"What, you want me to unlock the superpower seal in my body?".


Qin Yu looked at Athena Asamiya with a surprised face, and said with a serious expression: "I know that in the KOF fighting matches over the years, your superpowers have always been sealed, and you can only use thirty percent of your strength to fight, so I hope to witness your true strength." "

Of course, this is a story made up.

The truth is that just an hour before he came to see Athena Asamiya, Qin Yu suddenly remembered why the mysterious energy in Athena's body was so similar to the small universe.

Because it is the ultimate power that is infinitely close to 99.99% of the power of the great universe, if its level is converted into the world of Saint Seiya, it is only a momentary epiphany away from awakening the small universe.

In the plot of The King of Fighters, the KOF97 fighting match is an important watershed in the world view of the King of Fighters, from the level of human power before KOF97 to the level of divine power, and the reason for all this qualitative change is that Athena Asamiya unlocked her own sealed superpower, so that her strength reached 99.99% of the ultimate power.

Here I have to talk about the biggest bug in the King of Fighters world - the perverted comprehension of martial artists.

Don't look at the power level of the King of Fighters world is not the top in the two-dimensional, but in terms of the comprehension of strength, it is 100% of the two-dimensional in seconds, no, or 99.99% of the heavenly world.

Because other dimensions are the protagonists.,Or a small number of people such as the protagonist are promoted.,And then the enemies who were originally at the same level as themselves.,Companions.,All of them are far away.,In the end, except for some female characters who are a little ambiguous with the protagonist, they can occasionally come out and show their faces.,Almost all other characters have the opportunity to appear.。

If you appear, nine times out of ten, you need the protagonist to save it.

But the King of Fighters world is different, in the background setting, the fighters in the King of Fighters world have comprehension comparable to plug-ins, as long as one of them crosses the level and enters the next level of strength, then it will be as long as a year, as short as an instant, and other fighters will also step into this level with their own comprehension.

Of course, that's not the scariest of all.

The most terrifying thing is that as these martial artists continue to deepen their comprehension of new levels of power, they will quickly innovate and create a higher level of power.

Then, like a contagious disease, it quickly spread among martial artists, so that they also relied on witnessing this higher level of power one by one, and once again made a breakthrough in a year, as short as an instant.

As a result, the martial artists in the King of Fighters world will always be on the same level, and the difference is how far they have gone at that level.

To put it in layman's terms, comparing the world of the King of Fighters to Dou Po is the difference between the stars of the Dou Di.

This is the reason why Athena's master, Zhen Yuanzhai, wants to seal her and Shibiken Chong's superpowers, because a large part of the martial artists are evil, just like Jisi, an evil martial artist like them, once they master more powerful power, they can indeed cause disasters that destabilize the world.

In the KOF 97 plot, it was because Athena Asamiya unlocked the seal of her superpower and exposed 99.99% of her ultimate power, so that the six fighters of Yagami Daki, Kusa Kyo, Tery, Kagura, Daimon, and Tojo all comprehended and broke through in an instant, and entered the level of cosmic power.

Since then, the power level of the great universe has blossomed everywhere in the King of Fighters world like a flood.

Therefore, Qin Yu decided to change the plot and wanted Athena Asamiya to unlock the superpower seal in advance, so that the fighters in the King of Fighters world could also enter the level of cosmic power in advance, which would not only facilitate Qin Yu's harvest in advance, but also save time.

After all, every extra second spent in the King of Fighters world, maybe several days will pass in the Saint Seiya world.

At this time, after listening to Qin Yu's words, Athena Asamiya suddenly became suspicious: "How did you know about the seal on my body?".

The superpower was sealed, and only she, the junior brother Shii Kenchong, and the teacher Zhen Yuanzhai who placed the seal on the two of them knew, and even those martial artists he met in the past never saw through her hidden strength.

"Of course you know it from reading comics!".

Complaining in his heart, Qin Yu's expression became serious, and he said to Athena Asamiya: "When I met you on the street during the day, I suddenly felt that the energy in my body was a little unstable, so I used a little means, and then I saw that you seemed to have the same power as me in your body, but it seemed to be sealed. "

"The same power as you?" Asamiya Athena muttered to herself, and suddenly she remembered the flying, teleportation, and air control abilities displayed by the other party when she fought with Qin Yu before, and hurriedly exclaimed: "So you are talking about superpowers, I ..... Not right!".

After a pause, Athena Asamiya looked at Qin Yu with suspicious eyes: "You just showed a very disdainful look for superpowers, which means that your ability is definitely not a superpower." "

Although the misunderstanding between the two has ended, Athena's memory is not like a fish, only a few seconds, and soon when she thinks of Qin Yu's previously exposed superpower-like combat power, she thinks that the other party once used the battle five scum to describe the superpower.

is still the same sentence, although I don't understand the meaning of "five scumbags", but it does not prevent Athena Asamiya from guessing the true meaning of definitely not praise.


This time, Qin Yu was embarrassed, he just subconsciously replied at that time, he didn't expect to bury such a big thunder.

But he really can't be blamed.

Superpowers in human beings, such as manipulating the elements, predicting the future, telekinesis, flying... and so on, in fact, it is a manifestation that the sixth sense is stronger than ordinary people, and the sixth sense here is still from the state of the unawakened small universe.

If you awaken the sixth sense small universe, you will instantly have hundreds of superpowers, but compared to the terrifying destructive power of the small universe, the superpowers are a bit chicken, so few saints will cultivate superpowers.

In other words, superpowers are not necessarily Saint Seiyas, but Saint Seiyas are 100% superpowers, and they are the ones who are proficient in at least hundreds of superpowers.

