Roja's expression also became unhappy. His pale golden eyes swept across everyone present, and his gaze stayed at the position where the dwarf had just come out.

Behind that position, there were two adventurers, staring at Roja with sinister expressions.

"Weak people should act like weak people. If I meet you in the wild, you will be killed directly by me."

Roya said this without expression and came to the dwarf.

The dwarf's abdomen was kicked and several ribs were broken. He was very strong and wore armor. In order to kill the opponent with one blow and prevent him from running over and bothering him again, he naturally struck harder.

After looking at the dwarf lying on the ground bleeding, and then at the strong man with a broken head and bleeding, Roja curled his lips, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the money."

Both of them were stunned and looked at Roja with numb expressions.

Roja repeated impatiently: "Give me the money, how many times do you want me to say it again?"

Having said this, Roja viciously stepped on the opponent's cheek with his foot, showing extremely arrogance.

But no one present dared to say a word.

Because they couldn't figure out each other's details, it was really amazing that the thin guy in front of them, wearing the clothes of a trainee magician apprentice, could have such a powerful explosive power.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be still in a daze, Roja slammed the staff on the ground. The two people who fell on the ground hurriedly took out their pockets, and finally took out two money bags with a look of pain on their faces. was thrown to Roja.

Roja came to the counter lady. Under everyone's silent gaze, Roja thought for a moment and said, "Do you have a map here?"

The lady at the counter was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't realize that Roja would speak like this.

Roja continued: "It's the kind of map of surrounding towns and countries. Oh, please also give me a map of the distribution of monsters. The more detailed the better."

The lady at the counter hesitated for a moment and then said: "Well, the most detailed map and monster distribution map need to be purchased with money. All we can provide adventurers for free is the most basic map and monster information."

"Is that so?" Roja opened the money bag, took out a few copper coins and put them on the counter, and finally asked, "Is this enough?"

"Well, the price should be about the same." The lady at the counter forced a smile, picked out three maps from under the counter, and handed them to Roja.

After thanking Luo Ya, he pointed at the two people lying at the door and said to the lady at the counter: "Money and so on, I think those guys should give you a satisfactory answer. That's it, I'm leaving."

After saying that, Roja planned to leave this place of right and wrong.

The lady at the counter opened her mouth to speak, but when the words reached her lips, no words came out.

After waving to the people around them, a group of big and thick guys stood up and helped the two people on the ground. Neither of them had serious injuries. They could lie down and recuperate for a while before they could move around normally.

It's just that when adventurers fight, they will be punished with a series of fines, and the items damaged by the adventurers will be required to pay the original price. It is not that there have never been fights before, but this time, it is the first time that an old man is beaten by a newcomer. See.

"What an interesting person, isn't Roya Graylat?" The counter girl had a look of interest on her face, and the corners of her mouth raised into a faint smile.


After leaving this small town, Roya began to understand the world.

After learning a little about this world, Roja figured out the general details of this world.

The name of this city is E-Rantel. As a fortress city, E-Rantel has an appearance that completely fits the adjective "fortress".

There are three full layers of city walls, and the areas between each layer of city walls have different functions.

The innermost area is the central administrative area of ​​​​the city. This area also has warehouses for storing military supplies, so it is heavily guarded at all levels. The outermost area is the garrison base of the Kingdom of Li Yestije, with complete military equipment.

The middle area between the two areas is the living area for citizens. This living area is the urban area where the residents of E-Rantel live.

This is the regional information of the city where Roya is located.

After learning this, Roya had a different kind of suspicion in his mind.

There are actually very few adventurers whose levels are divided in this way. The only one that has the deepest impression in my memory is the world of the Bone King.

And strictly speaking, the combat power of the Bone King World is almost at this level.

If the prediction is correct, this world will most likely be the world of Lao Gu.

Walking on the muddy path, Roja looked around expressionlessly.

A group of adventurers from the Adventurer's Guild. How should I describe it? If I really want to evaluate it, I can only use two words to describe it.

Very weak.

It was so weak that Roja wanted to kill everyone in the field, which was just a thought.

The reason why he didn't take action was because Roja considered himself a decent person.

Roja's mind continued to work rapidly, and he began to recall information about the world of bones.

This world has a very typical Central European background, swords and magic, there are so-called adventurers, and there are various races. Not only humans live there, but there are also elves, dwarves and the like. There are also some terrifying monsters in the world. For example, the legendary dragon.

And it is this world that has already intersected with a game world called "YggDRasIL".

"YGGDRASIL" (World Tree) is a once very popular online game with "Norse mythology" as the story background. Compared with other DMMO-RPGs at the time, it has the characteristic of "unusually wide player freedom".

The basic types of professions, including basic and advanced professions, easily exceed 2,000.

The highest level of each profession is only level 15, so if you want to reach the comprehensive level limit of level 100, you must practice at least seven or more professions. However, as long as the conditions are met, it is still possible to "dabble in many aspects". As long as you are willing, you can also practice to level 100 in a very inefficient way with only one level for each profession.

Therefore, in this game system, unless it is done intentionally, there will be no identical characters.

And every few hundred years or so, there will be an event where players from the "YggDRasIL" game cross over to this world.

Those players have strength, magic and weapons far beyond the natives of this world. Every time they cross over, they will have a profound impact on this world.

In other words, it is a dimensionality reduction attack.

Compared with the players of "YGGDRASIL", most of the natives of this world are quite weak and powerless.

For example, in "YGGDRASIL", players can upgrade themselves to level 100 at most, while in this world, people around level 30 or 40 are considered heroes among humans and have few rivals.

