He carefully walked through the dense woods, minimizing any impact on the mountain environment.

Shi Yu continued to move forward, gradually entering the most dangerous area in the center of the mountain range.

It was rocky and dangerous, and he scanned his surroundings, ready for any challenge that might arise.

Suddenly, a huge black-scaled snake appeared in front of him.

It leaped forward, fangs and claws, obviously unwilling to let Shi Yu get closer.

Shi Yu took a deep breath and held his breath, preparing for a fierce battle with the black-scaled snake.

The black-scaled snake pounced on Shi Yu, who quickly dodged away and slashed at the snake with the sword in his hand.

In the flicker of the sword light, the sharp blade cut through the air and made a snorting sound, and with a scream and blood splashing, after a fierce battle of 300, Shi Yu successfully defeated the huge black-scaled snake.

Shi Yu carefully cut off the gall bladder of the black-scaled snake and put it into a special container.

He felt his body exhausted from the continuous fighting.

However, he knew that he could not rest up yet, because there were still many unknown difficulties waiting for him in the heart of this dangerous mountain range.

Shi Yu continued to move forward, crossing one dangerous peak after another.

On this long and treacherous journey, he encountered swamps, waterfalls, and caves. Shi Yu carefully hid in a safe corner and began to deal with his injured body.

He took some precious herbs from his backpack and carefully mashed them into powder.

Then, he carefully took out the black scale snake gall bladder he had collected earlier and chopped it into tiny pieces.

A strong scent of herbs filled the air, and Shi Yu gently sprinkled the mixture onto his injured body.

The wound wrapped in herbs immediately felt a warm sensation and a wave of comfort welled up.

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With the help of this healing power, Shi Yu felt that his body was gradually recovering.

Although Shi Yu successfully managed his injuries, he still felt a little weak.

He sat on a smooth rock at the top of the mountain and rested for a while.

Looking at the magnificent and treacherous scenery in front of him, he secretly marveled at the unusual place in this mountain range.

After recuperating, Shi Yu decided to go to the town to experience the life of the outside world (aiba), and he quietly left the valley and embarked on the road to the town.

As he got closer, a bustling town appeared in front of him.

The town is bustling with people, and the streets are lined with shops and goods.

Shi Yu was attracted by this scene full of life and liveliness, and couldn’t help but relax a little.

Standing in front of the town, Shi Yu suddenly heard a crisp and pleasant voice: “Are you the young man from the valley?” He turned his head and saw a beautiful, richly dressed woman approaching him.

As the daughter of the head of Dengxian Tower, Bai Zhi is famous in the town.

Who are you? Shi Yu responded in a flat tone.

Bai Zhi smiled and approached Shi Yu, her eyes revealing a hint of excitement and anticipation.

“My name is Bai Zhi, and I am the daughter of the head of Dengxian Tower here, so it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Her voice is soft and beautiful, which makes people’s hearts ripple.

“Hello, Angelica Bai.” Shi Yu replied in a calm tone. [ Read more novels for free on our website: Knight NovelS ] )

“I’m Shi Yu, I heard that you are very famous in the town.”

Bai Zhi walked to Shi Yu’s side and smiled like a flower.

“People in the town like to come to our Ascend Immortal Tower for help, but I don’t know why you suddenly appear here in the valley.”

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