Taking Shikosuke to a slightly more prosperous area, Bai Ye casually stopped a taxi.

Go directly to the destination "Rotten Building".

Getting out of the taxi, Bai Ye took out a bright flashlight from his pocket and pointed it in the direction of the rotten building.

A strong beam of light shoots out, illuminating the building opposite.

Following the direction of the beam, Shikoku Kyosuke curiously looked at the rotten building not far away.

The skin on the wall has fallen off somewhat, and the first and second floors have all been sealed with cement.

Further up, it is the normal pattern of rotten buildings, there is not a single piece of glass on the windows, and in some places there is not even a window frame.

"Aren't you going to show me the so-called other world, and explain in advance that I won't be scared by a broken building."

Shikoku Kyosuke swallowed his saliva, stopped looking at the gloomy rotten building, and tilted his head and said.

At this moment, a cold wind that did not resemble this season suddenly blew through, making Shikosuke couldn't help but hug his arms and shiver.

He looked around nervously, afraid that a strange creature would emerge from some corner.

Bai Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, walked to his side, a burst of invisible energy appeared on his hand, and reached out to shake the empty side of the four ancient Kyosuke.

It was as if the sound of something exploding sounded in Kyosuke Shiko's ears, and in an instant, the coldness disappeared, and warmth enveloped his body again.

"The temperature tonight is really strange, cold for a while, warm for a while."

I saw him straighten his chest, as if to bolster himself, and walked loudly towards the gate of the rotten building.

In fact, when he felt cold just now, Bai Ye watched as an evil spirit with a thick mouth squirmed out from a certain window on the fourth floor.

The main reason why it squirms out is because it has no hands and feet at all, it is just like a mess of rotten meat.

The diameter is about one meter, and even among the small evil spirits, this evil spirit is a little short.

It lay sideways in front of Kyosuke, continuously blowing Yin Qi to make his body temperature drop rapidly.

Even if it is invisible, it will not be eaten, but it is inevitable to be frozen and cold.

Bai Ye was really a little surprised, normally speaking, there were not many evil spirits that were only more than one meter tall and could directly affect this world.

It seems to have appeared twice in the original book.

The first time was when Yuri Chuanhua accidentally fell into the water, and was sucked by an evil spirit like a water ghost to suck life energy, which could also speed up the water flow, almost causing her to drown.

The second time, it was the subordinates who seemed to be gods but were actually evil spirits and killed the water ghosts, breaking the glass of the Chuanhua family in the process.

This potential will eat enough of its kind in the future, and when it grows to a height of 100 meters, it may even rush directly to the present world and directly cause damage to the present world.

So, while it hadn't grown yet, Bai Ye directly strangled it.

"Hey, the door over here seems to be locked, and it can't be opened at all."

Shikosuke gritted his teeth and pushed hard against the rusty gate, but the gate remained motionless.

Prior to this, this rotten building was a favorite live broadcast location for various anchors, and a few ghost hunting videos could attract a large number of viewers.

But every once in a while, someone would strangely disappear in this building, leaving only some filming equipment and bloodstained clothes.

No matter how you search, you can't find who the murderer is, so in order to prevent another accident, the official conveniently sealed off the first and second floors of the unfinished building with cement.

Only this locked iron door was left and ready to come back later to look for evidence.

"Huh? There are some psionic energy on it, which I didn't have when I passed here last time." Coming

to the gate of the Langwei Building, Bai Ye touched the spiritual energy remaining on it, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

This was the first time he had found items made by other psychic beings in reality.

It probably contains a special seal that can seal some evil spirits in the rotten building.

It's just that the range should not be very large, otherwise the evil spirit that looks like a meat ball will not run down the stairs.

The way to use energy is a little immature to him, but in this world that seems to have lost the inheritance of power, he can also be called a master.

His hands slowly pressed to the iron door, erasing the already shaky seals on it, and the strength on his arms gradually increased.

Under the shocked gaze of Shikoku Kyosuke, the locked iron gate resounded with a tooth-biting friction sound, which was extremely harsh in the quiet night.

Under Bai Ye's push, the gate slowly opened.

"It's too loud to attract nearby residents, so I want to say let's go."

Kyosuke Shikoku lowered his hands from his ears and looked at the dark environment inside the rotten building, and said a little retreated.

Although he couldn't see the evil spirits inside, the dark environment inside still made him instinctively reluctant to enter.

"If I see my son, I'm afraid I'll walk in without blinking my eyes..." Bai

Ye turned to look at Kyosuke and shook his head with a pitying expression.

Of course, Miko won't blink, but the real reason is that she will be scared and forget to blink.

Even if she is wearing a death costume and sees a terrifying evil spirit, the little girl will still be very afraid.

"Hmph, no... Nothing remarkable, of course I can do it.

Stimulated by Bai Ye's agitation method, Shikoku Kyosuke gritted his teeth, bypassed Bai Ye, and strode into the rotten building.

"What, it's just a very ordinary rotten building, it's not as terrifying as you say."

The debris and garbage left inside are placed very haphazardly.

He accidentally stepped on a drink bottle that he didn't know who threw it on, making a crisp creaking sound.

A trembling voice suddenly came out of Shiko's mouth, and it was a little like Miko.

"It's just a drink bottle, wait for what you're going to see is much scarier than this, be prepared."

Bai Ye patted him on the shoulder, shone a flashlight on the ground, and sure enough saw a plastic bottle that had been trampled flat.

Kyosuke didn't know that just now at his feet, there were actually several rat evil spirits with red eyes, twisting their pitch-black bodies and nibbling at the roots of his thighs.

It was only at the moment when Bai Ye touched him, he was shocked away by the spiritual power that came out of his body.

Taking advantage of the time when he had just added spiritual power to Kyosuke's body, Bai Ye checked his physical state by the way.

There was a hint of boiling signs in the spiritual energy in the bloodline, and it was likely that a few more stimuli would allow him to awaken smoothly.

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