"Chen, what are you talking about?"

Listening to Yidi Zhijie Gao talking to Liu Chen like a riddler, the curiosity on Yamada's little face became stronger and stronger.

Waiting for the other party to leave, the Yamada goblin suddenly couldn't help but ask curiously.

"And he seems to be thanking you, have you helped him in anything?".

"It's not about helping him, it's just what I do, in a sense helping them. "

"Oh yes. "

The Yamada fairy nodded as if he didn't understand.

"As for what we said, I'll tell you later if I have the chance. "

"It's ...... to say so mysteriously."

Yamada Fairy has his right hand against his chin, and his other small hand is crossed by a small waist wrapped in a Lolita skirt.

Think like a detective.

Two seconds later, he suddenly looked at Liu Chen, and his cute little face had a solemn expression, as if he had discovered the truth

"Tatsu, are you a knight hero who is active in the shadows, and that person is a person in a mysterious organization hidden beneath the surface of a calm society!".

"You've found out. "

Liu Chen didn't hide it, and said directly with a calm expression.

In the eyes of outsiders, it's just saying along the lines of this blonde Lori.

"Worthy of the knight I chose to protect Miss Ben. "

Fangcun Aite: "......


Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the posture and tone of the Yamada fairy are a bit of the middle two.

But in a sense, it was really guessed by this blonde Lori.

As the only Fangcun Aite present who could roughly understand the conversation between Liu Chen and Yidi Zhijiegao, he was a little speechless for a while.

Not ...... though

She looked at the official staff who were evacuating the crowd.

Through the previous conversation, she also understood why she acted like this.

This place is supposed to have a curse that needs to be solved by a sorcerer.

That's why the evacuation of people begins, even for signings and other events that have such a large volume of people and can generate great economic benefits.

are inevitably forced to terminate.

At the same time, it also completely confirmed that Liu Chen belonged to the spell world.

Moreover, the strength is definitely very strong in the spell world.

At least, the likes of parasitic beasts.

In front of each other, they absolutely can't make waves.

Even she, the 'One-Eyed Owl', who has been rated SSS-level as the highest danger level in the CCG, is definitely the same!

As it seems to be able to see some monsters that ordinary people can't see.

Her knowledge of the spell world is far deeper than that of people who have only heard of the spell world.

Yidi Zhijie Gao served as an auxiliary overseer.

In charge of dealing with these matters before the curse is removed, it can be said that he is familiar with the road.

Plus the official and the staff here assisted in the evacuation work.

The already dense crowd is decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Goblin, you go back first. "

"I see. "

The Yamada fairy nodded his head cutely, and did not entangle or ask Liu Chen what he was going to do.

Before leaving, he waved his little hand at Liu Chen:

"Chen, pay attention to safety, don't forget to play games together tonight~".

"Good. "

When the petite figure walked away along the flow of people, Liu Chen turned around and looked in the opposite direction.

Liu Chen's gaze seemed to be able to see through a long distance where the curse was.

Then he walked slowly towards that side, against the flow of people.

And because these people have seen Yidi Zhijiegao's attitude towards Liu Chen, and Yidi Zhijiegao has also said hello.

No one took the initiative to find Liu Chen and asked Liu Chen to evacuate as well.

Instead, a staff member walked up to Fangcun Aite and the female editor, and asked the two of them and the other personnel in charge of the signing to evacuate together.

The editor nodded yes again and again.

After the other party walked away, she turned around and prepared to beckon Fangcun Aite to leave together.

only to find that the place where Fangcun Aite was originally located was no longer there.

Looking around, I couldn't find the ghost author.

Over time.

Crowds were evacuated in an area of Akihabara.

Subsequently, both the official and evacuee staff were dismissed.

Standing on the periphery, Idi Zhijiegao saw Zenin Maki, Panda, and Dog Roll Thorn.

"This curse is a first-degree curse, but it has not shown aggression for the time being, and the reason is unknown. "

"Please be careful. "

After taking the three of them to the vicinity of the center where the curse is.

After a few words, the Tokyo Metropolitan Spell High School second-year trio entered it.

And Yidi Zhijie Gao is in accordance with the convention.

Thought again:

"From darkness is born, darkness to darkness, filth and filth are purified. "

The pitch-black 'tent' slowly fell from the sky, enveloping the range of 100 meters.

"That's what prevents ordinary people from seeing that kind of fighting. "

Standing above a two-story building, Fangcun Aite looked up at the fall of the 'tent'.

Even if I've seen it before, I can't help but be amazed.

This kind of thing is something that no one else can see, even Taduora.

Then, the petite body rushed in the direction of the ominous aura she sensed.

On the road.

A panda walking in a human walking posture, thinking about the curse level this time:

"A first-level curse, the same level as what Maki encountered on his last mission. "

"If you dare to say irrelevant things, you're dead. "

Placing the spear spell on his shoulder, Maki Zenin looked at the latter with a hint of danger in his eyes.

"I, I know ......".

The panda who was taught a lesson by Maki of Zen Academy, although his skin is rough and thick, he is also a little more honest.

He was cute and cute, and a drop of cold sweat flowed down his hairy face.

Hurriedly looked at the other companion on the side, the dog curled thorns.

"Say, thorn, you say we can meet that person again this time. "

Seeing Zenin Maki staring at him, the panda hurriedly continued:

"You see, that guy showed up last time, and the purpose was to solve the curse in that abandoned hospital. "

"So, so it's possible to come this time, right?"

"Salmon. "

Dog Curly Thorn nodded, indicating that this possibility was indeed not impossible.

Hearing this, Zen Yuan Maki was also slightly stunned.

Indeed, that guy didn't seem to be a sorcerer recognized by the Guild, but he was also cleaning the curse.

It seems like there is a real possibility ...... meet that guy again this time

Thinking of this, Zenin Maki's fist was a little hard.

"If you really see that angry face again, you must punch that guy!"

ps: Thank you to the bigwigs for their monthly passes, and continue to evaluate the monthly pass tickets and flowers (the picture is a Yamada fairy).

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