For the strength of their own president.

Even Yono Yukinoshita, who is his employee, still does not have an accurate concept.

Because since the extra armed squad called 'Fearless'.

The daily containment work is basically carried out through her and Joan of Arc.

I never saw Bai Yu strike again.

"Hey, murderous woman, do you say that we will grow up today and people will make a move?"

Yono Yukinoshita slashed and killed the group of deep divers in front of him while chatting with Joan of Arc over the intercom.

These guys, who only know how to use brute force, are not a threat to her as a B-level investigator at all.

It even makes Yono feel like a high-level boss in a computer game running into a novice village and abusing Slime.

"Is this starting to get carried away?"

Soon, Joan of Arc's cold voice came from the other end of the walkie-talkie.

"Be careful if you mess up for a while, smirk."

"Cut! You better worry about yourself first. Yang Nai pouted when he heard this.

This fierce woman is still as unlovable as ever.

The two brothers of the Yitang family on the other side were also deeply shocked by this girl's combat effectiveness.

Especially Junji Ido.

He thought that the power of his race had far exceeded human understanding.

As a result, an even more outrageous one has now emerged!

I also abused a group alone!

And the boy who looked even more mysterious had never made a move.

Thinking of this, his eyes became more and more anxious to look at the stone pillar in the depths of the ocean, and at the same time shouted loudly in his mouth:

"Keep praying!"

"For the glory of God the Father and God the Mother!!"

The eerie chant sounded again.

And Ido Junji suddenly looked at his half-brother with an extremely strange look.

"My lovely brother, it's time for you to contribute to the family again."

Teng Chuan was instantly stunned when he heard this, but before he could react, a thick arm went straight through his chest.

His already high and bulging eyes were filled with disbelief.

And Ido Junji said softly in a contrived sad tone

"God the Father will remember your sacrifice."

Then he held a heart like a deformed fetus in his hand, walked quickly to the shore, and lifted it high.


Accompanied by the strange language that came out of his mouth, and the chanting of the cultists around him.

The sea instantly became manic and turbulent!

The stomach-disgusting fishy smell begins to permeate with the sea breeze!

Bai Yu, on the other hand, looked at all this expressionlessly.

He knew that the Lord was coming.

Sure enough, along with the huge whirlpool, a dark foreign object quietly cut out of the pitch-black water.

It is extremely large, like a mythical cyclops.

The look is even more abhorrent, like a monster out of a nightmare.

The monster suddenly pounced on the giant stone tablet, climbing on it and hanging its terrifying head, emitting some kind of rhythmic roar.

Nogami, who was slumped on the stone bed, just glanced at the monster, and the endless fear instantly eroded away the last trace of her sanity.

Just as she was about to fall into madness, a sharp pain suddenly came from her neck.

"It seems that for ordinary people, this thing is still too desperate."

Looking at the female policeman who was knocked unconscious by herself, Bai Yu couldn't help but mutter.

In fact, it is not only ordinary people who cannot withstand the spiritual impact of the monster named 'Dagon'.

Even together with the 'B' grade Yukinoshita Yono, after seeing such a behemoth, he instantly felt a piercing chill spread all over his body!

After all, the Foundation's rating is based on the strength of the investigator and whether it can meet the criteria for participating in the abnormal containment action corresponding to the level.

Instead of being able to host peer targets alone.

With the appearance of this 'Deep Diver Father God'.

The bodies of the nearby monsters immediately began to change, their size grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and their mouths showed beast-like fangs.

A pair of tall and bulging eyes exude a bloodthirsty color!

"Kneel before the majesty of 'God the Father'! Small human beings! "

Junji Ido laughed maniacally and proudly.

"You're right."

Bai Yu suddenly took out a cigarette case from his pocket at this time, lit a cigarette for himself and took a sharp breath:

"Human beings really seem very small and fragile in front of this stupid big man."

"Maybe that guy can easily kill a piece of people with the touch of his finger."

"But even this kind of race, which is very weak in theory, can also burst out strong willpower and face those unspeakable existences."

"When death is imminent, do you have the intention to promote these ridiculous theories?"

Ido Junji sneered disdainfully when he heard this.

"No, no, no."

Bai Yu shook his head slightly, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

"I'm just waiting for the skill to read the note."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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