Ito City, Shizuoka Prefecture

I don’t know who else is watching him behind his back, but even if Li Moran knows, he won’t have any scared thoughts in his heart.

And now what Li Moran wants to pay attention to is the upcoming program shooting in front of him.

To be honest, Li Moran had never felt so difficult because of a trip.

He eventually managed to hop on the prepared bus and leave with the help of hotel security, squeezing through crowds of reporters who were swarming in.

And seeing this scene, the contestants and female guests who came to participate in the show all had an envious look.

After all, being able to get so much attention before the show even started.

This is a huge benefit for them.

“Gee~ what a lucky boy, just showing his skills in advance, attracting the attention of so many people…”

“If we had had that opportunity yesterday, it might have been…”

“Don’t bring “guys”, you don’t include me in these people. ”

“If you had been given that opportunity yesterday, you might not even be able to take a move from Yaukawa Chixing21.”


In the back of the bus, there was a young man in sportswear at this time, and when he saw Li Moran alone in front, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of jealousy in his heart.

In the tone of speech, it is inevitable that there is some meaning of carrying a gun and a stick.

However, not all of the people sitting in the back row are small-bellied chicken intestines.

A young man who looked extremely tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, couldn’t help but frown a little by what the sportswear young man said.

Then there was a reasoned answer, which directly made the face of the sportswear youth blue and red, and he couldn’t help but stand up and look at each other angrily.

Seeing the angry look of the sportswear youth, the tall young man sneered, his eyes full of disdain for the person in front of him.

As for the others around, after seeing this scene, they all showed a lively look.

The atmosphere between the two sides has become increasingly tense.

“Okay, everyone calm down, now is not the time to quarrel…”

“We’re about to reach our destination, you guys…”

“I have long heard that Hirakawa-kun has a great name in the field of domestic aikido, so I don’t know if it is not worthy of the name…”

“Hehe, at least it’s better than you, a villain who can only chew the root of the tongue behind the back of others~”

Came to mediate the conflict between the contestants, but Haruko Hidekawa was a little crying at this time.

Because the two who were already a little needle-to-Mai Mang, at this time, they did not listen to Haruko Hidekawa who was persuaded on the side.

And the mocked Ogawa Mingdo, after hearing Kuniichi Hirakawa describe himself as a villain who can only speak behind others, his face also completely darkened.

Immediately came a karate hand split, and he also decided to let the Hirakawa Kuniichi in front of him, who looked down on him, taste his own power.

It’s just that when he saw the other party make a move first, his face did not have the slightest nervousness.

His body sat in its position like this, until a hint of ridicule flashed in Ogawa Mingto’s eyes, and he felt that this leading figure of the young generation of Aikido with a great name in front of him was just that.

However, until his hand was close to the other person, and only a little distance away.

Hirakawa Kuniichi’s body shook suddenly, and a hand was also pushed away from under his Ogawa Mingdo’s armpit in an instant.

And Ogawa Mingto’s palm stayed on Kuniichi Hirakawa’s forehead like this, and then his body flipped unwillingly.

“Bang”. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The driver who was driving the bus at this time couldn’t help sighing when he saw the young man who fell heavily on the car behind him.

He only hopes that the other party will not make too much trouble to affect his driving.

“Aaaah! Bastard! ”

“The character is really inferior.”

I was thrown to the ground, and I felt that my internal organs seemed to have shifted the moment I fell.

While Ogawa Mingdo was lying on the ground and moaning at this time, he was also angrily scolding Kuniichi Hirakawa, who had already stood up, as a bastard.

As for Kuniichi Hirakawa, when he saw the other party lying on the ground and moaning, there was no sympathy in his eyes, and his palms were raised high.

And when Ogawa Minghu looked at the other party’s slap as big as a fan, he couldn’t help but feel fear in his heart.

Immediately, while the other party directly slashed down at him, his heart was subconscious.

Directly grabbed Haruko Hidekawa’s legs, pulled the other party directly to the imbalance of his body, and directly met the palm of Kuniichi Hirakawa.

“Not good!”

Seeing that the other party actually used this method, Hirakawa Kuniichi’s face changed, and his palm wanted to subconsciously retract his strength.

400 However, it may be because he hates the villain with a despicable personality in front of him, and the strength of Pingchuan Guo’s palm is also relatively large.

The force was a little unable to recover for a while, and then he could only watch as the hand knife was about to slash at the female host.

As for Haruko Hidekawa, she can feel her sixth sense frantically calling the police.

Thinking that she was under the other party’s hand knife, at least she was also a broken bone, and all she could do in the end was to close her eyes in fear.

In this way, until several seconds had passed, Haruko Hidekawa did not wait for the pain when she was struck.

Subconsciously open your eyes.

A pair of hands that look white, but feel very powerful.

He used the position at the bottom of the same palm to block the hand knife that Kuniichi Hirakawa was about to slash at him.

“Be careful.”

Taking back the hand that held Pingchuan Guo’s knife, Li Moran did not continue to say anything to the other party at this time.

Then he walked towards his place as if he had just done something insignificant.

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