For another example, the magic in this world, like the magic in "YGGDRASIL", is divided into ten levels. Ordinary people can only use the second level after training. Those who can use the third level magic are geniuses. The fifth level magic can only be used by those who have entered the hero realm. The highest level of magic that humans can use is only the sixth level.

But in "YGGDRASIL", players who are at the maximum level of 100 usually do not use magic below the seventh level.

And Lao Gu even possesses magic beyond the tenth level - super-level magic.

This shows how weak the natives of this world are compared with the players of "YGGDRASIL".

Compared with the players of YGGDRASIL, the natives of this world can even be described as weak and frightening. It is not that there are no strong people in this world, but the so-called strong people, in front of Lao Gu, seem so weak that they are not even worthy of carrying shoes.

Their lives are like grass on the roadside, which can be easily taken away.

This is all the information of this world.

When thinking of the so-called rank magic, Luo Ya felt that he seemed to be able to learn it.

The magic of each world has its own characteristics, and the magic of this world is the same.

Their power is not said to be able to reach a certain terrifying level, and even the super-rank magic cannot be compared with the emperor-level magic of the world of jobless reincarnation.

However, their effects are quite terrifying.

There is magic that can crush the heart of a creature through the air.

There is magic that can teleport over a long distance and ignore the distance in space.

There is magic that can easily cut through space and even suspend time for a short time.

There are various kinds of magic, covering all aspects, with countless effects, and it is these magics that constitute the huge magic system of this world.

In terms of light effects, the magic in this world is indeed better than the magic in the world of Reincarnation without Job.

Once Reincarnation without Job involves the so-called God-level magic, the function will be incredibly powerful.

Reversing the future, going back in time, summoning unprecedented things, or things that do not exist in the world, God-level magic can do it.

But below the God-level magic, there is an obvious fault, especially between the Saint level and the King level.

The magicians in the world of Reincarnation without Job are not selfless good people. Many people would rather their inheritance be cut off than pass on their knowledge to others. This also leads to the complete inheritance of swordsmanship in that world, but most magicians study by themselves and walk their own paths.

Maybe there are some amazing people who have mastered some quite remarkable magic, but those magics are also buried in the long river of history.

Facing these levels of magic, Roya can't help but be moved. If these magics covering all aspects can be mastered, it will also be a great improvement for Roya and can make up for many shortcomings.

Roya's eyes flickered and continued to think.

If you want to learn rank magic, there is only one way.

That is to contact Lao Gu.

Lao Gu has the most magic, and he can use more than 700 kinds of magic (generally, players at level 100 can only use 300 kinds).

Not only Lao Gu, but also the group of NPCs around him are terrifyingly powerful. Each of them is a level 100 account. Coming to this world is a complete crushing. For the natives of this world, it is a dimensionality reduction attack.

If Luo Ya wants to learn rank magic, it is best to start from this aspect.

If you just want to get close to Lao Gu and trick him into learning his magic, you need to take advantage of the information gap.

According to the original information, when Lao Gu came to this world, he retreated and began to send people to obtain information from the outside world. Then, after confirming that the people in this world were generally a bunch of scum, Lao Gu began to launch attacks and constantly test, and finally made this world a mess.

If Luo Ya wants to profit from it, the best way is to catch Lao Gu off guard.

Luo Ya's magic attainments have long reached the level of the emperor, and his swordsmanship has reached the god level. His peak combat power can crush the dragon god, and he can even rely on the instant superposition of time zero to swing a sword to kill the past and the present.

Even though his combat power is severely weakened in this world, Luo Ya is not afraid to face Lao Gu head-on.

The light sword cannot be used, but it can be weakened and activated in an instant to swing a slash that exceeds the speed of sound.

If a real battle is to start, Luo Ya feels that he is still somewhat sure.

As for whether he will be taken away by the opponent's lethal magic, Luo Ya clicks on his panel and is full of confidence.

[Characters; Roya Greylat (weak)]

[Age: 15]

[Strength: A]

[Agility: A+]

[Stamina: A]

[Intelligence: A+]

[Talents: Immaculate Body (Phase 2), Fool (Phase 2), Greed, Sword Heart (Level 3), Dark Elf King Status]

[Immaculate Body (Phase 2)]

[Features: Dragon Transformation (Phase 2), Bloodthirst (Phase 1), Dragon Body (Phase 2), Regeneration (Phase 3), Immaculate {Initial talent is the highest limit, elemental affinity}]

[Elemental affinity (max)]

[The affinity for wind, fire, water, earth, darkness and other elements is greatly improved, making it easier for you to cast magic in related aspects, and the energy required is reduced. ]

[Dark Elf King]

[Features: Dark Monarch: The upper limit of mental power is increased, and you gain the authority to control the power of darkness. The darkness of other worlds cannot affect you. 】

【Fool (Phase 2)】

【Features: Erudite, greatly improves the mental limit】

【Erudite: Combine existing knowledge to create non-existent things more easily (including but not limited to sword skills, magic)】

【Skills: Advanced magic knowledge, Sword God Sword Art (God level), Light Tachi (Secret), Thunder Thunder Cloud (Water Saint level), Magic Sword (King level), Magic Seed, Sword Drawing Style-Thunder, Sun Breathing, Sun Sword Dance, Flame Breathing, Thunder Breathing, Transparent World (Passive) Absolute Sword Skill, Word Spirit: Moment [Phase 6], Word Spirit: Time Zero】

【Equipment: Twin Star Guardian God Esther】

【Quality: A-】

【Features: Tempering, Purification, Elf Magic, Sharpness, Curse Resistance. 】

【Restia Ashdor】

【Quality: B+】

【Features: Dark Protection, Elf Magic, Black Death Dagger, Penetration. 】

【Throat Flute】

【Quality: B-】

【Features: Swiftness, Sharpness. 】

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