The church is unusually dark, with only a few oil lamps providing light.

The worship areas on either side seem to have just been cleaned, and rows of seats are covered with thick black cloths.

Nogami's hand accidentally touched one of the black cloths, and the result was instantly stained with a pool of sticky fishy liquid.

The smell was exactly the same as that left at the scene of several disappearances.

Her pupils instantly froze, but the surface was silent.

"Sorry, since we just recaptured here, a lot of things are still recovering."

The burned man said apologetically.

"It's okay." Hearing this, Nogami smiled and said, "Is the priest you believe in 'Jesus'?" "

Who knew that after hearing the words 'Jesus', the man's expression suddenly sank.

In an extremely contemptuous tone, he sneered: "That kind of false and useless god is not worth our faith. "

"What we serve is a being who can answer the prayers of believers and possess supreme divine power!"

While speaking, the two had already reached the deepest part of the church hall.

The man fell to his knees sharply, and began to chant words in his mouth, full of sentences that Nogami could not understand.

And at this time, she had no time to think about these prayers.

Because his gaze has been attracted by the strange statue directly in front of him!

I saw that what was enshrined on it was a twisted figure nailed to a cross made of gray stone pillars.

To be precise, it cannot be described as a human portrait, because on the top of that body actually grows a fish-like head!

Its limbs spread out in an extremely strange posture, forming a swastika resembling the character 'swastika'.

Bright red teardrops seem to be constantly flowing from those huge eyeballs without two layers of eyelids!

"Bow down and offer your allegiance like the great Father God!"

The burned man stood up at an unknown time and said to Nogami in a very demagogic tone.

At the same time, he was holding a thin book in his hand.

On the cover was the words 'Dagon's Triple Oath'.

"I, Junji Ido, am willing to be your guide..."

The other party was still slowly tempting, but Nogami suddenly remembered what the old man said before.

'Don't let the people of the Yitang family notice you! ’

At this moment, a secret door next to it was suddenly pushed open.

A familiar figure hurried out of it!

It turned out to be Tengchuan at the same time!

"Run! Miss Tsuko! It's all monsters here! "

Teng Chuan was also stunned for a moment after seeing Nogami, and then shouted with horror on his face:

"Watch out for this around you..."

Before he finished speaking, several thick and pale-skinned arms suddenly stretched out from the shadows behind him, dragging him back into the secret door.

"A bunch of waste, even such a guy can't see it!"

The man who claimed to be Junji Ido scolded in a gloomy voice.

When he turned his head, he found that it was already a dark muzzle facing him.

"Let him go immediately!"

"Miss Jin Zi is really with this police officer."

Facing the muzzle, Yitang Junji did not have the slightest fear on his face, but smiled strangely:

"It seems that you policemen, not all of them are waste, found here so quickly."

"Those disappearances are really related to you!"

Nogami Junko held the pistol and said in a deep voice, but soon her beautiful eyes suddenly widened!

Only because the burned skin on Yitang Runji's face began to slowly peel off, revealing the disgusting and smooth skin layer like gel below!

"They all deserve it." The other grinned, revealing a row of dense fangs.

At the same time, he was still slowly moving his footsteps, approaching Nogamiko.

Faced with such a weird and terrifying scene, Nogami Tsukiko could no longer maintain his sanity, and pulled the trigger in a panic!

But the scene that made her feel hopeless happened!

The bullet hit Junji Ido's eyebrow, but he still maintained that seeping smile on his face as if he were nothing.

At the same time, the bullet was squeezed out of the forehead, and the wound was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"See? This is the immortal body that God the Father has given us! "

The man's expression became more and more crazy, and his eyes flashed with blood-colored red light!

At the moment of eye contact with the other person.

As if he had seen an endless abyss, his eyes were black and died!

When she woke up again, she found herself in a clearing in the middle of Fangcai's village, her body trapped by a rope.

Unlike the previous empty space, the place was already full of people at this time.

And everyone was wearing a dark black robe, and they couldn't see their faces.

It was already completely dark.

The group gathered in front of a towering statue, and there was a constant hoarse shrill shout in the air.


The voice gradually became fierce and crazy, as if a group of cultists were performing some kind of mysterious ceremony!

And what frightened Nogami the most was.

Several men were lying naked in front of the idol, doing unspeakable things with some horrible creatures that could only be judged from their appearance!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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