For example, Athena Asamiya in front of her, just by controlling the superpower of mental power, she can not say that she is not the top in the King of Fighters world, but at least she is also a second-rate powerhouse.

But in the Saint Seiya world, anyone who encounters the awakened small universe, even if it is a candidate without holy clothes, does not need to burn the small universe, and can easily rely on a wide variety of superpowers to consume her, and such a candidate is not worthy of being described as "flow" in the Saint Seiya world.

Therefore, when I heard Athena Asamiya say that he was also a superpower, I subconsciously complained.

But in this case, he must not say it to Athena Asamiya, after all, he still needs the other party to complete an important plan.

"Hahaha, don't get me wrong, I don't really look down on you superpowers, it's not like I was attacked by you for no reason at the time, and I was angry and deliberately said that. Qin Yu's eyes flickered, and he hurriedly waved his hand to fool this matter over.

"Really?" Asamiya Athena stared at Qin Yu with suspicion on her face.

"Of course it's true!" Qin Yu was a little uncomfortable stared at by Athena Asamiya, but he tried his best to stay calm, straightened his waist, looked back with firm eyes, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a confident smile, trying his best to tell Athena Asamiya that he was not lying.

Although Qin Yu's actions seemed a little deliberate, they also succeeded in dispelling some of Athena's doubts, and she couldn't help but nod and said, "Okay, I believe in you." "

"Still, I can't promise you!".

Originally, hearing Athena's words, Qin Yu's heart rose with excitement, who would have thought that the second half of Athena's sentence would suddenly make his heart half cold.

Without waiting for Qin Yu to ask, Athena Asamiya herself said with a bitter face: "Because the teacher has specially explained to me and Shijiquan Chong, we must not unlock the superpower seal on our bodies, otherwise we will destroy the whole world." "

Hearing Athena's words that seemed to be talking to herself and like informing, Qin Yu almost couldn't help but complain about this girl, her junior brother, and the drunkard master.

He scolded in his heart: "Can you have a face? As long as the three of you combined, you can't bear the trick of Yagami's small tricks, where do you have the courage to compare your superpower to destroy the world? Not to mention the superpower you are unlocking now, even if you have the most powerful destruction or regeneration power in the King of Fighters world, it can't cause much disaster to this planet." The worst fight in the entire King of Fighters world was nothing more than the destruction of half of the city. "

It's a pity that Qin Yu can only keep these words in his heart. He resisted the urge to scare people, and comforted Athena Asamiya again: "You can rest assured, this world is protected by the will of the earth, even if you unseal all your superpowers, it is impossible to cause too much harm to this world, your teacher said so, but I am afraid that you will have evil thoughts because you have too strong power." "

"Afraid that we will have evil thoughts?" Athena Asamiya frowned, her tone full of uncertainty.

Qin Yu continued, "Yes, other martial artists rely on their own training little by little to improve their strength, so they can completely control their strength. And superpowers, because they are innate, do not have complete control over their power like other martial artists, and often cause destruction because they can't master their power. "

"So, there are generally two ways. One is to be like your teacher, and seal your superpowers at a stage that you can perfectly control, that is, thirty percent of superpowers. "

Athena Asamiya nodded in understanding, but then asked curiously, "Then how do you know?"

Qin Yu replied with a smile: "I didn't say it just now, there are two ways. Sealing is just one of them, the other is to completely release your superpowers and survive the unconscious state caused by the superpower riot in your body by your own will. As long as you survive this level, you will be able to control your superpowers perfectly. "

"You only relied on the second method to master superpowers!" Athena Asamiya asked excitedly, thinking of the various superpowers that Qin Yu had shown earlier, which were completely above her.


Qin Yu smiled and nodded.

Ten minutes later

On the wilderness, Athena Asamiya and Qin Yu stood facing each other, the former looking apprehensive, and the latter looking indifferent.

"Are you sure you can unlock the seal of Zhen Yuanzhai?"


"Are you sure that after I break the seal, I will not cause damage to the world?"


"You promise..."

"Promise, Athena, you're still not finished, if you really don't want to, then forget it!" Qin Yu was also a little hairy.

"No, I can't ask if I don't ask!".

Seeing that Qin Yu was angry, Athena Magong hurriedly waved her little hand, then her eyes were closed, and starlight gradually appeared around her, while Qin Yu quietly waited for the current seal.

As for how he persuaded Athena Asamiya, it's very simple, just one sentence.

"Athena, do you want to be the one lying in the ring every time you compete in a KOF fight?"

After all, Athena Asamiya is still the most impulsive girl, and in the original plot, it was because she didn't want to lose to other martial artists every time, so she secretly unlocked the seal from Zhen Yuanzhai, which led to the advent of the era of the great cosmic power, just ask such a character, how could she bear it when she heard Qin Yu's words, and agreed to Qin Yu on the spot.

Soon, when Athena Asamiya was about to break through the limit of being sealed, that is, 95% of the absolute realm power, a supreme power that did not belong to her suddenly poured out of her body to suppress her power, and at this moment, Qin Yu saw the opportunity and poked a finger at Athena's Tiantu acupoint, and in an instant, the energy of the small universe poured in, shattering that ultimate power, and fusing with Athena's energy.


In an instant, a huge ball of supernatural light enveloped her whole body, and it also continued to burst out with strong air pressure, causing the ground around her to crack and spread cracks one after another.

A terrifying and surging force continued to pour out of Athena's body and spread in all directions with great speed, first New York, then the whole country, and finally the world.

The martial artists hidden all over the world felt something, and they couldn't help but raise their heads and look in the direction of Athena Asamiya.

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