This Neon Country monster attack.

It quickly attracted widespread attention around the world.

For a while, there were rumors that the Neon State government violated international treaties and privately researched giant biological weapons.

In this regard, the politicians of the Neon Country had to hold a press conference overnight.

Ready to give an account to the country and the world.

But after the entire press conference, they did not give an accurate statement, and could only keep bowing and apologizing for not being able to deal with the disaster site in time.

After all, after the whole thing, the most ignorant people are probably these politicians.

Eat hot pot and sing songs at home.

Why did the monster suddenly come?

A few days later, however, similar monster attacks occurred in other countries.

Although the scale is not as serious as the neon incident, it is enough to attract the attention of all parties.

Many videos related to it were posted online, attracting widespread attention.

For example, a university library was infiltrated late at night, and the next day a strange man with octopus-like tentacles on his lower body was found killed by a dog bite.

Or two humanoid monsters whose bodies are piled up of carrion attack a village in the South American wilderness and are eventually burned to death by flames.

Soon, people found a common ground in these videos.

That is, in the midst of these events, some familiar voices will appear.

That is, in the neon monster attack, the mysterious troops who came to the aid at the scene, and the strange pattern tattooed on their backs.

It soon became speculated that the unit was from some mysterious organization.

And specialized in dealing with this type of monster attack time.

Most people on the Internet agree with this view and actively discuss it.

"I agree with the upstairs view that they should be an organization similar to the 'Ganshan Hermitage', obeying the Lord's will and saving those devout believers before the end of the world!"

"The one above, don't put gold on the face of the church, how many divisions does the Pope have?"

"That is, if I were to say, it should be the 'victory team' that our neon secretly formed! Look, soon the giants of light will also appear! "

"The son of my uncle's colleague, I saw someone turn into a green meteor rushing towards that spider monster, and the silhouette was still a petite girl?"

"Upstairs, in the incident at Camis University, a girl with short white hair also appeared, and she couldn't see her face clearly!"

"Could it be that there are magical girls in this organization?"

The discussion about this mysterious organization has become more and more heated, and even fans of the organization have set up a dedicated website.

For all to provide materials related to it.


At night, inside the residence of the Prime Minister of the Neon Country.

A group of people representing the supreme controller of the neon regime sat around the table, looking solemnly at the information at hand.

"Gentlemen, the reason why I summoned you here is clear to you."

The Prime Minister sat down at the front seat and slowly spoke

"Now that monster attacks have begun to occur all over the world, although the pressure on public opinion against our country has gradually decreased, this does not mean that everyone can breathe a sigh of relief."

A bit of sadness appeared on his face.

"After all, this means that those terrible monsters are not isolated cases, and similar things will inevitably occur in the future, or even more serious!"

With that, the Prime Minister shifted his gaze to a burly man.

It was the same military base commander before.

"Yoshioka-kun, how is the investigation about that mysterious force going?"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Prime Minister." Yoshioka immediately got up and bowed: "That organization is too mysterious, and there is no progress in the current investigation!" "

After seeing the dissatisfied expression on the prime minister's face, he quickly added.

"However, it can be concluded that this organization is currently in our country!"

With that, he took out a recording device.

"This was our sound restoration of the drone footage at the time, and although the monster interfered with the signal at the time, we were able to restore a piece of sound."

"The source of the voice is the mysterious girl in the picture in your hand."

When several politicians heard this, they immediately looked down at the photo in their hands.

On it, there is a cute face printed with a tornado.

At the same time, the commander also pressed the play button, and in the next second, a tsundere voice sounded in the room.

"No Road Race!"

....... Well, it's a pretty standard neon language.

Even a few younger politicians find it a bit too enjoyable to hear.

The Prime Minister's face finally softened a little, and after a little contemplation, he spoke:

"Let people post this recording on the Internet, and also spread the news that the other party is an organization founded locally in my Neon Country."

He sighed and continued, "I hope that this will calm the panic of the people's psyche." "

"Then we're going to collect money."

Suddenly, a lazy voice sounded in the room!

"Who is it!"

The commander's face changed suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to take out the gun, but he was empty.

The rest of the group also immediately looked to the source of the sound.

I don't know when, there was a teenager in sportswear and a hideous ghost face on his face.

There is also a circle of purple fog around it, as if it is coming from hell!

"What do you want to do when you visit late at night?"

The Prime Minister asked calmly, his left hand quietly reaching for a switch under the table.

"Those people out there won't come."

The boy suddenly chuckled, and then snapped his fingers.

Immediately after all the politicians present, they looked at it with shocked faces, and from their shadows slowly emerged several ninjas wearing black uniforms and scarlet eyes.

"If I want to hurt or even kill you, it's easy."

"Who is Your Excellency?" The Prime Minister asked in a deep voice.

"I am the president of the mysterious organization you are investigating." The boy smiled, "But I prefer that you call us the Old Day Foundation." "

Old Gold Foundation?!

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces changed!

Sure enough, this mysterious organization was founded in the Neon Country!

"I've finished introducing myself."

The boy sat down in a chair and leisurely lifted Erlang's legs.

"Now it's time for us to get down to business."

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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