"A reporter from the front of TV Tokyo sent a report that a giant unknown creature appeared in the commercial street of Shibuya City at 12:30 noon today."

"The exact source of the creature is unknown, and it has caused serious damage to the nearby area, killing and injuring nearly 100 people."

"Local residents are also requested to evacuate in an orderly manner under the guidance of government personnel!"

News of the accident was broadcast on television stations across the neon area.

At the same time, someone took a video of the scene and posted it on the video website.

The scene that seemed to be the end of the world instantly attracted widespread attention and discussion on the Internet.

The comments below it are constantly brushing the screen.

"Are you sure this isn't a computer-generated movie picture?"

"Oh my God! This thing can't be mutated by some nuclear radiation! "

"What evil experiments is the Neon Kingdom hiding from us?"

"The monster has appeared, what about the giant of light! Take my magic light stick! "

"The first machine should be enabled, in this case, if you don't shoot, the world will be finished!"

"I saw someone in the picture turning into a spider monster! This thing actually has the ability to infect and hatch! "

But soon, another newly uploaded video attracted the attention of netizens.

It was a video uploaded by someone claiming to have been rescued at the scene.

In the picture, a group of armed forces heavily armed forces with a twisted five-pointed star pattern printed on their backs are protecting the surrounding people at the scene.

Each of them is equipped with a variety of sophisticated weapons, many of which are even unseen by others!

Face spider monsters that hatch from the human body and are the size of a calf.

This group of people did not show the slightest fear, but through various exquisite cooperation between each other, these monsters were repelled one by one.

At the same time, inside a shopping mall in Shibuya Ward.

Two petite figures were curled up in the corner of the mall warehouse at this time.

Not far away, there was a violent bang at the gate, accompanied by a beastly roar.

"Little snow.... I..... Are we going to die here? "

Yubihama asked with a trembling voice towards the girl beside him.

"It..... They're coming in..."

The girl known as Xiaoxue has long black hair that is over the shoulder and a cute face that is foul.

It is Yono's sister, Yukinoshita Yukino.

At this time, her face also showed a bit of fear.

Originally, the two just met to come to the mall to shop, but they didn't expect that suddenly a group of hideous-looking people broke into the mall.

They attacked everyone indiscriminately like zombies.

Those who were injured also seemed to be infected, and their bodies began to mutate.

Fortunately, Yukino reacted quickly enough at that time, and immediately pulled Yui Hihama to escape into this confined space.

But even so, the other party chased after him.

The iron gate, which had fallen into disrepair, obviously could not be supported for long.

The iron bar inserted in the middle of the door had begun to bend sharply.

However, just when the two girls thought they were about to run out.

Outside the door, there was a sudden sound of gunfire and shattering flesh and blood.

Tens of seconds later, the iron door exploded with a bang.

Several tall men in black walked in with firearms in hand.

One of them said as he walked

"The target has been found, and the azimuth coordinates are now being sent!"

With that, the man glanced at Yukino coldly, turned around and returned to the door to guard.

Yui Hihama opened her mouth in surprise, obviously confused by this sudden change.

"Are the government people protecting us?"

Before Yukino could answer, a sound of hurried footsteps reached the two of them.


In the next second, a figure pounced and directly hugged Yukinoshita Yukino into his arms.

"Sister..... Sister? "

Yukino stretched out her arms a little bewildered.

"Why are you here?"

"It's good that you're okay, really, it's okay to run around."

Yono Yukinoshita raised his head, first looked at his sister carefully, and then said hard while wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Okay, now is not the time to say this, let's take her away first."

At this time, a somewhat lazy voice sounded.

Yukino then discovered that there was another person in the warehouse.

And he is a handsome boy about his age.

Yukinoshita suddenly remembered that her mother had mentioned on the phone today that she was going to meet her sister's boyfriend.

Could it be that the achievement is this person?

Facing the girl's somewhat doubtful gaze, Bai Yu just smiled slightly, which was regarded as a hello.

Then the four left the mall and went to the street outside.

In the process, Yukino found that the mutants in the mall had been cleaned up, leaving only a dozen of the black-clothed people he had seen before burning their bodies.

And she was keenly aware of whenever they passed by these people.

The other party will look at the teenager and his sister consciously or unconsciously.

This made Yukinoshita Yukino's heart even more puzzled.

After walking out of the mall, the scene in front of him can be described by the word doom, which can be said to be no exaggeration.

The streets were full of panicked fleeing people, and some net-like white slime continued to fall over.

Whenever someone is contaminated with this slime, they immediately fall to the ground and turn into a disgusting cocoon in a short time.

The giant spider in the previous video hatched from it.

And the giant monster far above the sky is not suspended in the air.

It was only due to the influence of the dense fog that its eight incomparably slender limbs were obscured.

Just when Yui Hihama and Yukino were deeply shocked by the scene in front of them.

A boulder suddenly fell from above and fell straight down.

"Be careful!"

Seeing this, Yukino immediately shouted at Shiraha, who was still lighting a cigarette.

But in the next second, a green glow suddenly lit up on the stone, suspending it firmly in the air.

At the same time, a somewhat arrogant voice came from not far away.

"I'm bored! Why is there so much trouble here! "

I saw the tornado with both hands pinched at the waist, using his super power to float in midair.

She first glared fiercely at Bai Yu, who was smoking.

Seeing that the other party was still pretending not to recognize himself, he immediately snorted coldly and threw the stone out fiercely.

Then it turned into a green light and flew towards the behemoth.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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