
When the basketball was tossed up by Kazuto Yamada, Knotweed Yuhito looked at Liu Chen:

"I'm going to jump, senior. "

"Hmm. "

Looking at the knotweed Youren who was not provocative or anything, but simply reminded, Liu Chen responded.

Then, Knotweed Yuhito jumped high like an arrow from a string, so that the students present who were not too optimistic about him were shocked.

Because, Knotweed Yuhito has already jumped up to a height of six meters, and he is about to catch up with the basketball when it reaches its highest point.

Even Knotweed Yuhito thought that this steal was when he got it first.

He felt that it was dark in front of him, and a shadow blocked the light above him.

Liu Chen had already appeared above him.

In the eyes of Knotweed Yuren raised his head and opened slightly, he threw the basketball directly into the basket on the other side of the knotweed from the half-court in the air.

"Boom, boom, three-point half-court at the beginning of the game!".

This scene made Liu Chen's class and the students in the third class of high school in an uproar and excitement outside the scene.

This kind of opening, even if it is a world-class basketball game, is impossible to see, that is, Liu Chen can do it!

The students who were lucky enough to see Liu Chen's opening scene only hated to forget the video.

And this time, there are already students who have come prepared.

I turned on my phone and recorded the scene in its entirety, ready to post it on the Internet.

Only Kirishima Dong Xiang, who was standing on the other side of the crowd, did not react, he knew Liu Chen's strength, and this kind of thing was easy for Liu Chen.

"It's so strong! senior!".

Yuhito, who fell to the ground, was surprised and excited.

"Go ahead. "

"Okay! This is back to me, senior!".

Knotweed looked energetic and turned to pick up the ball under the basket.

Kazuto Yamada and other members of the basketball team in the stands couldn't help but be a little worried when they saw this.

"Captain, aren't we going to compete with Liu Chen together?"

"yes, is it okay to be alone with knotweed now?".

Although it is a bit disgraceful to say it together, if you really watch Liu Chen play basketball, you will definitely not think so.

Instead, it would be quite reasonable.

Because Liu Chen is really inhuman, just like the kind of things that ordinary people can't do just now, Liu Chen is at his fingertips.

Kazuto Yamada crossed his arms and snorted

"I originally planned to do the same, but I also knew that the knotweed was the tiger of the west!"

"What, knotweed turned out to be the tiger of the west!".

"No wonder! He can run the same result as Liu Chen, and the kind of bounce of knotweed just now is almost two stories high, which is not something ordinary people can do at all!".

Listening to the shocked discussion of the boys on the basketball team not far away, Matsushima couldn't help but complain:

"The Tiger of the West? What is that, the nickname of Good Middle Two. "

"I think I've heard it, but I can't remember it. "

Yui Hihama scratched the hair on her sideburns.

At this time, Tsubasa Hanegawa said:

"Studying in a national middle school and a Western middle school, I not only passed the extreme physical fitness king challenge program, but also a series of amazing deeds, the most amazing of which is that I single-handedly knocked over several mews and saved a classmate who was attacked by meows. "

"Therefore, it is known as the 'Tiger of the West'. "

Tsubasa Hanekawa's words shocked the students around him who didn't know what the nickname meant.

"One person defeats several mews with his bare hands, even if the inquisitor wants to defeat them, he needs to use weapons, right?"

"That's right, it's the Tiger of the West!".

Kazuto Yamada smiled with a winning smile.

It is precisely because he knows the identity of Knotweed Youren that he can rest assured that Knotweed will be alone with Liu Chen.

Even if that guy is no longer human, can he still defeat several mews with his bare hands?


Knotweed weighed the basketball, and then instead of running, he grabbed the basketball with his right hand and moved backwards, ready to throw the ball.

Then, he stood in place and threw the ball across the court to Liu Chen's basket on the left.

The basketball streaked through the air in a huge parabola.

Seeing that many students widened their eyes, raised their heads high, and moved with the trajectory of the ball.

Finally, the ball hits the basket, bounces twice and goes into the basket.

Although it was not a hollow goal like Liu Chen, you must know that it was a whole court away, and it was thrown with one hand in that purely layman's way.

This made Kazuto Yamada and the other basketball players cheer up.

looked at Liu Chen, who seemed to give up because he couldn't prevent the ball of knotweed and chose to stand in place, but he only felt that this time it was stable!

However, immediately afterwards, he heard Knotweed Youren shouting to Liu Chen from afar:

"Senior, you can stop that ball just now, right?"

"You're a newbie, so let's find your feel first. "

Liu Chen said with unchanged eyes.

In fact.

When Knotweed Yuhito shot just now, the cold voice of the system sounded in his head.

[Temporary mission released: Defeat the 'container' knotweed Yuhito on the basketball court].

[Reward: 0.01% template inheritance, no penalty for failure].

The content of the task is simple, but the meaning of the prefix is unclear.

Of course, even if he was slightly distracted because of the appearance of the mission, if he wanted to, Liu Chen could still stop the ball.

"But you've only played once, senior, right?"

Knotweed Youren tilted his head to look at Liu Chen suspiciously.

"Don't worry. "

"Senior, don't let me go on anymore. "

"Well, you're not going to get a point. "

The basketball that fell from the back basket just rolled to Liu Chen's feet.

Liu Chen's feet tapped on the ground, and the basketball lying quietly on the ground suddenly bounced up and landed firmly on Liu Chen's outstretched right hand.

"That guy is absolutely bluffing!".

Listening to the conversation between the two, Kazuto Yamada couldn't help but say.

But there was a faint hint of bad premonition in my heart.

He can only attribute it to the fact that Liu Chen left him too much psychological shadow at the beginning.

"In that case, I'm going to give it my all!"

Knotweed Yuhito has no dissatisfaction or unhappiness at being underestimated.

Full of fighting spirit, he bent down slightly and struck a defensive basketball pose.

ps: thanks 'wengs..' The big guy's 100VIP point reward, continue to ask for flowers and evaluation tickets, it would be better if there was a monthly pass (the picture is Tsubasa Hanekawa).

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