Chen Tong slowly walked towards Shi Yu, staring at him closely.

Every step he took exuded huge pressure, as if he was trying to suppress Shi Yu to the ground.

Shi Yu felt Chen Tong’s momentum. He stabilized his mentality and concentrated on meeting the upcoming challenges.

bring it on! Shi Yu roared angrily, exerted all his strength, and punched Chen Tong.

Chen Tong sneered and dodged Shi Yu’s attack. Then he kicked out at great speed and went straight towards Shi Yu.

Shi Yu’s eyes narrowed, and he quickly raised his arm to block Chen Tong’s attack. The collision between the two made a dull sound.

Shi Yu dodged Chen Tong’s heavy blows again and again. His body skills were flexible and fast. Every time he avoided the attack, he was able to find an opportunity to counterattack.

Despite facing Chen Tong’s powerful power, Shi Yu always gritted his teeth and persisted.

Not far from the field, Bai Zhi clenched her fists tightly, her eyes full of worry and support.

Qin Feng stood next to Bai Zhi. He looked at Shi Yu who was fighting with a cold face but solemn eyes.

A deep fire of jealousy and hatred arose in my heart.

He has always been accustomed to being invincible, and there is almost no one in the family that he cannot defeat.

But the young, arrogant, outstanding man in front of him, who had nothing to do with him but whom Bai Zhi fell in love with, brought him unprecedented challenges and pressure.

Chen Tong kept changing his attack methods, launching fierce and ferocious combos at Shi Yu.

Shi Yu tried hard to dodge, his clothes were soaked with sweat all over his body, but he didn’t show any intention of flinching.

He devoted himself to every defense and counterattack, and although he was always at a disadv

antage, he was determined to persevere.

The family members and disciples on the sidelines were amazed and applauded like thunder.

No one expected that Shi Yu would show such tenacious perseverance and courage.

There were more elders present who believed that they were called (bjbi) geniuses when they were young, but they were completely eclipsed in front of this young man.

They sincerely admired Shi Yu’s unwillingness to admit defeat.

It seems that this little guy is extraordinary! An older disciple praised.

A genius indeed! Being able to persevere under such circumstances and act so calmly and confidently. A burly and majestic elder in the sect nodded in agreement and said. Shi Yu suddenly counterattacked quickly, and each of his punches and kicks hit Chen Tong’s vital points accurately.

For a time, Chen Tong was hit hard repeatedly and retreated steadily.

The fist and kick skills Shi Yu displayed seemed to control every move of his enemy, precise yet ruthless.

How could this guy suddenly become so powerful? Qin Feng felt strong dissatisfaction and envy in his heart.

He watched the battle scene in front of him become more and more intense, and his jealousy and hatred towards Shi Yu grew more intense.

Bai Zhi clenched her hands nervously, staring intently at the tenacious and brave figure on the battlefield.

She was attracted by Shi Yu’s decisiveness and wisdom, and had no intention of flinching even in danger.

She could faintly feel Shi Yu’s strength and determination to persevere.

Shi Yu shuttled across the battlefield like a ghost. He accurately dodged Chen Tong’s unpredictable attack methods, and used his precise fists, kicks and body skills to deal merciless blows to his opponents. .

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