"If you just want to target the youkai of this mountain."

"It's not out of the way."

Feeling the murderous aura under Shi Qi's calm tone, Iwate slowly spoke.

"There is another way besides releasing that cow ghost."

"However, this approach needs to be led by you, and we will work with you to do it."

"Huh? What way? Shiki asked suspiciously when he heard Iwate's words.

"Will you arrange the Heavenly Thunder Demon Destroying Array?"

"It's the formation you set up in Qishan two years ago." Iwate said thoughtfully.

Hearing Iwate's words, Shiki understood what Iwate was talking about.

At that time, Shi Qi was thrown by the master into the Prayer Mountain, located in the western part of the North Sea, which is a rare mountain with many wild beasts.

Originally, his master only routinely let him go to the wild survival test during Shiqi's annual holidays, and by the way, he accumulated combat experience in fighting with beasts.

But what I didn't expect was that the mountain was sealed with a big demon named Qiye.

This big demon named Qiye was once sealed in the mountain by the Rikai because he organized many ghosts and monsters to do evil madly in the mountain and devour humans.

Coincidentally, Shi Qi encountered Qiye's former subordinates unsealing him when he was practicing in the mountain, and Shi Qi reported to Li Hui, in order to prevent his accident, he had set up the Thunder Demon Destroying Array on this day.

Although he was finally broken by Qiye and ran out and fled into the alien space opened up by the demon domain, this formation also caused him to be fatally seriously injured, and he couldn't come out to do evil for more than ten years.

That incident also gave Shiki a lot of experience points, but at the same time, he also formed a mortal feud with Kyoya.

"No, the Heavenly Thunder Demon Exterminating Array doesn't say that the spirit stones of the array are valuable, and I don't have it now."

"The Array Spirit Stone from two years ago was also provided by you." Shi Qi said.

Iwate smiled and said without care: "It's okay, you just have to be in charge of the formation." "

Although this thing of spirit stones is precious, we also have a few on us now."

Shi Qi looked at Iwate in surprise: "You guys just came to watch, and you carry spirit stones with you?"

"Is the current Lihui so generous to the frontline personnel?"

"No, it's just that a batch of spirit stones passed through here two days ago, and Lord Shou left a few for us."

"But we can only provide you with three, and it is impossible for you to lay out the entire range of the mountain."

"You find a better place, if you have three, the small Heavenly Thunder Demon Extermination Array should be fine."

Saying that, Iwate took out three stones that were a bit like meteorites, and the stones were covered with various potholes and handed them to Shi Qi.

Shi Qi didn't say anything after looking at Iwate, and took the three spirit stones.

"You do the things that set up the formation, but after the formation is arranged, there is still a bait, the bait to lure them over."

"Leave this matter to us, you choose the location and send me a message, I caught the monster and sent it to you."

"I don't believe they won't come over in a short period of time if a large number of youkai men are caught."

Iwate looked at Shi Qi and said with a generous smile.

"Okay, let's go our separate ways."

"By the way, there is a youkai in the west that I nailed to the ground with an enchantment, and it seems to be their little leader."

"You'll stop by later to see if he's still there, and if so, help me bring him over by the way."

After speaking, Shi Qi turned around and left directly.

"Brothers, it's time to work."

"It seems that what we were worried about earlier is completely unnecessary."

"It's also said that how can a person who focuses on killing all kinds of monsters get along with youkai."

Iwate chuckled twice, assigning their respective tasks to the four men under him. Try to catch the live monsters over, don't be afraid that you can't control them, whether it is Shiqi or him, there are more than a dozen ways to balance the monsters.

And none of the four people under Iwate refuted why Iwate gave such a precious spirit stone to Shi Qi like this, and did not ask a word.

When there is a task, they never say much, as long as they complete the orders given by the boss, which is also the code of conduct of the association.

Shi Qi, who was looking for the location of the formation on the mountain, knew that this time he owed a favor to Lihui again.

Although he didn't say anything, and Iwate didn't ask for anything, this kind of thing was a tacit understanding that everyone had formed during the years that Shiki and Rikai had begun to contact.

Of course, he knew that Iwate must have his own purpose in this cooperation.

But no matter what purpose he personally has, or what purpose there will be behind him, this is not a strange matter.

Shi Qi now just wants to destroy all the monsters of this mountain, and these three spirit stones of Iwate are a favor for him.

Doing yourself a favor, that is, owing a favor.

As for whether there will be its own purpose in the process of cooperation, whether it can complete its own purpose, this is not in the scope of Shiqi's consideration.

At least now in this mountain, the Iwate Five are their teammates, with common enemies and goals, and that's enough.

"Right here."

After searching for a few minutes in the mountains, Shiqi came to a fairly flat clearing.

Shi Qi stood on a stone in the middle of the clearing, checking the surrounding environment, and the woods next to it were also good for covering the formation that was about to be laid down.

The flat ground in the middle is also large enough, not afraid that the thunder will fall and split into the tree.


After choosing a place, Shiqi began to use the enchantment to start various complex positioning.

With the stone he was standing on as the center, nearly hundreds of enchantments of the same size were formed within a radius of thirty or forty meters, and the scene around him was extremely spectacular.

The three spirit stones in his hand were also wrapped in the enchantment of his front, left, and back three directions by Shi Qi.


With a soft sound, the hundreds of enchantments surrounding him quickly fell to the ground and disappeared into the ground.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Qi mobilized all the spiritual power in his body, turned the spiritual power into a line shape and stretched out from his right hand, reaching into the enchantment closest to him.

Shi Qi controlled this spiritual line, crossing left and right underground, connecting with enchantments one after another, and finally surrounding a huge figure.


As the words fell, a flash of light emerged from the ground and flashed away. If you look down from the sky just now, you will find that a big word of extinction flashed where Shi Qi was.

After laying down the formation, Shi Qipan sat on the stone and recovered the spiritual power lost by the array.

This formation seemed simple, but it was simple for the Enchanter, because it was developed by the thirteenth generation heir of the Yukimura family.

It was learned by Shiqi in the magic book recorded at home.

The enchantment technique of the enchantment master itself is a technique that uses the space to destroy demons, and each space opened up is independent.

If these independent spaces are linked by formation magicians, and then the energy of spirit stones is used to assist in amplification, it can become a carrier for perfectly mobilizing energy and form a formation with great destructive power.

The Heavenly Thunder Demon Destroying Array is to use the increase of spiritual power by spirit stones, resonate with the thunder element between heaven and earth, and draw thunder from the sky to kill the enemy.

Of course, if you understand the principle of the Heavenly Thunder Demon Annihilation Array, in fact, the Yin-Yang Master can also lay it.

But let them manipulate hundreds of rune papers at once, as far as he knew, people with this ability seemed to be geniuses hundreds of years ago in the Huakai Courtyard family.

No Onmyoji can do this today.

But the enchanterment master is different, not to mention him, even Shiyin can release nearly a hundred enchantments of the same size in an instant.

Even in the volume of the enchantment, Shiyin can do better than Shiqi.

As for the good guard who can only use brute force, this formation good guard should not be able to learn it in this life.

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