Although there is no attack, I am afraid that this kind of thing is something that was deliberately made.

Originally, Erze was going to stand up, but because the ground was too lubricated, she didn’t want to fall directly the moment she was about to stand up.

Because of instinct, he was caught towards Shi Yu next to him.

Shi Yu also did not stand firmly, and then fell.

Immediately afterwards, several people next to Shi Yu were also directly dragged to the ground.

Before they even started moving, they began to slide down the stairs as if in oil.

Yumina finally pulled Shi Yu’s figure, which had already stabilized, directly and continued to pass it down.

When Shi Yu was about to be dragged down, he was bitten by the white emperor and grabbed his clothes.

Perhaps because of the divine beast, the White Emperor was actually as stable as Mount Tai, and he didn’t look like he was dragged down at all.

On the contrary, except for Shi Yu, the rest of the girls all fell into a layer of green slime pile with the help of lubricant!

Suddenly the screams sounded!

After Shi Yu saw this scene, his eyes began to widen, and he quickly teleported several people in front of him.

But when they looked at themselves and the few people around them, they quickly coughed.

Because most of their clothes had been dissolved at this time, they couldn’t cover their snow-white bodies at all, and they looked full of temptation one by one.

And after seeing Shi Yu staring at his side, Erze was the first to scream.

Only then did the others react.

“Wait, wait a ~ down” As soon as Shi Yu’s words fell, Erze had already directly raised his fist sleeve, and blasted towards Shi Yu’s face, directly hitting Shi Yu to the second floor!

Of course, for Shi Yu, it didn’t hurt at all, but for Shi Yu, he finally understood why these girls didn’t like these green slimes by then.

Shi Yu quickly coughed.

“Okay, let’s go!”

After he chased away the slime next to him, he let the girls hurry up to the second floor.

As they continued to walk forward, Shi Yu walked in the front and couldn’t look back at all.

Because behind him at this time, these girls were wrapped in solid colored fabric, and they couldn’t even cover their bodies.

Shi Yu quickly coughed and led the way.

The other girls had indignant expressions on their faces.

“‘Next time I see the green slime, I’m definitely going to kill it!'” Elzer said indignantly.

And Erze’s words also resonated with the other three.

They nodded quickly, with a determined expression.

Shi Yu coughed and quickly changed the topic.

“It always feels like it’s about crafting some special slime, that’s why I made those losers. ”

Shi Yu didn’t feel that those slimes were considered failures, could it be that because they couldn’t attack, so (good Zhao’s) was considered a failure.

No, if it wasn’t for those reasons, that’s why he said that.

Faced with Shi Yu’s inquiry, Lin Ze looked at the book and nodded solemnly.

“Yes, it seems that the new variety of slime has no way of knowing what characteristics it has until it is made. ”

“Sure enough, it was best to set the castle on fire. ”

Erze was still indignant next to him, and did not come out of the previous incident at all.

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