Chapter 57

Well, pouting the wife is also not accurate.

After all, there can be no eighteen banned content for listed games.

Simply put, the dust song pot is equivalent to the "small world" in the world of immortal cultivation.

There is another world in the pot, and the holder can freely enter the world in the pot, and he can also bring people in.

In the game can be used to build, farm and raise.

However, everything inside needs to be exchanged for "Dongtian treasure money".

I don't know if this dust song pot is the same as the props in the game.

However, this matter can only be studied later.

Thinking of this, Rhode was ready to say hello in the group.

But before he could speak, he saw the girls Aite get up to himself.

Erina: "@罗德, what happened to the lottery?" "

Lei Dian Zhen: "Why haven't you replied until now?" Wouldn't it..."

Amelia: "Still don't want a crow's mouth, right?" That's a full 6,000 points. If I didn't pull anything out, it would feel terrible, and if it were me, I might not be in the mood to practice all day. "

Butterfly Shinobu: "Uh-huh! I think everyone should cheer and bless Lord Rhodes. "

Lei Dian Zhen: "I don't mean anything else, just want to see what the probability of the lottery shipment is, so that it is good to be a reference, and there is one more thing..."

Lei Dian Zhen: "How do I feel that Shinobu has become different from before?" "

Butterfly Shinobu: "Huh?!" Where is it?! "

Lei Dian Zhen: "Maybe it's my delusion, I always feel that after Mr. Rhodes passed, you changed." "

Erina: "It must be because the ghost king was eliminated, after all, there are no ghosts on the head, and it will be very easy to do anything in the future." "

Butterfly Shinobu: "That's it. "

The butterfly said with a good smile.

Unexpectedly, she usually talks so little, and she can be seen by Raiden Zhen's sister.

Sure enough, it was... The former Inazuma Thor!

Rhodes: "Picture .jpg. "

Rhodes: "I didn't draw UR, it's a shipwreck." "

After seeing the picture sent by Rhode, the group was silent for a few seconds.

Erina: "Wow! Mr. Rhodes, you are out of SSR, and you are still saying that there is no shipment! "

Amelia: "The carry-on space that can save items, this thing is really convenient, alas, you don't have to carry so much luggage when you go out in the future." "

Raiden Jin: "This is... Dust song pot? I once heard that there are immortals on the Liyue side who have made quite a magical portable cave mansion, and it seems that this dust song pot is the same. "

Even in the continent of Tivat, the dust song pot is a rather rare treasure.

Only the immortals of Liyue can make it, and the materials are extremely rare, which can be said to be priceless treasures in the market.

Butterfly Shinobu: "What effect can this have?" "

Raiden Jin: "It is said that the inside of the pot is a small self-circulating world with a perfect ecological balance, and you can do anything in the real world."

Erina: "Isn't that a complete miniature world?" "

Erina, who felt the three views impacted.

She used to surf the Internet and saw discussions about miniature worlds.

Except for the limited scope, everything else is very real world and there is no difference.

It can be said that it is real, its own private territory.

More importantly, the real carry-on world occupies a small area and can be carried around.

Compared to the space ring that can only store dead things, the dust song pot is even more heavyweight!

After that, Rhodes quit the chat group.

Try to enter the world of the dust song pot.

It is found that the cave inside the pot can be changed freely as in the game, and building materials can also be purchased through treasure money that will continue automatically, and there is no unlock requirement, as long as the money is enough.

In addition, fish farming is possible.

Things like fry and seeds can be purchased with money from your own store.

In Rhode's view, the only fly in the ointment is that there is no wife in it.

The fun is directly half as much.



Rhode, who finished sorting out the harvest, stood in front of the window and looked at the outside world.

The neon lights on both rows of streets have been completely extinguished, and only some of the street lamps around the corners are still blooming in the dark night.

Rhode thought of Miko Yotsutani.

That little girl is probably shrinking under the covers now.

"Let's go out and get moving."

Rhode, who had just returned from the Ghost Slayer Blade World, did not have the slightest sleep.

And I don't know if it's because he gained a lot of light in another world, which made him vaguely feel that there was something wrong in this world.

But exactly where, Rhode can't say at present.

Of course, Rhode could not have taken this feeling as his own delusion.

The biggest possibility is because his perception is not enough.

Mainly in the use of light and capacity level is not enough.

The Saiga in the original work is the embodiment of miracles and the mystery of legends.

And Rhode is now at most using this light power obtained after crossing, and after the Ghost Destruction World has grown, he has the form of Saiga.

It's a long time before the real "miracle".

Therefore, most of the power of the current Rhodes comes from the original possession of Hypajeton.

"Let's go out."

Rhode's figure flickered, and then he came directly from the bedroom to a hundred meters above the city.

Blindfolded with a faint glow, he gazes at the city below his feet.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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