“Have you started recording? How are the drones filmed? ”

“Everything is normal, Ozi supervises.”

“What about the shooting teams? Already on the island? ”

“Already on the island, expect to be ready in 10 minutes, and start following the shooting.”

“Well, that’s good…”

The makeshift filming and recording site is now full of people coming and going.

At this time, Wei Qi Xingzheng is walking non-stop to each ring node to ensure that the reality show recording process is foolproof.

As for Shiyuan Kasakatsu, he is the most trusted deputy of Ozi Xingzheng.

Every time, after arranging the work here in Ozi Xingzheng, he immediately added some details that the other party may have missed.

Until the end, the two of them also found no problems after looking around.

Immediately, it was also back in the middle of the temporary camp, a 12-monitor screen that had been set up.

And here, the two deputy supervisors of the program group also got up after seeing Wei Qi Xingzheng.

Wei Qi Xingzheng waved his hand lightly to signal the two to sit down, and then began to talk to the two 563 people.

“Is there anything going on with the group of players on the island?”

“There is no supervision for the time being, everyone is following the instructions at this time, heading towards the interior of the island.”

“After all, there are some places in it, and there are some living materials provided by the program group…”

“It’s just that living materials are limited, so once you want to obtain living materials, it is inevitable…”

Speaking of this, the two deputy supervisors also stopped talking at this time, and their eyes also looked at Wei Qi Xingzheng, who was staring at the screen in deep thought.

And seeing the appearance of the two deputy supervisors, he understood that the two wanted Tail Qixing to give a little instruction at this time, and Shiyuan Tatsu also coughed lightly immediately.

However, to the surprise of Shiyuan Tatsutsu, Ozi Xingzheng didn’t know what he saw, and at this time he seemed to be completely addicted.

It wasn’t until Ishizono Masaru coughed heavily again that (cffj) Ozi seemed to wake up from his addiction.

Immediately looking at the two deputy supervisors with embarrassed expressions, he also instantly understood what was happening, and apologized to the two a little.

At this time, Shi Yuangata saw this, and only then asked Ozi Xingzheng with some curious tone on the side.

“Did the supervisor see something interesting? Let the supervisor be so obsessed? ”

“It’s not a fun thing either… Nani! ”


“What’s wrong, supervision!”

“What happened?”

Faced with Ishizono Katsumi’s question, Ozi Yukimasa, who had already returned to his normal appearance.

Just as he was about to answer Ishizono Kasumi’s question, he once again set his eyes in front of the screens of the various groups of players who were moving.

As if he saw something, Wei Qi Xingzheng was instantly a very shocked “Nani”, which made the other three people present suddenly stunned.

Thinking that something terrible had happened, the three of them followed Ozi Xingzheng’s gaze and set their eyes on one of the screens.

A figure jumped out of the sea, but it made the rest of the three deputy supervisors dumbfounded instantly.

And together dumbfounded, there was also a piece of Yuliang who was in a group with Li Moran.


“Li Jun, you are…”

“Well, I just wanted to try my luck, but I didn’t expect it…”

Carrying a sea bass ashore, Li Moran at this time was also naked with his upper body like a cheetah’s streamlined line, and his lower body was wearing a pair of pants.

With a very calm expression, he did not feel that he had done something very different, and the Katagori Yura on the side was full of mussels.

She never expected that as soon as she got off the boat, she told herself not to enter Li Jun on the island for the time being.

He would show himself such a unique skill in front of himself!

At that time, she thought that Li Moran did not want to compete with those who snatched the resources for survival, so she chose not to enter the island for the time being.

As a result, where did he think that the other party did not need to enter the island at all, and just got off the boat and showed himself such a hand.

This Yuryo Katayo’s eyes are about to show!

“Miss Katagyo.”

“Ah! What’s wrong Li Jun! ”

Her mind was still dizzy, and Katagi Yuryo was still immersed in the shock that Li Moran brought her.

But what she didn’t expect was that the shock Li Moran brought her was much more than that

“I remember the general map that the security guide showed us before I came…”

“If I remember correctly, there are three streams on the island that run through the northeast, northwest and southwest of the island.”

“And according to the terrain when we landed on the island, and the map that the security guide showed us at that time…”

“If I’m not mistaken, the closest camping site to us should be better chosen in this range…”

“Ozi supervised! Are you sure that when we invited each other to come, the other party did not have any experience of survival in the wild? ”

“Ozi supervised! This contestant named Li Moran, does the other party really not have any wild survival experience? ”

“In fact, I have heard about this knowledge of wild survival in the classes of which wild survival experts…”

“It’s just Wei Qi supervising, isn’t the other party really an amateur?”

“So are you questioning the investigation company chosen by the program team and the ability behind the investors?”

“Whether the other party is an amateur or not, and we don’t know if he has been exposed to wild survival training?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Almost at the same time, he swallowed his spit, and another “but” named Deputy Supervisor Takao Akira said the words of the others present.

After all, they certainly trust the information provided by the other party for the research company they choose and the background research behind the investor.

It’s just that Li Moran’s operation that just got off the boat is really strange.

This time also made the others present feel like a ghost.

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