"The barrel of gasoline that the deceased used before the murder was taken from the school warehouse."

Nogami clasped her hands around her chest and said slowly.

A pair of fullness under such a squeeze, it seems to be breathless.

"According to the employee who kept the keys, he had no recent contact with the child."

"And judging by the traces at the warehouse site, no footprints that match him have been found."

"In addition, not long after the deceased was taken to the hospital, inexplicable burning marks began to appear on the body, as well as large-scale decay."

"Can you show me a picture of the body?" Bai Yu suddenly asked.

When Nogami heard this, she pulled out a file bag from the stack of documents next to her and handed it over.

Inside were photos of Shenmu's body taken by the police.

The death of the boy in the photo is very tragic.

The entire body has almost turned into a pile of black minced meat adhered to the skeleton.

Only the puffy face can still see some of the faces before death.

It is hard to imagine what kind of vicious existence would be to do this to such a young child.

Nogami looked at Bai Yu's gradually sinking face, and his expression became serious.

"This thing should be done abnormally in the old days."

After experiencing the events in the Inca village, she has fully seen the various supernatural powers in these things.

"Not necessarily."

Bai Yu took out a cigarette and took a sharp breath

"Although those anomalies have a certain amount of thinking, most of them will not think as carefully as humans."

"If it is a higher-level existence, there is no need to make such trouble."

"You mean..." Nogami frowned.

"The human heart is sometimes more vicious than these old anomalies."

Bai Yu slowly spat out a smoke ring.


The area of Sobu High School has approached or even surpassed many institutions of higher learning.

There are as many as seven teaching buildings alone.

The building where Shenmu said he saw evil ghosts was located next to the artificial lake on campus.

Except for one or two floors of this building for senior students, the remaining floors are full of activity centers for various clubs.

The tennis club, the playground club, and the service department activity room created by Yukinoshita Yukino are also located in it.

At night, two figures appeared in front of the door of the teaching building.

It was Shiraha and Yotsuya Miko.

The former stood in front of the door of the building, just looked at the keyhole, and used the ability to visualize his mind to create a key out of thin air to open the door.

At the same time, the surrounding cameras were also obscured by a thick purple fog.

After doing all this, the two entered the building and walked straight up the stairs to the fifth floor.

At this time, the corridor was already dark, and only the miserable white moonlight provided some light through the window.

But it makes the surroundings look even more gloomy.

In the silent corridor, only the footsteps of the two echoed, which made Yotsuya Miko feel a little scared in her heart.

Her petite body leaned close to Bai Yu, and her white tender little hands grabbed the corners of the latter's clothes.

After all, as a girl, you are born with a fear of this dark space.

As soon as he stepped onto the floor, Bai Yu's nose twitched slightly.

He smelled a thick scorching smell.

At this moment, the surrounding environment began to distort.

The walls become mottled and aged at a rate visible to the naked eye, accompanied by large areas of burnt by the flames.

The feet suddenly became soft, and looking down, the ground where the two were at the moment turned into a sticky and disgusting flesh wall!

The wriggling pieces of light red flesh turned into skinless, bloody arms that wrapped around their legs.

"It's an illusion."

Yotsuya Miko whispered in Shiraha's ear, but her voice was still a little shaky.

"I.... There's something above our heads..."

Bai Yu looked up when he heard this.

In an instant, a scorched black face came into his eyes!

I saw this humanoid creature lying on the ceiling, covered in filaments like blood vessels.

He had a white candle on his head, and a slender tongue stuck out of his mouth, and the tip of the worm-like mouthparts opened and closed sharply, splashing out a little dark green liquid.


Miko Yotsuya was also startled by the disgusting thing and screamed in shock.

But the unusual boldness seemed to be smaller than her, and when she heard the sound, she immediately spread out her limbs and climbed towards the distance at a very fast speed.

Along with its departure, several filaments stuck to the two were also torn off.

And the scene in front of Bai Yu's eyes also returned to normal.

A trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and he slowly raised his arm, and a purple magic array condensed in his palm.

Then he saw that the abnormality fell violently from the ceiling, and all around him seemed to be wrapped in an invisible container, and he kept struggling inside.

"Did Shenmu-san see this thing before?"

Seeing that the abnormality was restrained, Yotsuya Miko had the courage to look at the abnormality.

"If nothing else, it should be it."

Bai Yu smiled, walked to the old anomaly that was controlled by the barrier of Naktit, and glanced at it a few times.

At this time, this guy was curled up inside the barrier, and there was a whimpering sound in his mouth.

And the thick red filaments on his body were not blood vessels, but waxy tears formed by the low solidification of the candlestick above his head.

It's just that under the influence of its ability, it becomes slender and soft.

The illusion just now was created after these wax wires shaped like blood vessels touched Bai Yu's body.

The principle should be to use some kind of pheromone to interfere with the body's visual organs.

Therefore, even if Bai Yu's own mental resistance is extremely high, he cannot be immune.

It's just that judging from the reaction of this monster, it does not have too high self-awareness, and it is even pitiful with little guts.

It seems that Shenmu's death has little to do with drinking this thing.

Thinking of this, Bai Yu snapped his fingers directly, created several long swords out of thin air, and pierced the opponent's body at the same time at the moment of removing the barrier.

[If the abnormality meets the containment conditions, ask the host or investigator to go to the containment immediately.] 】

The system's prompt sounds.

Under the influence of Philip's Law Array, the abnormal body began to melt and shrink, and finally turned into a simple table lamp.

Seeing this, Bai Yu frowned.

After containment, the target information displayed by the system says that the name of the anomaly is 'Menorah Ghost'.

It's just a D-class containment.

According to the recent research of the four doctors of the Apocalypse, only abnormalities above grade C will use their spiritual abilities to greatly change the appearance of the advent carrier.

Just like the statue in the mall before.

So how can this lampstand, which is not a modern product, appear in the school?

He doesn't remember a museum or a society that studied antiquities.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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