"Senior Caijia, today's sparring session will be here first, see you tomorrow."

Lin Yuan slowly got up.

He waved his hand at Totsuka in farewell.

Then, together with Yubihama Yui, they walked towards the outside of the school.

When sitting on the ground just now chatting with Yubihama Yui, this little niko blushed and secretly told Lin Yuan with a coquettish look that she had prepared a small surprise for herself at home.

Lin Yuan was ready to go home early, wanting to see what the little surprise that this little nizi had prepared for herself was.

Along the way, no matter how Lin Yuan asked, Yubihama Yui always blushed and didn't say a word.

Keep saying let yourself guess.

Lin Yuan can't read minds, how can he guess this?

"The Evil King's True Eye is still not powerful enough, at present, there is only such an ability as LV1 perspective, it seems that I need to go to the Little Bird to travel to Liuhua in the near future to upgrade my Evil King's True Eye!"

Lin Yuan muttered casually.

After boarding the 770 bus, after about five stops, Lin Yuan's mobile phone suddenly vibrate.

When you open it, it's Ai Hoshino.

Yui Hihama sat on the left side of Lin Yuan, next to the car window.

Through the window glass, she vaguely saw Hoshino's remark.

Mentioning Ai Hoshino, Yui Hihama couldn't help but panic.

She knows the charm of Hoshino's love.

She is a female artist who is popular throughout the neon and has tens of millions of followers on Twitter.

Don't talk about yourself, I'm afraid that Senior Sister Yukino will inevitably have an inferiority complex in front of Hoshino Ai.

Such a beautiful girl, but crazy like her Lin Yuan brother.

This inevitably made Yubihama Yui feel a little anxious in her heart.

She was afraid that Hoshino would have something to do with Lin Yuan.

Last night, she gave Lin Yuan's brother to Hoshino Ai, which is already generous enough.

If Hoshino Ai still wants to snatch Brother Lin Yuan away from her today, she will really be unhappy!

Lin Yuan didn't seem to notice Yubihama's mood change, and still answered the phone with an indifferent expression.

"Hey, love, I'm Lin Yuan."

Lin Yuan smiled and spoke.

"Love? I actually called Hoshino Ai Love, such an affectionate title..."

Yui Hihama was jealous.

She pouted, thinking in her heart, preparing for a while, and also asked Lin Yuan to give herself an affectionate nickname.

She didn't want to be compared to Hoshino.

On the other end of the phone, Hoshino Ai briefly explained the recent punishment of herself and Kamiki Hikaru by her company.

The company not only did not punish her without any punishment, but also supported her to continue the national tour as an event, and fully supported her work, and would not create all kinds of hype news for her, such as speculation of CP.

As for Shenmu Hikaru, it was directly announced by Saito Igo to be hidden indefinitely.

For an artist, what is the difference between this and banning?!

I heard that Shenmu Hikaru was about to go crazy.

Listening to Hoshino's happy narration on the phone, Lin Yuan nodded in satisfaction.

This Saito is worthy of being an old fox, and it is no wonder that he has been the president of this entertainment and culture company Berry Production.

I just gave him a simple phone call before, and he handled things so well.

Kind of a guy with good abilities!

With him behind his back to deal with these things, Lin Yuan is not worried about Hoshino's acting career at all.

"Husband, I'm going to be touring the country in the near future, so I don't have time to come to you, you have to take care of yourself by yourself!"

On the phone, Hoshino's concerned voice came.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a moment and hung up the phone.

"Brother Lin Yuan, did Hoshino love call you?"

Yui Hihama asked curiously.

She was afraid that Lin Yuan would abandon herself and go to find Hoshino Ai again.

She really didn't want to stay home alone.

That sense of loneliness made her very suffocated!

Lin Yuan did not hide Yubihama Yui, and immediately briefly described the meaning of Hoshino's call.

When she heard that Hoshino Ai was going to continue her national tour, she didn't have time to come to Lin Yuan for the time being, and Yui Hihama's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

In an instant, the whole person was a lot sunny.

The mood has also become a little more positive and extroverted.

About half an hour later, at seven o'clock in the evening, Lin Yuan and Yubihama Yui returned to her house together.

As soon as he returned home, Yubihama Yui looked mysterious and asked Lin Yuan to wait for him in the bedroom.

She went to take a hot shower first.

"Still playing mystery?"

Lin Yuan chuckled and didn't care.

He seemed to feel a little tired and fell on the soft Simmons.

Since he broke that relationship with Yubihama, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up.

At this moment, Yubihama Yui had already packed up the side bedroom, and all of Lin Yuan's belongings were moved by her to the master bedroom.

What this means, Lin Yuan naturally understood.

After about ten minutes or so, when Lin Yuan was lying on Simmons to rest, the lights in the room suddenly went out.

Immediately afterwards, a pink-purple mood light lit up.

In the room, there was a little more charm out of thin air.


The door slowly opened.

Without waiting for Lin Yuan to speak, a silhouette had already pushed the door in and walked in front of him.

Lin Yuan looked stunned, and saw Yubihama Yui dressed as a rabbit.

The lower body is wearing a one-piece black stocking, which outlines his beautiful figure.

Under the pink-purple ambient light, Yui Hihama looks even more moving.

Her snow-white skin was crystal clear, and because she had just taken a bath, there were still a lot of water stains on her skin.

There is a beauty of hibiscus out of the water.

"Brother Lin Yuan, I also want you to give me a nice nickname, like Hoshino Ai!"

Yubihama Yui opened his mouth softly, his delicate body swaying, and slowly approached Lin Yuan.

Until this moment, Lin Yuan understood.

Why was this little nizi so mysterious before.

It turned out that this was the little surprise she prepared for herself!

Lin Yuan was very satisfied.

Judging from Yui's outfit today, she obviously spent a lot of thought in private.

In order to dress yourself up as such a seductive look.

Since she had made this big meal, if Lin Yuan didn't eat it, wouldn't he be a little unable to stop her?

Immediately, Lin Yuan was not polite.

"Yui, how about I call you dango in the future?"

Lin Yuan thought for a moment, pulled Yui Hihama into his arms, looked down at her shy eyes, and spoiled.

"Dango? Why is this called? "

Yubihama was stunned for a moment.

She didn't understand for a while, why would Brother Lin Yuan call herself like that?

"Because you're big!"

A bad smile hung at the corner of Lin Yuan's mouth.

While speaking, he had already taken Yuhihama Yui to do gymnastics together.

And on the other side.

Hijiya Hachiman failed to confess Tozuka Saika, looked lost, and ran in the direction of home.

Yu Kasugano, a good friend, quickly chased after him.

After some serious enlightenment along the way, Bijigu Hachiman completely let go of the embarrassment in his heart.

He couldn't help but cry bitterly.

After careful calculation, this is the second time in his life that he has failed to confess.

It's such a shame every time.

He didn't want to be in a relationship anymore.

It's hard to fall in love!

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for support

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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