Roya took a look and lost interest.

"Earth Pillar"

The earth element gathered in Roya's hand. Roya raised his hand, and the stone accelerated in Roya's hand, and then attacked the three goblin archers.

The stone was not small, and the three goblins were not tall. Their small bodies were hit by the stone, and they only heard three screams of fear, and then their spines were broken, and they fell to the ground completely, and their bodies were buried by the huge stone.

Roya was at his ease and did not prepare to leave directly, but waited for the remaining goblins.

After hesitating for a moment, Roya came to the three goblins that were burned to charcoal before. There was a smell of burnt meat floating in the air, which made Roya feel nauseous.

Waving his hand, a strong wind swept the mat and blew the smell away.

The smell was slightly reduced, and Roya stepped forward and picked up the dagger.

The dagger was of better quality, and the name of the forger was on the hilt. It seemed that this was not made by the goblin himself, but was most likely a product left by other adventurers.

Roya waved it, and it felt ordinary, just so-so, and was a mediocre product.

The waiting time was not long, and soon a large group of green goblins had surrounded them.

There were many goblins, and the leader was a huge goblin holding a club, with a body of three meters, a ferocious face, and two protruding fangs, giving people a fierce feeling.

The King of Goblins.

There is actually such an elite monster here?

Roya was a little surprised, but thinking about it, the appearance of such an elite monster seemed very reasonable.

This group of goblins can hunt in this formation, and it is obvious that they have received systematic training.

The other party was burly, and his thick feet stepped forward. The goblin only had a linen shirt to cover his lower body, with a ferocious and ugly face, and the other party's sturdy physique.

Roya subconsciously thought of the book he had read in his previous life.

He didn't feel anything when he read the book in his previous life, but now that he saw the goblin's burly body with his own eyes, he knew that if he really fell into the hands of these guys, it would be worse than death.

Roya held the dagger, pressed his body down, and took a serious stand.

The Goblin King showed a ferocious smile. He didn't say anything, but strode forward. There was still dried blood on the club in his hand.

The younger brother next to him looked like he was watching the fun, shouting something loudly.

It seems that the other party is ready to fight alone.

Roya thought about it, then raised the dagger in his hand and said: "Magic Sword."

Roya's magic power is not enough to release the complete magic sword, but who said that the magic sword can only be released in the complete form?

The smuggled magic power quickly wrapped around the dagger, and the dark flowing magic power was like an ominous thing, exuding a gloomy aura.

The magic power was wrapped around the hilt, and the terrifying power erupted from this moment. The Goblin King sensed the threat from the young man in front of him and subconsciously stopped.

The Goblin King suddenly changed his mind. He was about to wave his hand, asking his brothers to prepare to fight together.

However, the next moment, a sharp blade easily pierced his abdomen.

The Goblin King's burly body paused slightly. He was stunned for a moment, and looked down at the short human who appeared in front of him at some point, with a confused look on his face.


The attack was too sudden, so that the Goblin King had not reacted. The pain swept over, and there was a burning pain in his abdomen. Green blood kept oozing out. Subconsciously, the Goblin King raised his hand and prepared to drop the right arm club.

However, he suddenly realized that his strength was constantly fading. The huge club that was originally as heavy as an arm became extremely heavy at this moment. The Goblin saw from the corner of his eye that his brothers were looking at him with horror at this moment.

Roya didn't waste any more words and kicked the Goblin King aside.

At this time, a huge and hideous scar appeared on the Goblin King's chest, and his internal organs flowed out because of the kick. The big goblin in front of him struggled for a few times, and then stopped moving.

The remaining goblins looked at each other, then screamed and fled in all directions.

Roya raised his hand and began to chant: "May the great blessing of fire come to where you seek! Fierce and violent flames, burn the great grace to ashes! 'Big Fireball'!""

The huge fireball gathered in Roya's hand, and the terrifying high temperature swept around, and the hot breath and heat waves came to his nose.

Chanting can save a little magic power and can also enhance the power of the spell.

Although the remaining magic power is not much, it is better to save it.

The explosion sounded, the flames washed the entire forest, a group of wailing sounded, and soon fell into silence.

At the same time, Roya's ears echoed with a series of system A cold electronic voice.

[Your level has been upgraded, and you have gained five free attribute points and three skill points. ]

[Your level has been upgraded, and you have gained five free attribute points and three skill points. ]

[Your level has been upgraded, and you have gained five free attribute points and three skill points. ]

[Your level has been upgraded, and you have gained five free attribute points and three skill points. ]

[Your level has been upgraded, and you have gained five free attribute points and three skill points. ]

And there were five reminders like this.

In other words, he has now reached level seven.

Luo Ya was slightly stunned, and he still hadn't reacted.

Are these goblins so valuable?

The surrounding fire began to spread to all directions, the fire rose, the air became hot, and the trees also burst into flames due to the explosion.

Now was not the time to think about such things.

Roja did not let the fire spread. The goblins around him had been burned to ashes by this fire bomb.

"Water droplets fall and scatter, covering the world with water! "Water Splash""

Raindrops fell from the sky, and before the fire had time to spread, it was poured down by heavy rain.

Then Roja got into trouble, looking at the charred corpses one after another, wondering how he should exchange rewards with Luna.

After thinking for a while, Roja glanced at the sky. This area was now shrouded in clouds, the sun was obscured by the clouds, and the light became gloomy and dim.

Roja estimated the time and felt that he could still move forward. It was still early in the day.

Let’s brush up the level first.

On the way, Roja added attribute points to himself. There were thirty attribute points in total, and his skill points also exceeded twenty.

Regarding things like attribute points, Luo Ya thought about it and felt that it would be better to develop it in a balanced way, so he simply divided it up evenly so that the whole family should be in order.

This time, the heat flow was more obvious, and his physical fitness was also enhanced in all aspects. Roja noticed that the shackles that bound him were loosened in advance.

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