After a series of negotiations, Inhibition has no intention of retreating, as if they have already eaten the ashes.

"Ashes, sorry."

Facing such a tough-talking boss, Jeanne apologized to Ashes with an apologetic expression.

"it's not your fault." Ashes responded.

As Jeanne breathed a sigh of relief, Ashes continued:"Jane, I'm going to leave after dawn. Regarding the Master, you can go directly to Tohsaka Sakura, who happens to be acquainted with you too."

"Aren't you coming back tonight?!"

"Yes, not coming back. Ashes replied

"..."Joan of Arc

"Of course, if Tohsaka Sakura invites me, I will come back again." Ashes added.

If Tohsaka Sakura is in trouble and invites Ashes, Ashes will accept the invitation and come back.

Jeanne nodded after hearing this, showing a helpless smile and said,"That's it, I understand."

In Joan's eyes, Ashes obviously hates these heroic spirits, including their boss, Inhibition. 507

If Ashes knew what Joan was thinking, she would be speechless. Ashes simply thought that the master of Xingyue World did not welcome Ashes, He didn't like Ashes doing this, so he came to talk to Ashes.

There weren't so many twists and turns.

Ashes understood, so he was ready to return to the Fire Transferring Sacrifice.

Obviously, the two people's brain circuits were not on the same line.

Time passed by, and there was no winner in the battle between Artoria and others in the live broadcast room. The moment the sun slowly left the horizon, the four of them stopped together and made an appointment to stand there in the evening.

"The sun!"

Ashes sighed as he looked at the sun whose warmth dispelled the darkness, then waved to Jeanne and said,"It's a pleasure getting along with you, Jeanne. I'll see you again when I have the chance."

Well, bye. Jeanne smiled and waved to Ashes. , after getting along with each other for a few days (bdeh), Ashes gave Joan Arc good senses. So she was looking forward to meeting again.

Then, under Joan of Arc's eyes, Ashes and Icarus slowly disappeared from front of Joan of Arc, and they returned However , after the two disappeared, Joan of Arc also disappeared. The two little lolita named Inhibition looked at each other and smiled, and their plan took the first step. The

Fire Transferring Sacrificial Site

"Lord Ashes, Icarus, welcome back, and the unknown female knight, welcome to the Fire Sacrifice!"

Soon, Ashes and Icarus returned to the Fire Sacrifice. The voice of the Fireproof Woman reached Ashes' ears. Ashes hummed, then turned to look at Jeanne who didn't know why he appeared with them.

Here. At this moment, Joan of Arc looked around in surprise. After seeing clearly the hallucinations around her and the figures of the three fire-proof women, she was stunned for an instant.

Who am I, where am I, why do I appear here?!

Ashes Staring at Joan of Arc, he asked,"Why did you follow me back?!

Joan of Arc shook her head and replied:"I don't know."


Stare (to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Ashes and Fireproof Girl stared at Jeanne for a while. After discovering that the other party really didn't know anything about it, the restraining power of the moon world appeared in Ashes' mind. After thinking about it, Ashes suddenly understood why Jeanne followed.

Ash eyes looked helplessly at Jeanne and continued to ask:"Jane, are you still in the heroic spirit state now?!"

Jeanne nodded,"Yes, you are still in the heroic spirit state."

"..."After hearing this, Hui Jin was silent for two seconds, then turned to look at the Fireproof Girl, and said:"Fireproof Girl, someone wants to be the receiver."

"Um?! What does catcher mean?"After hearing this, the fireproof girl looked at Ashes with confusion and expressed her doubts.

Ashes continued:"To put it simply, they want to become the new master of the world, and Joan of Arc is the advance explorer they sent to collect information."

"Invasion?!"The fire prevention girl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No," Hui Jin shook his head and said:"According to the plot, Alaya represents the will of mankind, Gaia is the will of the planet, and Joan of Arc...It is very likely that Alaya sent him to save the humans in this world."

"Oh, that's how it is."The fireproof girl nodded lightly. Under Lord Ashes' explanation, she seemed to understand.

Joan of Arc was sent by human will to save mankind!

"Forehead...Why don’t I know what you are talking about?"

At this time, Joan of Arc heard the two of them finished speaking. She looked at them in confusion and asked.

"Don't worry, wait. When the other person crosses the world and locates your position, Alaya will appear in your mind."Hui Jin explained.

Joan's face darkened after hearing this. She didn't know that she was being treated as a tool, and murmured to herself:"....Suddenly, I want to die again"

""Please" when Joan of Arc said this, the ashes opened the way to the bonfire, allowing Joan of Arc to pass unimpeded. Joan of

Arc is now in a spirit state. As long as she throws herself into the first fire, she will immediately become firewood and keep burning until she dies.


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