What tiger wolf words?

In order to stay with yourself for the night, did you say all this kind of thing!

No way.

You have to be severely criticized!

Bai Yu Zhengse said: "I'm not ~ that kind of person!

Before the words "I have to add money" were said, Mai Sakurajima retorted coquettishly: "-What do you want!"

"You were the first to say something misleading!"

"I haven't taken a good shower in the past two days because of my broken foot..."

Mai Sakurajima lowered her head very embarrassed.

Bai Yu could see the roots of her ears, which were already red and about to bleed.

Obviously, she also made a lot of courage when she said this.

Mai Sakurajima squirmed and explained, "The bathroom is slippery, and I only have one foot to use, so it's easy to have problems again." "

"I'm unobservable again, and if something happens, no one but you will be able to find out..."

"What if something happens that you can't help either?"

Mai Sakurajima also thought about this matter for a long, long time before she mustered up the courage to speak out.

No way, just to be on the safe side.

That's the only way to do that.

"I can wear a bathing suit! And I just need you to look out the bathroom door!"

Mai Sakurajima added again.

Bai Yu was disappointed.

So, what's the good thing?

That's it.

I just owe Mai Sakurajima a favor.

Although, in some ways, Mai Sakurajima owes more favors.


Bai Yu felt a huge pain in his waist, and he couldn't help but gasp in pain.

Mai Sakurajima twisted the flesh of Bai Yu's waist and looked at him with disdain: "Are you expecting something?"

"Can I say yes?"

"No, you can't. "

"Then I want to say, do you want to eat at the same time as you take a shower?"

"Why do you say that? "

"I feel like I can eat several bowls of white rice just by listening to your voice in the shower. "


Mai Sakurajima stepped up her efforts again, and her expression was even more disdainful than just now.

After all, he owed a favor, and Bai Yu also nodded and agreed.

Anyway, it's good to be able to see swimsuits and feast your eyes.

Then, Bai Yu waited outside Mai Sakurajima's room, and after a while, the other party changed into a swimsuit.

"I'm all right. "

Hearing Mai Sakurajima's voice, Hakura opened the door and walked in.

Mai Sakurajima has changed into a black swimsuit.

Originally, I was going to change into a school swimsuit, but in that case, I guess it would be inconvenient to take it off.

It's better to change into a normal swimsuit.

White Feather could see Mai Sakurajima's slender waist, and there was no fat on it.

The already good figure is at a glance at this time.

Especially the legs that have stepped on themselves many times.


Very good!

"Thank you for your hospitality!"

White Feather bowed in thanks.

Mai Sakurajima said with a ruddy face, "Can you take me to the bathroom first?"


White Feather went to help Mai Sakurajima.

The skin of the two men made contact in this way.

I have to say, it's really tender!

Originally, Bai Yu planned to ask Sakurajima Mai to help him go.

However, the other party is obviously not happy.

"Wrap your arms around my waist..."

Mai Sakurajima whispered.

Don't even dare to look up at Bai Yu!

No way.

"Isn't that good?"

"To be on the safe side, what if I fall suddenly?"

"Okay. "

Actually, Mai Sakurajima also knows that if she is held like this, there will be no danger.


She wanted to do it herself!

Mai Sakurajima wanted to look at Bai Yu and was very embarrassed to listen to herself.

That's how it will be fun.

On the one hand, this can also increase the favorability of the white feather.

Mai Sakurajima felt her waist being hugged by someone else, so she quietly looked up to see the other party's reaction.


Why is it different from what I imagined?

"Why are you so calm?"

Mai Sakurajima asked.

Bai Yu replied seriously: "Because, I am the one who eats tofu!"

A little too reasonable!


Can you learn to be a high school student in anime, and when faced with this situation, be a little shy for a while!

My plan was ruined all at once!

"You want me to be shy?"


Mai Sakurajima didn't answer, just snorted awkwardly.

The reason why Bai Yu didn't have any expression.

Isn't there a very cute beautiful girl at home?

I don't know how many times I've watched the welfare scene.

After all, I lived for three months.

I don't know how many times this thing has happened to hug Ai Hoshino's waist like this!

Therefore, how could Bai Yu have never seen the appearance of the world.

Helped Mai Sakurajima into the bathroom.

"I went out first, and I was waiting for you at the door playing on my phone. "

"Remember to cover your ears and don't listen to sounds. "

"So how do I play with my phone?"

"Don't peek either!"

"This is reassuring, as long as I listen to the voice, I can think about it. "

"Humph! Get out!"

