Shi Yu took a deep breath, and then directly handed over the bullet to hit Oh, suddenly bang, Shi Yu was slightly stunned, and actually shot out in other directions.

Shi Yu looked inside the gun, only to suddenly realize that he was originally without rifling, and then the designer again, Elze and Yumina were still covering their ears.

Because they didn’t know what was happening, there was a slight explosion sound.

Shi Yu didn’t explain much, he just directly raised the gun again, and with the costume fired another shot, the bullet hit the tree with a bang and directly pierced.

Yumina and Linze were still covering their ears, not knowing what was happening, but watching. Power was also a little surprised. With Shi Yu, several more gunshots rang out.

Many bullets hit exactly where Shi Yu wanted to hit. The moment Shi Yu said the change, it was in front of the man.

The bullets in the gun are automatically loaded into the pistol.

Looking at this scene, Shi Yu looked satisfied.

“Is it done?” Lindzer asked.

Shi Yu nodded.

“It’s done.”

“Okay, now I’ll explain to you, this thing is called a gun, although it is a weapon that shoots from a long distance.”

After hearing this, both Linze and Yumina’s faces brought a feeling of surprise.

Because they had just seen how powerful the gun that Shi Yu had unleashed was.

“Mr. Shi Yu, can you make me a hand?” Yumina asked with an excited look.

“I want it too.” Lindze grinned.

Shi Yu was suddenly embarrassed, he didn’t expect it to be so popular, but this thing is quite simple, so Shi Yu didn’t feel very difficult.

“In that case, how about you pick one you like?”

Shi Yu directly levitated in front of Lin Ze and Yumina with the help of the drawings he had checked before.

Looking at those pictures, Mina and Lindze also picked for a moment.

And soon the two of them picked out what they needed directly after Shi Yu made it, and Yumina was a long revolver that looked like an armor-piercing gun.

And Lindze’s is an ordinary short-barreled revolver, everyone has everyone’s design, and when the two hold the pistol, their faces are even more surprised.

It feels powerful.

Shi Yu was also very satisfied when he looked at it.

Shi Yu did not stop there, he watched the two of them playing, he took out the pistol he had made before, took a deep breath, and pressed his palm on the pistol again.

“Well, the launch conditions, the holder says to change, the modeling is made when the gun mode is launched. The blade part quickly changes from a short sword to a long sword, and a long sword quickly changes into a short sword. ”

“End of design.”

As Shi Yu’s words fell, I saw a burst of light, and it was actually condensing his original appearance.

Shi (Nonuo Zhao) Yu picked up the gun, hoping that he could directly return to the upgrade mode later, and then in Shi Yu’s hand, the gun actually lit up.

Then Shi Yu obviously felt that the handle of the gun began to change slightly, and the short sword in front of him also directly became up, and a short sword directly became the appearance of a long sword.

The moment Shi Yu said the gun mode again, the short sword recovered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Shi Yu, you are also amazing, you can turn into a sword or a gun.

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