He had already known about the affairs of the spell world, and Liu Chen naturally knew that what Miyata Yukishige said was not false.

It's just that the latter thought about one thing wrong.

Heaven and curse bindings are bound that are imposed by birth and are exchanged for a certain powerful force at the expense of a certain innate condition.

One is to replace mana with physical conditions.

The other is to replace the strength of the body with mana.

However, Liu Chen is not bound by heaven and curse, and he does not belong to the above two types.

"Shhh Hiss..."

As the turtle and bear eliminated Miyata Yukishige, the small park fell silent for a few seconds, and then the air began to surge from slow to rapid.

The curse born from the dead Yukishige Miyata hovers in the sky.

The mana was intertwined like spider silk, and finally came together to form a long snake with a pair of rotting wings.

The snake is five meters long and has a purple-black body.

A pair of blood-glittering vertical eyes exuded an aura of evil and ominousness.

The monstrous fleshy wings are flapping slowly.

It is a second-level spell spirit born from the death of the dead Miyata Yukishige!

Looking at the turtle and turtle bear below, he opened his bloody mouth and swooped down at great speed.

The turtle, turtle and bear also roared fiercely into the sky.


The two collided together in the air.



Turtles, turtles, and bears burst into power.

This second-level spell spirit couldn't resist it, and was instantly shot out, smashing its head on the ground, kicking up a large amount of smoke and dust.

The waves of air created by the power of the impact rushed in all directions.

Liu Chen stomped on the ground with one foot, and a layer of air rippled out, canceling out the waves of air mixed with dust.

Looking at the turtle and bear in the distance, it seemed that they had slapped something they couldn't see on the ground.

Qiong turned his head to look at Liu Chen.

"Tatsu, has that cursed master become a curse spirit?"

"Hmm. "

As an ordinary person, the dome has no mana power, and it is impossible to see the spell spirit under normal circumstances.

There used to be curiosity.

But after Liu Chen drew her a few pictures of the spell spirits that he had destroyed, and succeeded in disgusting her.

She didn't want to look at the spell again.

"In this case, the turtle and the bear will not be able to hurt it. "

Liu Chen nodded slightly:

"In terms of hard power, the turtle and the bear are stronger, and they can also suppress that spell spirit. "

"However, physical attacks alone cannot deal effective damage to spell spirits. "

Although the turtle and turtle bear are powerful, they have no mana, and attacks without mana cannot hurt the spell spirit.

In fact.

Just now, the turtle and the bear without magic power did not see the existence of the flesh-winged snake spell spirit, but relied on their intuition to attack.

As the smoke and dust cleared, the unscathed body of the flesh-winged snake was revealed.

"Let the turtle and bear come back. "

"It's getting late, it's time to finish and go home. "

Listening to Liu Chen's words, Qiong nodded.

I was thinking about continuing to attack the invisible enemy in front of me.

Suddenly, he turned his round and huge body and ran towards the dome in a position of landing on all fours.

Finally, he jumped high and was sucked back by the monster instant noodles on the dome's hand.


Seeing that his opponent had disappeared, the flesh-winged snake followed closely and targeted his attack on Liu Chen and Qiong, who had no magic power in the distance.

It threw its head back and hissed.

Soaring into the air, he swept towards the two people in the clearing.


Liu Chen stared indifferently at the rapidly approaching flesh-winged snake in front of him, and the appearance of the other party was reflected in his pupils.

Walking head-on with unhurried steps.

Mana is a power that arises from negative human emotions.

That is, the product of spiritual power.

Although the Eight Extremes Heaven is the strongest fighting technique in the universe.

But to cultivate the Eight Extremes, it is not only the physical body that needs to be sharpened, but also the spirit.

Otherwise, in the original book, it is possible to use the ability of the Rainbow Stone to control the body of another person who does not own the Rainbow Stone.

Shadin is not the son of the god of war, but the founder of the strongest in the universe, the Eight Poles.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't do it.

In the original book, when Sardin controlled the body of the second generation of Mi Long, it can be seen that he encountered resistance and stalemate, which also illustrates this point.

It has the second generation of Milong template, and it is also the second generation of Milong who will be more proficient and proficient in Bajitian in the future.

Liu Chen didn't have the slightest magic power in his body.

But he can still see the spell spirit with the naked eye, and...

The flesh-winged long snake spell spirit, which was already close to Liu Chen, opened its bloody mouth, and its magic power was permeated.

Bite Liu Chen.



"It's not far, a little faster. "

With a spear spell in his hand, Maki Zenin, who was running fast, said to his two companions beside him.

"Got it. "

The panda, which moves in the posture of a human running, nodded.

Dog Curly Thorn: "Prince Ming." "

The strange combination of these two people and a panda is a second-year student at the Tokyo Metropolitan High School of Spells.

He is also a spell master who specializes in purifying spell spirits.

After solving a spell spirit, passing by this side, he saw a figure five or six meters tall in the distance, and then fought with another figure flying in the air.

I don't know what happened later, the tall creature disappeared first.

As they got closer, several people also sensed the aura of the curse and determined that it was the curse spirit.

However, in the next second, the spell spirit seemed to be attacking someone, and then it was also inexplicably out of breath.

This left the trio unaware of what was going on, so they sped up.

After a short time, the three of them came to a small deserted park that was devastated and almost half-destroyed.

Looking around at the surrounding scene, Zenin Maki crossed his waist and said.

"Looks like this is it. "

"But the spell seems to have been purified. "

The panda sensed the almost gone-free curse in the air and touched his stuffed chin.

"Salmon. "

Dogcurly Thorn nodded in agreement.

"Other sorcerers?" Zenin Maki retracted his gaze.

"I guess so. "

Panda is a little unsure, as there are only traces of the spell spirit's mana here.

It is more likely that a sorcerer has erased all traces of his mana when the spell spirit leaves.

"In that case, then we can go back. "

Maki Zenin put his spear on his shoulder, the blade pointing upward.

"Salmon. "

ps: The author knows the taboos and poisonous points, in order to avoid some people may be mistaken and worried, I also deliberately said here - Zenin Maki and Otoku Yuta have nothing, not even the contact in the training in the theater version (the picture is Zenin Maki).

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