to work with someone for the rest of my life. ”

The king glanced at Shi Yu, and when he saw Shi Yu’s slightly shocked appearance, he nodded with satisfaction.

“In this way, since you have said so, I have never objected, you must be happy.” ”

The king and queen are not the kind of people who are restrained, and since their daughters have said such things, it is very good to prove that their daughters have completely taken a fancy to Shi Yu.

In addition, the king was awakened by Shi Yu, and the king was naturally satisfied with Shi Yu’s character.

Therefore, at this moment, he had already decided to give his daughter to Shi Yu to take care of.

Shi Yu looked at the princess and then at the others, and at this moment he himself actually did not react.

Isn’t this a little too sudden?” thought in Shi Yu’s heart still in surprise.

“It’s really gratifying. The Duke also said directly next to him, with excitement on his face.

The same goes for the queen.

“Looks like it’s time to celebrate today. ”

Facing several of them talking to themselves, Shi Yu suddenly raised his hand.

“Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, have you forgotten my existence.” ”

Shi Yu stood up and looked at a few people.

“What’s wrong?” the queen looked at Shi Yu suspiciously.

“Did you agree so simply?” said Shi Yu’s voice questioningly.

“Isn’t that a little too sudden?”

How can I have to be made a marriage contract by them for no reason!

Shi Yuke never thought that he would obey the two of them. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

“Are you so relieved that he is marrying me, a man of unknown origin?”

The king nodded.

“It’s not a problem at all, since my daughter has already identified people, it is definitely not a bad person.” ”

“Why are you so sure?” wondered Shi Yu.

The queen replied.

“Because she has a pair of magic eyes, her magic eyes can see into nature, so she must not be a bad person.” ”

At this moment, Shi Yu didn’t know how to answer, but looked at the princess in a daze.

The magic eye that the other party said should not be her innate.

Things that can see people’s good and evil can actually act on their own bodies, but they have the rules of God, and at this moment, Shi Yu became more and more curious about Yumina’s demon eye.

Yumina always looked at Shi Yu shyly, and seemed to have begun to think about how to live with Shi Yu next, how to socialize, and how to spend the rest of her life together.

“Stop, stop!”

Shi Yu interrupted everyone’s thoughts again.

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