Bai Yu went out honestly.

And then there I was playing with my phone.

After a while, there was a ticking sound in the bathroom.

"Remember to cover your ears!"

At the same time, there is also a reminder from Mai Sakurajima.

"Good, good. "

Bai Yu said perfunctorily, and then continued to play with the phone.

At this time, a message was received on the phone.

Goto Ichiri sent it.

Pochi-chan: [Senior, I'll go home first]

Bai Yu quickly replied: [Well, pay attention to safety on the road, remember to talk to me when you get home]

Pochi sauce: 【OK.jpg】

Just when it's boring.

Bai Yu heard a plop inside.

Bai Yu hurriedly asked, "Does it matter?"

"It's okay, I accidentally fell. "

"Are you sure?"

Before Mai Sakurajima could answer, there was another plop.

Bai Yu simply put his phone aside.

Directly pushed open the glass door, and in the mist, Mai Sakurajima was lying on the ground.

A pained expression.

Before Mai Sakurajima could reprimand, Bai Yu took the lead and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mai Sakurajima said unspeakably: "Shampoo... It's too far to reach..."

"And then fell twice in a row?"


Bai Yu sighed and said, "The shower is turned off, otherwise I will be covered in water." "

Mai Sakurajima obediently turned off the shower.

Then, I helped squeeze a little shampoo and directly helped her wash her hair.

Mai Sakurajima wants to resist.

But the body is honest.

Mai Sakurajima's hair is very long, so it takes a little more time.

Then, Hakuba used a shower to wash away all the foam in Mai Sakurajima's hair.

"Anything else, do you need help?"

While helping to wash her hair, Bai Yu asked Mai Sakurajima.


Mai Sakurajima replied weakly.

Bai Yu said, "I'm now wondering if it's your leg that is broken, or if your hand is broken. "

"Don't speak!"

"Okay, okay. "

Mai Sakurajima kept her head down the whole time.

I enjoyed the process, but it's easy to be embarrassed!

Mai Sakurajima is ready.

However, when the body felt the touch of the other hand, the whole person still stiffened.

Bai Yu is a serious person.

When faced with this kind of thing, he forcibly restrained himself.

Hold down the gun. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Helped with the shower.

After helping to wash it, Hakura threw a dry towel to Mai Sakurajima.

"Next, you don't need me, right?"

"Help me dry..."

"Hey, I seriously suspect that you are just trying to order me!"

"So what! Don't you want to?"

"It's not a question of willingness or not!"

I've endured it for so long!

I'm not sure if I'll be able to hold back next!

Bai Yu struggled inwardly.

"Then do you want to help me..."

Mai Sakurajima whispered.

"Tsk, then I'll be a good person to the end. "

Fortunately, when I dried my body, I still had a towel through it.

There is not the intimate contact when I rubbed body soap.

helped dry his body, and as for things like changing clothes, Bai Yu didn't help with it.

Helped back to the bedroom, and the next thing was for Mai Sakurajima to do.

After a while.

Mai Sakurajima changed into a set of pajamas and limped open the bedroom door against the wall.

"Hair, can you help me dry it?"

Mai Sakurajima's bright eyes stared at Hakuraha.


Can't say no at all!


Gotta help!

Because, Bai Yu thought of a very crucial thing.

In case, in a few days, Mai Sakurajima will know that she uses the song of life as a BGM for Riban.

According to her character, she will never have any good fruit to eat!

Now brush up more favorability.

Avoid a death as much as possible!

In the end, Bai Yu helped dry his hair.

"It's so comfortable~"

Mai Sakurajima felt refreshed after taking a bath, and she was really panicked when she didn't take a bath for the past two days.

Fortunately, there is Bai Yu's help.

Otherwise, according to the situation in the bathroom today, it is estimated that something serious will really happen.

Bai Yu said, "Then I'll go back." "

Mai Sakurajima still wanted to stay: "Don't you really live down?" "

It's okay to sleep on the sofa in the office, but now that I'm a guest, do you want me to sleep on the sofa?

That's not going to work!

Although there is no difference, it is right.

Bai Yu sighed and said, "I'm a normal man, and you're a beautiful girl." "

"Are you sure I can hold back?"

Mai Sakurajima bit her lip: "Also... Forget it, you go back first!"

I've only known each other for less than three days.

Forget it!

Because of the loneliness of several months, Mai Sakurajima's emotions at the moment are stuck to Bai Yu.

Plus what just happened.

