Losing to the Dragon God did not destroy him. On the contrary, to a certain extent, it made him successful.

He keeps getting stronger and then challenges others. Although he is the sword king, with his cynical attitude, the sword gods of that generation are actually out of his turn.

But an accident happened.

He became more powerful, each one continued to become stronger, and the speed of swinging the sword became faster and more accurate, and he even soon realized the true meaning of the Light Sword.

Then, inexplicably, he defeated all the competitors in the Holy Land of Swords, and was really in front of the former Sword God.

The two began to duel, and the fighting did not last long, only half an hour.

The previous sword god was defeated, and Garr became the new sword god.


Maybe from Gal's point of view, it was indeed a bit surprising. After all, he didn't expect that he would become the sword god one day.

Looking into the old sword god's pleased eyes, Garr nodded and took the long sword that symbolized power and glory from his hand.

From that moment on, he was the sixth of the Seven Great Powers, the Sword God Gal.

From that moment on, the Dragon God, who had been thinking about him all the time, also faded a lot at this moment.

It's not that he doesn't want to challenge the Dragon God, it just means that he has more.

He married a wife who was very gentle. She was a sword emperor. They had the same hobbies and their relationship was much better than that of an ordinary couple.

He had a daughter who was very obedient. Gal watched this infant grow up little by little.

He has a dojo filled with students who adore him.

He has a lot of worries, and he can no longer be as willful as before. Although his desire to challenge the Dragon God is still there, it is no longer as strong.

So, that's it.

This is what Gal said to himself.

Of course, becoming a sword god isn't all that ordinary.

There are many challengers in the middle.

The old guy from Suigami Ryu came here several times, trying to get back the glory of the past. These challengers were undoubtedly beaten back by him. Except for the Shinigami at the top, none of the guys from Hokugami Ryu could beat them because there was a gap in the middle.

The days passed like this, and he thought he would never have anything to do with the Dragon God again in his life.

Until he saw Roya now.

From Roja's figure, he saw his former self. Different from his younger self, the boy in front of him was even more outstanding and outstanding.

So, he felt that maybe this young man could do it.

Fulfill your dreams.

It was no longer possible for him. He knew that no matter what, he could no longer defeat the Dragon God.

But he is different, he has more possibilities, he is still young, and youth is capital. Garr has reached the peak. Even if his skills are improved, the aging of his body will make his strength regress.

Thinking of this, Gal scratched his gray hair, and the look in his eyes became somewhat dim.

This is the alternation of the old era and the new era, and this is also the passing of fire.

The old corrupt people stand on the left side, and a new challenger steps forward to be crowned king.

Maybe new challengers will also become corrupt in the future, and this scene will happen over and over again.

But what is undeniable is that after the challenger takes over, he will become even more powerful in the future.

After thinking about all this, Gal felt relieved for some reason.

The three little ghosts behind him followed step by step. Kirennu stood beside him and said nothing.

This is what Kirianu looks like. Garr is familiar with Kirianu's temper. It seems that Kirianu has changed a lot over the years, but not much.

The distance between the second dojo and the first dojo was not too far, and soon we arrived at the first dojo full of disciples.

The dojo is flat, with a big tree in the distance. The big tree brings a different kind of vitality to the dojo.

Gal walked up to the apprentices and shouted.

"Well, labor and management have something to announce."

Gal, who was standing at the top, said: "From now on, you will have one more junior sister and one more junior brother in the future."

Everyone began to whisper and looked at Roja next to Gal.

The sunny boy is always so dazzling. As long as he stands in the sun, the morning light will embellish the boy. His handsome face looks extremely soft under the morning light. The slight smile on the corner of his mouth makes the boy look even sunnier.

I don't know which apprentice it was, but exclaimed in a low voice, and the place instantly became uproar.

"Isn't he too handsome?"

"I feel like he looks like a royal family?"

"Is it a kid from a certain aristocratic family who came out to learn swordsmanship?"

Sounds like this kept resounding in the dojo.

Of course, only the female disciples spoke like this. The male comrades all looked at Roja with stinky faces and hostile eyes.

"Grandma, where did such a pretty boy come from?"

"Isn't it good to be a member of a noble family? What kind of swordsmanship do you come here to learn?"

This is the general idea of ​​these boys.

Gal's voice was covered by these noisy sounds, and he couldn't help but raise his voice and said loudly: "Quiet!"

Everyone fell silent, but there were still whispers of chatter below.

Gal raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "It seems you need extra training!"

As soon as these words came out, those rustling whispers disappeared.

Gal nodded with satisfaction and said to the two people beside him: "Come out and say hello to your senior brothers and sisters."

Alice, who was standing aside, was gently pushed by Kirenu, and stood beside Gal in confusion.

The girl's face is still stained with some dust, but judging from her appearance and clothes, her family background is not bad.

So are these people really the children of aristocratic families who came here to play and learn swordsmanship?

Everyone's eyes didn't stay on Alice for long, and then they looked at Roja, who was the most eye-catching person in the crowd.

Why hasn't he come forward yet?

This is everyone's first thought.

Then they saw a yellow-haired kid following Alice and standing next to Gal.

Unlike Alice, Rudeus wanted to leave a good impression on everyone and wiped his face with his sleeve in the middle, so he looked relatively clean.

Of course, cleanliness is a relative term.

Gal shrugged and said, "That's what it is. You two introduce yourselves."

Alice's fiery red eyes scanned the surrounding area and said in a loud voice: "My name is Alice."

Then there was nothing more to follow. Her self-introduction was more like completing Gal's mission.

Alice's arrogant appearance was quickly noticed by those who were interested.

Nina was one of the caring people, and the girl's delicate face showed an unhappy look.

Alice didn't know that she had already offended a group of people just because of a small introduction.

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