After Aoizhi finished speaking, he waved his hand to call in several young girls who were peeking at the door.

Introduce all the family members to him one by one.

It can only be said that the genes of the two couples in the stove door are really good, and the appearance of these children is all high.

After waiting for the long to open, they are all handsome guys and beauties.

Fortunately, he is not bad, and he will definitely be a handsome guy when he grows up.

Regarding this body, Bai Ye had very few pitiful memories, just like waking up from sleep and only remembering a small part of the dream.

I just remember that the original parents were caught by terrible monsters and brutally eaten.

As for the original body, he managed to run out under the protection of his parents.

But because of panic, he was lost in the mountains.

He did not die in the mouth of the ghost, but his ten-year-old physical state and thin pajamas made him finally fall in the storm.

It was precisely because of this that Bai Ye successfully borrowed the corpse to return the soul.

In this life, he was slightly younger than Midouko, and successfully replaced Takeo's position as the third eldest of the Takemon family.

In the previous life, no matter how he said, he was an adult, and it was still easy to deal with some children.

Hanako, they are not those hateful bear children in their previous lives, they are all sensible and distressing.

In just three days, he mingled with all the children of the stove family.

In addition to having some difficulty changing the name of the couple to the stove, they have completely become part of the stove family.


"Remember not to go out at night, there will be terrifying cannibals who will take disobedient children away and eat them."

Bai Ye calmed his face, and in a hoarse voice, he told the ghost stories of his past life to the children around him.

Such as rift women, curses and other classics.

The meaning of telling these stories is to advise these children not to go out after the sun goes down.

Because this world really has man-eating demons.

Moreover, most ghosts are more fond of children.

Compared to adults, children's meat is more tender, and it is delicious for cannibals.

"Ghosts are obviously creatures that only exist in the story, how can there be ghosts in the world, I have long been not a child like Mao, this kind of third-rate ghost story can't scare me."

Due to Bai Ye's appearance, Takeo Stovemon, who was demoted from the second to the third man, turned his head to the side, showing his disdain for the story.

"Hehe, really? Brother Takeo, your voice is trembling.

Hanako next to him poked Takeo's legs, which had been shaken into a sieve, and said with an innocent face.

"That's verbose, Hanako. I wasn't scared because it was too cold and active. Seeing

the warmth of Hanako and Takeo playing with each other, Bai Ye's heart couldn't help but warm.

In his previous life, his parents rarely returned home all year round in order to work, and this reunion word was almost impossible for him.

"It's time for dinner." Aoi shouted from the kitchen.

When several teenagers and girls heard this, they immediately put the content of the quarrel behind them, scrambled to take the bowl and chopsticks from Aoizhi's hand, and waited for the food to be served.

These days, the dinner of the stove family is different from the past, not in the clear soup and water, not even some oil and water.

Meat is rare.

The source is the brown bear that chased Bai Ye before.

The father and son of the stove did not care about the brown bear that was left in the wild, but Bai Ye kept thinking about it in his heart.

So yesterday, I discussed with Tanjiro during the day and pulled the whole bear back together.

In addition to meat that can be eaten all winter, there is also a thick bear skin.

Because it is an axe, the bearskin is even better preserved than that of ordinary hunters, and it will definitely make a lot of money by selling it.

As Tanjiro's health deteriorates, many things in the family fall to Tanjiro, who is the eldest man.

Tanjiro, who was only twelve years old, picked up an axe and went out every day when it was dark and cut down some dwarf trees.

Charcoal is burned and then sent to the town for sale.

The amount of money you can earn every day is just enough to survive.

I couldn't even make up the money to buy medicine for Tanjuro.

If the bear skin can be sold, the situation of the stove family will definitely be much better.


When Tanjiro returned from burning the carbon, Bai Ye pushed the cart next to the wooden house out with some effort.

First, he put the cleaned bear skin on the car, and then said to Tanjiro.

"Tanjiro, you put the charcoal on the car as well, we can save some effort by pushing it together."

Bai Ye walked up behind Tanjiro and placed the charcoal-filled back basket behind him on the car.

The stove house is far from the town below the mountain.

If only Tanjiro or Bai Ye himself pulls the cart full of things down the mountain, I am afraid that the sun will soon set when he returns.

In the world of ghosts, night is the most dangerous time.

Similarly, he was worried that Tanjiro would be undervalued when he sold bear skins, and he also needed to be taken care of.

'Alas, if only the legendary Goldfinger could be awakened... If you really have such a thing. Thinking

so, Bai Ye picked up the handle of the cart with some resignation.


Bai Ye's sudden feeling of dizziness, his soul seemed to gradually ascend into an unknown mysterious area.

As his vision gradually recovered, he found himself in a strange space filled with gray mist.

"What is this place, I crossed again?"

Bai Ye immediately tensed his body.

If he hadn't crossed again, then it was more likely that he had fallen for some kind of illusion or "blood ghost art".

Blood Ghost Art is similar to the power in the novel, and it is the exclusive ability of relatively powerful ghosts.

But no, ghosts can't appear in the sun.

Once it is exposed to sunlight, it will instantly turn into fly ash without any accidents.

Bai Ye walked forward tens of meters vigilantly, hoping to find the exit.

"You're too daring, aren't you? No, I should say 'I'. A

helpless voice came from behind him, as if he saw the immature self from before.

For the sudden sound, Bai Ye was surprised to find that he did not seem to have any fearful emotions.

I just feel a little contradictory.

If you insist on saying it, you feel that he has an extra mouth, and that mouth is not under his control to speak.

He turned his head stiffly, like a rusty machine.

"Look, let me just say, we will definitely have new people, if it is really only the two of us, wouldn't this goldfinger be very useless."

A teenager with glasses pushed his glasses, and when there was no light source, they turned pure white, covering his eyes.

In addition, there are no features, and ordinary looks cannot be found in the pile of people.

Escaping is some unknown passerby in a certain daily fan.

"Indeed, but this newcomer doesn't look like he has any extraordinary abilities, shouldn't it be like you, nothing?"

Beside passers-by, a young man wearing a black kimono and a Japanese katana around his waist said sadly.

"Are you..."

Before Bai Ye could finish asking, the passerby swooped up to him like a teleportation and gently patted him on the shoulder.

"If you explain it in words, I'm afraid it will take a while, so it's better to be direct like this."

Bai Ye was like a daigo empowerment, and a large amount of information poured into his mind.

Instead of forcefully pouring memories into his brain, it emerges naturally, as if the protagonist in the memory is him.

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