Mai Sakurajima's dependence on white feathers has gone up to a new level.

I was reminded by Bai Yu just now, and I reacted.

The time I have known Bai Yu has only been for three days.

0 begging for flowers


But you still need to restrain yourself!

Bai Yu changed his shoes: "I'll go back first, and I will come to your house to find you before you can walk normally." "

"Wait a minute. "

Mai Sakurajima called out to Hakuraha.

Bai Yu stopped and said, "Is there anything else?"

"In the drawer next to the shoe cabinet, there is a spare key to my house, you can take one, so that you don't need to trouble me to open the door for you in the future." "

Mai Sakurajima said arrogantly: "Every time I open the door for you, I feel a little tired." "

"yes, okay!"

Then, Bai Yu took the key and left.

Looking at the back of Bai Yu leaving, Mai Sakurajima rarely began to look forward to tomorrow.

It has been impossible to be observed for so long, and this is the first time that Mai Sakurajima has such an expectation.


Ruishu Animation Production Co., Ltd.

A staff member holds his forehead and looks at the screen.

"MD, this song is amazing!"

"It's overkill when used in this one!"

"It could have been put in a more burning animation, but it turned out to be used here. "

"If you want me to say, Party B is really a talent, knowing that we are making such a passionate music!"

"But how?"

The staff member thought about it for a long time, but he didn't know where to add the music of life.

"Since this song is called life, can it be integrated into the process of making life?"

"After all, that kind of thing is also a very bloody thing. "


"Give it a try!"

Although it's a lifan, in fact, there aren't many places exposed in the whole work.

It just so happened that the plot of the latest episode came to the scene that most of the audience was looking forward to.

The company wanted to improve the look and feel, but the picture had already gone to the extreme, and they wanted to further improve the look and feel.

Then, there is only the M of the plus fit.

So, this staff member inserted the song of life into the key picture.

After a few adjustments, the final playback begins.

See how it goes.

After watching it little by little, when the music started, the whole person directly ignited.

That kind of picture, with a bloody BGM.

The perception goes straight up!

I didn't feel the slightest sense of disobedience!

In particular, when the whole song enters the climax stage, the plot can also be said to have entered the climax stage.

"Damn, can I say, is this song a sword drawing comedy?"

"That's amazing!"

"If this picture spreads, it is estimated that the attention of the entire animation will be greatly improved by several steps!"

I listened to it many times, and the staff found something very wonderful.

"How do I feel, where have I heard this voice?"

I remember it vividly, but no matter how I thought about it, I couldn't remember where I heard the voice of the person singing.

Never mind.

Want to do so much?

I'm just a mediocre worker.

There's no need to think about so many things.

"I don't know what the effect will be like when it airs on Thursday. "



Because yesterday the card received 70,000 yuan at once, and today Bai Yu gave himself an unprecedented day off.

When Bai Yu said to the place where he worked that he wanted to take a day off.

All the bosses of the part-time places were so moved that they were about to cry.

Basically, they gave Bai Yu a big red envelope of 100 yuan.

After all, Bai Yu worked hard every day, and those bosses also saw it.

Although Bai Yu didn't say it directly, he also knew that he was in debt.

I've wanted Bai Yu to rest many times.

However, Bai Yu said next time every time.

Suddenly resting today, they are naturally happy!

Otherwise, if you die at your job one day, you will have to spend a lot of money!

Bai Yu bought a lot of ingredients and came to Mai Sakurajima's apartment again.

This time, I came over to help with Mai Sakurajima's three meals a day.

After the meal is ready.

The two ate together.

I am very appreciative of Bai Yu's level of cooking.

"Yes, you can come and be my chef. "

Mai Sakurajima said half-jokingly.

Bai Yu said, "That's not going to work. "

"What's not to do. "

"Because I have to work somewhere else. "

"Give money, starting at 5,000 a month. "

"Boss, what do you want to eat tomorrow!"

Mai Sakurajima was amused by Bai Yu, and suddenly asked the other party: "Why haven't you mentioned the matter of me entering your office in the past few days?"

"Obviously, in the past few days, there have been many opportunities for you to ask me to enter your office. "

Bai Yu said: "It's not time yet, when the time comes, I will naturally take out the contract and hand it to you." "

"By the way, there's one more thing. "

You ask. "

"It's like, wasn't the song recorded yesterday used as BGM for some work? "


Bai Yu said hesitantly: "This matter, I think, no, I remember, it seems to be, Thursday?"

"That's two days left. "。

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